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Created November 19, 2009 06:44
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SlideShow on Cocos2d-iphone
* SlideShowLayer by Will Larson and Luke Hatcher. 10/29/2008.
* Released under MIT License.
* Please check out from repository for full license detail.
* Nothing too exiting happening here.
* Apologies that it is not in Obj2.0
* syntax, but I'm still ambivalent about
* the ambiguousness of properties.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "CocosNode.h"
#import "Layer.h"
#import "Label.h"
#import "Sprite.h"
@interface SlideShowLayer : Layer {
int slidePosition;
int backgroundXPosition;
int backgroundYPosition;
int descriptionXPosition;
int descriptionYPosition;
int descriptionHeight;
int descriptionWidth;
int fontSize;
NSString * fontName;
NSMutableArray * backgrounds;
NSMutableArray * descriptions;
Sprite * background;
CocosNode * description;
* This is the only method for adding slides to the slide show.
-(void)addSlideWithBackground: (NSString *)imageString
andDescription: (NSString *)descString;
* Methods for advancing, retreating, and starting the slideshow.
* There currently isn't a UI mechanism for retreating to already
* seen slides, but you could rig something up if you tried hard
* enough. ;)
-(void)displaySlide: (int)slideNumber;
* Mutators and Accessors
-(NSMutableArray *)backgrounds;
-(NSMutableArray *)descriptions;
-(Sprite *)background;
-(void)setBackground: (Sprite *)aSprite;
-(CocosNode *)description;
-(void)setDescription: (CocosNode *)aCocosNode;
-(NSString *)fontName;
-(void)setFontName: (NSString *)aFontName;
-(void)setFontSize: (int)anInt;
-(void)setSlidePosition: (int)anInt;
-(void)setBackgroundXPosition: (int)anInt;
-(void)setBackgroundYPosition: (int)anInt;
-(void)setDescriptionXPosition: (int)anInt;
-(void)setDescriptionYPosition: (int)anInt;
-(void)setDescriptionWidth: (int)anInt;
-(void)setDescriptionHeight: (int)anInt;
* SlideShowLayer by Will Larson and Luke Hatcher. 10/29/2008.
* Released under MIT License.
* Please check out from repository for full license detail.
#import "SlideShowLayer.h"
@implementation SlideShowLayer
-(id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
* setting isTouchEnabled is the magic step that
* allows the layer to be registered for UI events.
* forgetting this step will lead to great confusion :-/
isTouchEnabled = YES;
slidePosition = -1;
backgrounds = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
descriptions = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[self setFontName:@"Helvetica"];
[self setFontSize:24];
return self;
- (void) dealloc {
[backgrounds release];
backgrounds = nil;
[descriptions release];
descriptions = nil;
[background release];
background = nil;
[description release];
description = nil;
[fontSize release];
fontSize = nil;
[super dealloc];
-(void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
* We are using pushScene/popScene instead of replaceScene
* (which has superior memory usage characteristics), because
* it makes integrating SlideShowLayer much simpler, and helps
* avoid binding the code to one application without requiring
* us to use the delegate pattern.
if ([self hasNextSlide]) [self displayNextSlide];
else [[Director sharedDirector] popScene];
-(void)addSlideWithBackground: (NSString *)imageString
andDescription: (NSString *)descString {
[[self backgrounds] addObject:imageString];
[[self descriptions] addObject:descString];
-(void)displayFirstSlide {
if ([[self backgrounds] count] > 0) {
[self setSlidePosition:0];
[self displaySlide:[self slidePosition]];
-(void)displayNextSlide {
if ([self hasNextSlide]) {
[self setSlidePosition:[self slidePosition]+1];
[self displaySlide:[self slidePosition]];
-(void)displayPreviousSlide {
if ([self hasPreviousSlide]) {
[self setSlidePosition:[self slidePosition]-1];
[self displaySlide:[self slidePosition]];
-(void)displaySlide: (int)slideNumber {
* Remove existing slide and description.
if ([self background]) {
[self remove:[self background]];
if ([self description]) {
[self remove:[self description]];
* Retrieve and generate necessary details for next slide.
NSString * bgString = [[self backgrounds] objectAtIndex:slideNumber];
NSString * descString = [[self descriptions] objectAtIndex:slideNumber];
Sprite * bg = [Sprite spriteWithFile:bgString];
bg.position = cpv([self backgroundXPosition], [self backgroundYPosition]);
CocosNode * desc = [Label labelWithString:descString
dimensions:CGSizeMake([self descriptionWidth],
[self descriptionHeight])
fontName:[self fontName]
fontSize:[self fontSize]];
desc.position = cpv([self descriptionXPosition], [self descriptionYPosition]);
// Add the background and desc to the layer.
[self setBackground:bg];
[self setDescription:desc];
[self add:bg];
[self add:desc];
-(BOOL)hasNextSlide {
return ([self slidePosition]+1 < [[self backgrounds] count]);
-(BOOL)hasPreviousSlide {
return ([self slidePosition] > 0);
-(Sprite *)background {
return background;
-(void)setBackground: (Sprite *)aSprite {
if (background) [background release];
background = [aSprite retain];
-(CocosNode *)description {
return description;
-(void)setDescription: (CocosNode *)aCocosNode {
if (description) [description release];
description = [aCocosNode retain];
-(NSMutableArray *)backgrounds {
return backgrounds;
-(NSMutableArray *)descriptions {
return descriptions;
-(NSString *)fontName {
return fontName
-(int)fontSize {
return fontSize;
-(void)setFontSize: (int)anInt {
fontSize = anInt;
-(void)setFontName: (NSString *)aFontName {
if (fontName) [fontName release];
fontName = [aFontName retain];
-(int)slidePosition {
return slidePosition;
-(void)setSlidePosition: (int)anInt {
slidePosition = anInt;
-(int)backgroundXPosition {
return backgroundXPosition;
-(void)setBackgroundXPosition: (int)anInt {
backgroundXPosition = anInt;
-(int)backgroundYPosition {
return backgroundYPosition;
-(void)setBackgroundYPosition: (int)anInt {
backgroundYPosition = anInt;
-(int)descriptionXPosition {
return descriptionXPosition;
-(void)setDescriptionXPosition: (int)anInt {
descriptionXPosition = anInt;
-(int)descriptionYPosition {
return descriptionYPosition;
-(void)setDescriptionYPosition: (int)anInt {
descriptionYPosition = anInt;
-(int)descriptionWidth {
return descriptionWidth;
-(void)setDescriptionWidth: (int)anInt {
descriptionWidth = anInt;
-(int)descriptionHeight {
return descriptionHeight;
-(void)setDescriptionHeight: (int)anInt {
descriptionHeight = anInt;
// Initialize scene and slide show layer.
Scene * s = [Scene node];
SlideShowLayer * ssl = [SlideShowLayer node];
// Set positions for the background and labels.
// Generally you'll be using full screen backgrounds
// (screenshots), and positioning them at the center.
[ssl setBackgroundXPosition:100];
[ssl setBackgroundYPosition:100];
[ssl setDescriptionXPosition: 200];
[ssl setDescriptionYPosition: 200];
[ssl setDescriptionWidth:100];
[ssl setDescriptionHeight:300];
[ssl setFontName:@"Helvetica"]; // optional
[ssl setFontSize:24]; // optional
// Add slides in order they appear.
[ssl addSlideWithBackground:@"pic1.png" andDescription:@"Yada yada one."];
[ssl addSlideWithBackground:@"pic2.png" andDescription:@"Yada yada two."];
[ssl addSlideWithBackground:@"pic3.png" andDescription:@"Yada yada 3."];
[ssl addSlideWithBackground:@"pic4.png" andDescription:@"Yada yada 4."];
[ssl addSlideWithBackground:@"pic5.png" andDescription:@"Yada yada 5."];
[ssl addSlideWithBackground:@"pic6.png" andDescription:@"Yada yada six."];
// Start and display the slide show.
[ssl displayFirstSlide];
[scene add:ssl];
[[Director sharedDirector] pushScene:scene];
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