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Created February 28, 2018 22:11
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Recursion schemes (derive Functor/Traversable/Foldable via catamorphism and Bifunctor/Bitraversable/Bifoldable)
module Tree where
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Bifoldable
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Generic
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Monoid.Additive
import Data.String
import Data.Traversable
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (CONSOLE, logShow)
import Data.List as L
import Data.List.Lazy.NonEmpty (fromFoldable)
import Data.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Matryoshka (class Corecursive, class Recursive, Algebra, AlgebraM, cata, cataM, embed, project)
data Tree e = Branch (L.List (Tree e)) | Leaf e
data TreeF e r = BranchF (L.List r) | LeafF e
-- derive instance treeFFunctor :: Functor (TreeF a)
derive instance treeGeneric :: Generic a => Generic (Tree a)
instance treeFFunctor :: Functor (TreeF a) where
map f (LeafF a) = LeafF a
map f (BranchF as) = BranchF (map f as)
instance treeFFoldable :: Foldable (TreeF a) where
foldr f = foldrDefault f
foldl f = foldlDefault f
foldMap f (LeafF a) = mempty
foldMap f (BranchF as) = foldMap f as
instance treeFTraversable :: Traversable (TreeF a) where
traverse f (LeafF a) = pure (LeafF a)
traverse f (BranchF as) = map BranchF (traverse f as)
sequence f = sequenceDefault f
instance treeFBifoldable :: Bifoldable TreeF where
bifoldr f g = bifoldrDefault f g
bifoldl f g = bifoldlDefault f g
bifoldMap f _ (LeafF e) = f e
bifoldMap _ g (BranchF xs) = foldMap g xs
instance treeFoldable :: Foldable Tree where
foldr f = foldrDefault f
foldl f = foldlDefault f
foldMap f = cata (bifoldMap f id)
instance treeFBitraversable :: Bitraversable TreeF where
bitraverse f _ (LeafF e) = LeafF <$> f e
bitraverse _ g (BranchF xs) = BranchF <$> traverse g xs
bisequence = bisequenceDefault
instance treeTraversable :: Traversable Tree where
traverse f = cata (map embed <<< bitraverse f id)
sequence = sequenceDefault
instance recursiveTree ∷ Recursive (Tree a) (TreeF a) where
project x = case x of
Leaf a -> LeafF a
Branch as -> BranchF as
instance corecursiveTree ∷ Corecursive (Tree a) (TreeF a) where
embed x = case x of
LeafF a -> Leaf a
BranchF as -> Branch as
instance bifuctorTree :: Bifunctor TreeF where
bimap f _ (LeafF e) = LeafF (f e)
bimap _ g (BranchF xs) = BranchF (map g xs)
instance treeFunctor :: Functor Tree where
map f = cata (embed <<< lmap f)
-- instance showTree :: Generic a => Show (Tree a) where
-- show = gShow
instance showTree :: Show a => Show(Tree a) where
show = cata alg where
alg = case _ of
LeafF a -> "Leaf " <> show a
BranchF as -> "Branch " <> "[" <> joinWith ", " (L.toUnfoldable as) <> "]"
alg :: TreeF Int Int -> Int
alg = case _ of
LeafF a -> a
BranchF as -> foldr(+) 0 as
alg2 :: forall a. Semiring a => Algebra (TreeF a) (Additive a)
alg2 = case _ of
LeafF a -> Additive a
BranchF as -> fold as
tree :: Tree Int
tree = Branch (L.fromFoldable [Leaf 10, Leaf 20, Branch (L.fromFoldable [Leaf 30, Leaf 40])])
evalM :: AlgebraM (Writer (Array String)) (TreeF Int) Unit
evalM (LeafF a) = do
tell $ [ "visiting leaf " <> show a]
pure unit
evalM (BranchF as) = pure unit
main :: forall e. Eff (console :: CONSOLE | e) Unit
main = do
logShow $ runWriter $ cataM evalM tree
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