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Last active October 27, 2021 09:19
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  • Save xgarrido/5d2fdbe4232cfa9ad1156ee30baa7811 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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maps2params configuration for v0.7 data release
iStart = 0
iStop = 99
experiments = ["LAT"]
freqs_LAT = ["93", "145", "225"]
#noise properties of LAT
f_sky_LAT = 0.4
sensitivity_mode = 1
# cmb and fg power spectra specifications
spin = "0-2"
write_splits_spectra = True
cosmo_params = {"cosmomc_theta":0.0104090, "logA": 3.045, "ombh2": 0.02236, "omch2": 0.1202, "ns": 0.9649, "Alens": 1.0, "tau": 0.0544}
clfile = 'sim_data/cosmo_and_fg/cosmo_spectra.dat'
include_fg = True
fg_dir = "sim_data/cosmo_and_fg/"
fg_components = {"tt": ["kSZ", "tSZ_and_CIB", "cibp", "dust", "radio"], "te": ["radio", "dust"], "ee": ["radio", "dust"]}
fg_norm = {"nu_0": 150.0, "ell_0": 3000, "T_CMB": 2.725}
fg_params = {"a_tSZ": 3.30, "a_kSZ": 1.60, "a_p": 6.90, "beta_p": 2.08, "a_c": 4.90, "beta_c": 2.20, "a_s": 3.10, "a_gtt": 2.81, "a_gte": 0.10, "a_gee": 0.10, "a_psee": 0., "a_pste": 0., "xi": 0.20, "T_d": 9.60}
band_integration = {"external_bandpass": False, "nsteps": 1, "bandwidth": 0}
nuisance_params = {"bandint_shift_93": 0, "bandint_shift_145": 0, "bandint_shift_225": 0}
apo_type_survey_LAT = "C1"
apo_radius_survey_LAT = 5
pixel_LAT = "HEALPIX"
nsplits_LAT = 2
nside_LAT = 4096
disc_LAT = False
lon_disc_LAT = 30
lat_disc_LAT = 50
radius_disc_LAT = 25
pts_source_mask_LAT = False
source_mask_nholes_LAT = 100
source_mask_radius_LAT = 10
apo_radius_mask_LAT = 0.3
galactic_mask_LAT = True
galactic_mask_LAT_file_93 = "/project/projectdirs/act/data/tlouis/masks_for_adrien/mask_galactic_equatorial_4096.fits"
galactic_mask_LAT_file_145 = "/project/projectdirs/act/data/tlouis/masks_for_adrien/mask_galactic_equatorial_4096.fits"
galactic_mask_LAT_file_225 = "/project/projectdirs/act/data/tlouis/masks_for_adrien/mask_galactic_equatorial_4096.fits"
survey_mask_LAT = True
survey_mask_LAT_file_93 = "/project/projectdirs/act/data/tlouis/masks_for_adrien/mask_survey_4096.fits"
survey_mask_LAT_file_145 = "/project/projectdirs/act/data/tlouis/masks_for_adrien/mask_survey_4096.fits"
survey_mask_LAT_file_225 = "/project/projectdirs/act/data/tlouis/masks_for_adrien/mask_survey_4096.fits"
# Spectra parameter
type = "Dl"
binning_file = "sim_data/binning/binning.dat"
lmax = 6000
lmax_mcm = 8000
niter = 3
lcut = 30 # parameter to regularize the noise power spectrum at very low ell
hdf5 = False
write_all_spectra = False
get_mc_cov = True
multistep_path = "./"
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