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Last active October 17, 2018 21:38
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% hw5_newtoncg.m
% Math 571 HW 5 Q1.
% Script to compute and plot objective function value, norm of gradient of f(x), number of function and gradient evaluations, and runtime of using Newton CG to minimize
% f(x) = e^T* (e + A_1*(D_1*x + d_1).^2) + A_2*(D_2*x + d_2).^2).^1/2)
% CG finds descent direction p_i that are conjugate to each other when
% iterating x_k+1 = x_k + alpha*p_k
load 'MinSurfProb.mat'
x_0 = xlr; % starting point
%x_k = x_0;
toliter = 10; % max number of iterations
tolfun = 1e-10; % tolerance for ending steepest descent when ||f(x_k+1) - f(x_k)|| < tolfun
tolopt = 1e-10; % tolerance for ending steepest descent when || df(x_k) || < tolopt
alpha = 1; % initial step size
% store result of intermediate iterations
% ||f(x_curent) - f(x_previous)||,
% objective function value,
% norm of gradient of f(x),
% number of function, gradient, CG evaluations
% step size
res = zeros(toliter,7);
% store intermediate points
xpoints = zeros(toliter,size(xlr,1));
% store CG directions
cgp = zeros(toliter, size(xlr,1));
iter = 1;
feval_iter = 1; % count f(x) evaluation
dfeval_iter = 1; % count df(x) evaluation
cg_iter = 0; % count CG iterations
n = size(A1,1); % 16384
f = @(x) dot(ones(n,1),((ones(n,1) + A1*(((D1*x)+d1).^2) + A2*(((D2*x)+d2).^2)).^0.5)); % function
df = @(x) ((D1'*diag((D1*x)+d1))*A1' + (D2'*diag((D2*x)+d2))*A2')*(1./((ones(n,1) + A1*(((D1*x)+d1).^2) + A2*(((D2*x)+d2).^2)).^0.5)); % gradient of function
%[fval,dfval] = funwithgrad(x_0); %too slow
fval = f(x_0); % evaluate f(x_current) and df(x_current)
dfval = df(x_0);
fval_prev = fval;
% update result
res(1,1) = norm(fval - fval_prev);
res(1,2) = fval;
res(1,3) = norm(dfval);
res(1,4) = feval_iter;
res(1,5) = dfeval_iter;
res(1,7) = alpha;
xpoints(1,:) = x_0;
iter = iter + 1; % 1st iteration occured
while iter < toliter
[pk,dfeval_iter_cg,cg_iter_true] = newtoncg_direction(x_0,dfval,f,df);
cg_iter = cg_iter + cg_iter_true;
[alpha,feval_iter_LS] = linesearch(x_0,fval,dfval,1,pk,f); % line search, initial step size = 1, p from CG
x_k = x_0 + alpha*(pk); % x_k = x_0 + alpha*p
fval = f(x_k);% update f(x_current), df(x_current)
dfval = df(x_k);
feval_iter = feval_iter + feval_iter_LS + 1; % update number of f(x) evaluation
dfeval_iter = dfeval_iter + dfeval_iter_cg + 1;
res(iter,1) = norm(fval - fval_prev); % store || f(x_current) - f(x_previous) ||
res(iter,2) = fval; % f(x_current)
res(iter,3) = norm(dfval); % df(x_current)
res(iter,4) = feval_iter;
res(iter,5) = dfeval_iter;
res(iter,6) = cg_iter;
res(iter,7) = alpha;
xpoints(iter,:) = x_k;
cgp(iter,:) = pk;
if mod(iter,1) == 0
sprintf('iteration %d fval %0.5e norm(fval-fprev) %0.5e norm(dfval) %0.5e alpha %0.5e', iter, fval, res(iter,1), res(iter,3), alpha)
if res(iter,1) < tolfun
disp('norm(f(x_current)-f(x_previous)) < 1e-10');
if res(iter,3) < tolopt
disp('norm(df(x_current)) < 1e-10');
x_0 = x_k; % update x_previous to x_current
fval_prev = fval; % update f(x_previous)
iter = iter + 1;
%fig = plot(linspace(1,iter,iter),res(1:iter,:));
%xlabel('Iteration') % x-axis label
%ylabel('norm of error')
%legend('starting point a = [-1;0]','starting point b = [1;1]','Location','southeast')
%th = title('Compare error norm of steepest descent method');
function [Hd,dfeval_iter] = Hd_est(x,dfval,d,h,df)
% Math 571 HW 5
% function [Hd,feval_iter] = Hd_est(x,fval,dfval,alpha,p)
% Helper function for estimating Hessian of function * d, where d is some
% direction. H(x_current)*d ~= (df(x+h*d)- df(x))/h
% Input
% x - current point
% dfval - df(x_current)
% d - some direction
% h - differencing interval, 1e-6 results
% in norm(Hd_est(xlr,dfval,-dfval,1e-6) = 3.9e7 which does not change much with smaller h
% df - function handle for df(x)
% Output
% Hd - estimated Hessian*d at current point using finite difference
% dfeval_iter - number of evaluation of f(x+alpha*df(x))
%[fk,dfk] = funwithgrad(x+h*d); % df(x+h*d)
dfk = df(x+h*d);
dfeval_iter = 1;
Hd = (dfk - dfval)/h;
function [pk,dfeval_iter,cg_iter] = newtoncg_direction(x,dfval,f,df)
% Math 571 HW 5 Q2
% function [pk,dfeval_iter] = newtoncg_direction(x,dfval,df)
% Helper function for finding newton CG direction
% Input
% x - current point
% dfval - df(x)
% f - function handle for f(x)
% df - function handle for df(x)
% Output
% pk - newton CG descent direction
% dfeval_iter - number of evaluation of f(x+alpha*df(x))
% cg_iter - number of CG iteration
r_0 = dfval;
u_0 = -dfval; % some descent direction, set to -df(x)
h = 1e-6; % differencing for approximate Hessian
tol = min(0.5, sqrt(norm(dfval))); % tolerance parameter
pk = zeros(size(x,1),1); % initial direction is 0, always conjugate
dfeval_iter = 0;
cg_iter = 0;
while norm(r_0) >= tol*norm(dfval)
[Hdk, dfeval_iter_Hd] = Hd_est(x,dfval,u_0,h,df); % estimate Hessian*d at current x
dfeval_iter = dfeval_iter + dfeval_iter_Hd;
dk_H_dk = u_0'*Hdk;
if dk_H_dk <= 0 % d*Hessian(x_current)*d, detect negative curvature
if cg_iter == 0
pk = -dfval;
break % return pk
ak = -(r_0'*r_0)/(dk_H_dk);
pk = pk + (ak*u_0); % update descent direction
rk = r_0 + (ak*Hdk);
bk = (rk'*rk)/(r_0'*r_0);
uk = -rk + (bk*u_0);
cg_iter = cg_iter + 1;
r_0 = rk;
u_0 = uk;
function [alpha,feval_iter] = linesearch(x,fval,dfval,alpha,p,f)
% Math 571 HW 5
% function [alpha,feval_iter] = linesearch(fval,dfval,alpha)
% Helper function for line search given f(x), df(x) and initial alpha, find
% alpha such that the Armijo condition, f(x+alpha*df(x)) <= f(x) + alpha*(df(x)'*p), where p is
% some descent direction, is satisfied. Update alpha = alpha/2 when the Armijo condition
% is not satisfied. p = -df(x) for steepest descent.
% Input
% x - current point
% fval - f(x)
% dfval - df(x)
% alpha - initial step size in (0,1]
% p - descent direction
% f - function handle for f(x)
% Output
% alpha - final step size
% feval_iter - number of evaluation of f(x+alpha*df(x))
%fk = funwithgrad(x+alpha*p); % f(x+alpha*df(x))
n = 16384;
% f = @(x) dot(ones(n,1),((ones(n,1) + A1*(((D1*x)+d1).^2) + A2*(((D2*x)+d2).^2)).^0.5)); % function
fk = f(x+alpha*p);
%df = @(x) ((D1'*diag((D1*x)+d1))*A1' + (D2'*diag((D2*x)+d2))*A2')*(1./((ones(n,1) + A1*(((D1*x)+d1).^2) + A2*(((D2*x)+d2).^2)).^0.5)); % gradient of function
feval_iter = 1;
c = 1e-2; % some parameter for line search in [0,1]
while fk > fval + c*alpha*(dfval'*p)
%feval_iter < 20
% Armijo condition is satisfied
%if fk <= fval + c*alpha*(dfval'*p)
% break
alpha = alpha/2; % update step size
fk = f(x+alpha*p); % evaluate f(x+alpha*p)
feval_iter = feval_iter + 1;
%if feval_iter == 20
% alpha = 0;
% break
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