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Last active August 25, 2021 14:03
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  • Save xgouchet/3d13edfa2c43d7ba3fdb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save xgouchet/3d13edfa2c43d7ba3fdb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# pretty bash prompt
# Based on twolfson's sexy bash prompt (
# If we are on a colored terminal
if tput setaf 1 &> /dev/null; then
# Reset the shell from our `if` check
tput sgr0 &> /dev/null
# If you would like to customize your colors, use
# # Attribution:
# for i in $(seq 0 $(tput colors)); do
# echo " $(tput setaf $i)Text$(tput sgr0) $(tput bold)$(tput setaf $i)Text$(tput sgr0) $(tput sgr 0 1)$(tput setaf $i)Text$(tput sgr0) \$(tput setaf $i)"
# done
# Save common color actions
prompt_bold="$(tput bold)"
prompt_reset="$(tput sgr0)"
# If the terminal supports at least 256 colors, write out our 256 color based set
if [[ $(tput colors) -ge 256 ]] &> /dev/null; then
prompt_user_color="$prompt_bold$(tput setaf 27)" # BOLD BLUE
prompt_preposition_color="$prompt_bold$(tput setaf 7)" # BOLD WHITE
prompt_device_color="$prompt_bold$(tput setaf 39)" # BOLD CYAN
prompt_dir_color="$prompt_bold$(tput setaf 76)" # BOLD GREEN
prompt_git_status_color="$prompt_bold$(tput setaf 154)" # BOLD YELLOW
# Otherwise, use colors from our set of 8
prompt_user_color="$prompt_bold$(tput setaf 1)" # BOLD RED
prompt_preposition_color="$prompt_bold$(tput setaf 7)" # BOLD WHITE
prompt_device_color="$prompt_bold$(tput setaf 6)" # BOLD CYAN
prompt_dir_color="$prompt_bold$(tput setaf 2)" # BOLD GREEN
prompt_git_status_color="$prompt_bold$(tput setaf 3)" # BOLD YELLOW
prompt_red="$prompt_reset$(tput setaf 1)"
prompt_green="$prompt_bold$(tput setaf 2)" # BOLD GREEN
prompt_symbol_color="$prompt_bold" # BOLD
# Otherwise, use ANSI escape sequences for coloring
# If you would like to customize your colors, use
# DEV: 30-39 lines up 0-9 from `tput`
# for i in $(seq 0 109); do
# echo -n -e "\033[1;${i}mText$(tput sgr0) "
# echo "\033[1;${i}m"
# done
prompt_user_color="\033[1;34m" # BLUE
prompt_preposition_color="\033[1;37m" # WHITE
prompt_device_color="\033[1;36m" # CYAN
prompt_dir_color="\033[1;32m" # GREEN
prompt_git_status_color="\033[1;33m" # YELLOW
prompt_symbol_color="" # NORMAL
# Apply any color overrides that have been set in the environment
if [[ -n "$PROMPT_USER_COLOR" ]]; then prompt_user_color="$PROMPT_USER_COLOR"; fi
if [[ -n "$PROMPT_PREPOSITION_COLOR" ]]; then prompt_preposition_color="$PROMPT_PREPOSITION_COLOR"; fi
if [[ -n "$PROMPT_DEVICE_COLOR" ]]; then prompt_device_color="$PROMPT_DEVICE_COLOR"; fi
if [[ -n "$PROMPT_DIR_COLOR" ]]; then prompt_dir_color="$PROMPT_DIR_COLOR"; fi
if [[ -n "$PROMPT_GIT_STATUS_COLOR" ]]; then prompt_git_status_color="$PROMPT_GIT_STATUS_COLOR"; fi
if [[ -n "$PROMPT_SYMBOL_COLOR" ]]; then prompt_symbol_color="$PROMPT_SYMBOL_COLOR"; fi
function get_git_branch() {
# On branches, this will return the branch name
# On non-branches, (no branch)
ref="$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null | sed -e 's/refs\/heads\///')"
if [[ $ref != "" ]]; then
echo $ref
echo "(no branch)"
is_branch1_behind_branch2 () {
# $ git log origin/master..master -1
# commit 4a633f715caf26f6e9495198f89bba20f3402a32
# Author: Todd Wolfson <>
# Date: Sun Jul 7 22:12:17 2013 -0700
# Unsynced commit
# Find the first log (if any) that is in branch1 but not branch2
first_log="$(git log $1..$2 -1 2> /dev/null)"
# Exit with 0 if there is a first log, 1 if there is not
[[ -n "$first_log" ]]
branch_exists () {
# List remote branches | # Find our branch and exit with 0 or 1 if found/not found
git branch --remote 2> /dev/null | grep --quiet "$1"
parse_git_review () {
if (branch_exists "$branch"); then
review="$(git config --get-all remote.origin.push refs/for/$branch)"
if [[ $review != "" ]]; then
echo 1
parse_git_ahead () {
# Grab the local and remote branch
# $ git log origin/master..master
# commit 4a633f715caf26f6e9495198f89bba20f3402a32
# Author: Todd Wolfson <>
# Date: Sun Jul 7 22:12:17 2013 -0700
# Unsynced commit
# If the remote branch is behind the local branch
# or it has not been merged into origin (remote branch doesn't exist)
if (is_branch1_behind_branch2 "$remote_branch" "$branch" ||
! branch_exists "$remote_branch"); then
# echo our character
echo 1
parse_git_behind () {
# Grab the branch
# $ git log master..origin/master
# commit 4a633f715caf26f6e9495198f89bba20f3402a32
# Author: Todd Wolfson <>
# Date: Sun Jul 7 22:12:17 2013 -0700
# Unsynced commit
# If the local branch is behind the remote branch
if is_branch1_behind_branch2 "$branch" "$remote_branch"; then
# echo our character
echo 1
parse_git_dirty () {
# ?? file.txt # Unstaged new files
# A file.txt # Staged new files
# M file.txt # Unstaged modified files
# M file.txt # Staged modified files
# D file.txt # Unstaged deleted files
# D file.txt # Staged deleted files
# If the git status has *any* changes (i.e. dirty)
if [[ -n "$(git status --porcelain 2> /dev/null)" ]]; then
# echo our character
echo 1
function is_on_git() {
git rev-parse 2> /dev/null
function get_git_status() {
# Grab the git dirty and git behind
# Iterate through all the cases and if it matches, then echo
if [[ $dirty_branch == 1 && $branch_ahead == 1 && $branch_behind == 1 ]]; then
echo -n "▼▲"
elif [[ $dirty_branch == 1 && $branch_ahead == 1 ]]; then
echo -n "▲"
elif [[ $dirty_branch == 1 && $branch_behind == 1 ]]; then
echo -n "▼"
elif [[ $branch_ahead == 1 && $branch_behind == 1 ]]; then
echo -n "▽△"
elif [[ $branch_ahead == 1 ]]; then
echo -n "△"
elif [[ $branch_behind == 1 ]]; then
echo -n "▽"
elif [[ $dirty_branch == 1 ]]; then
echo -n "*"
# add symbol if review mode is on
if [[ $branch_review == 1 ]]; then
echo -n " $prompt_green✓$prompt_red✗"
get_git_info () {
# Grab the branch
# If there are any branches
if [[ "$branch" != "" ]]; then
# Echo the branch
# Add on the git status
output=$output" $prompt_reset$(get_git_status)"
# Echo our output
echo "$output"
# Symbol displayed at the line of every prompt
function get_prompt_symbol() {
# If we are root, display `#`. Otherwise, `$`
if [[ $UID == 0 ]]; then
echo "#"
echo "\$"
# Define the sexy-bash-prompt
\$( is_on_git && \
echo -n \" \[$prompt_git_status_color\]\$(get_git_info)\" && \
echo -n \"\[$prompt_preposition_color\] \")\[$prompt_reset\]\
\[$prompt_symbol_color\]\n$(get_prompt_symbol) \[$prompt_reset\]"
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