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Created January 2, 2020 18:16
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(yapfify jupyter org-msg forge cython-mode pyvenv yaml-mode
magit-svn dockerfile-mode csv-mode counsel projectile paradox
firestarter xml-rpc multi-term dired-k direx popwin dired-subtree
dired-details ob-ipython htmlize org-bullets gist git-gutter
magit gnuplot go-mode cmake-mode yasnippet multi-web-mode
markdown-mode key-chord hydra auto-complete wgrep-ag wgrep ag
ack-and-a-half golden-ratio flex-isearch fold-this lorem-ipsum
expand-region browse-kill-ring wrap-region undo-tree smartparens
fill-column-indicator swiper hideshowvis rainbow-mode
highlight-parentheses idle-highlight-mode ido-at-point
ido-ubiquitous flx-ido smex diminish powerline solarized-theme)))
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