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Created March 6, 2023 17:47
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import { Signer, SignatureRequest, SignatureResponse, SignTransactionOptions } from "../abstract-signer";
import { Provider, UtxoQueryOptions } from "../abstract-provider";
import { AddressesOption, AddressOption, Network, UTXO } from "../types";
import { bsv } from "scryptlib/dist";
import {parseAddresses} from "../utils";
const DEFAULT_SIGHASH_TYPE = bsv.crypto.Signature.ALL;
* An implemention of a simple wallet which should just be used in dev/test environments.
* It can hold multiple private keys and have a feature of cachable in-memory utxo management.
export class TestWallet extends Signer {
private readonly _privateKeys: bsv.PrivateKey[];
private _utxoManagers: Map<string, CacheableUtxoManager>;
constructor(privateKey: bsv.PrivateKey | bsv.PrivateKey[], provider?: Provider) {
if (privateKey instanceof Array) {
this._privateKeys = privateKey;
} else {
this._privateKeys = [privateKey];
this._utxoManagers = new Map();
get network(): Network {
return bsv.Networks.testnet;
get addresses(): string[] {
return => p.toAddress(;
addPrivateKey(privateKey: bsv.PrivateKey | bsv.PrivateKey[]): this {
const keys: bsv.PrivateKey[] = privateKey instanceof Array ? privateKey : [privateKey]
return this
getDefaultAddress(): Promise<bsv.Address> {
return Promise.resolve(this._defaultPrivateKey.toAddress());
getDefaultPubKey(): Promise<bsv.PublicKey> {
return Promise.resolve(this._defaultPrivateKey.toPublicKey());
getPubKey(address: AddressOption): Promise<bsv.PublicKey> {
return Promise.resolve(this._getPrivateKeys(address)[0].toPublicKey());
async signRawTransaction(rawTxHex: string, options: SignTransactionOptions): Promise<string> {
const sigReqsByInputIndex: Map<number, SignatureRequest> = (options?.sigRequests || []).reduce((m, sigReq) => { m.set(sigReq.inputIndex, sigReq); return m; }, new Map());
const tx = new bsv.Transaction(rawTxHex);
tx.inputs.forEach((_, inputIndex) => {
const sigReq = sigReqsByInputIndex.get(inputIndex);
if (!sigReq) {
throw new Error(`\`SignatureRequest\` info should be provided for the input ${inputIndex} to call #signRawTransaction`)
const script = sigReq.scriptHex ? new bsv.Script(sigReq.scriptHex) : bsv.Script.buildPublicKeyHashOut(sigReq.address.toString());
// set ref output of the input
tx.inputs[inputIndex].output = new bsv.Transaction.Output({
satoshis: sigReq.satoshis
const signedTx = await this.signTransaction(tx, options);
return signedTx.toString();
async signTransaction(tx: bsv.Transaction, options?: SignTransactionOptions): Promise<bsv.Transaction> {
const addresses = options?.address;
// TODO: take account of SignatureRequests in options.
return Promise.resolve(tx.sign(this._getPrivateKeys(addresses)));
signMessage(message: string, address?: AddressOption): Promise<string> {
throw new Error("Method #signMessage not implemented.");
getSignatures(rawTxHex: string, sigRequests: SignatureRequest[]): Promise<SignatureResponse[]> {
const tx = new bsv.Transaction(rawTxHex);
const sigResponses: SignatureResponse[] = sigRequests.flatMap(sigReq => {
tx.inputs[sigReq.inputIndex].output = new bsv.Transaction.Output({
// TODO: support multiSig?
script: sigReq.scriptHex ? new bsv.Script(sigReq.scriptHex) : bsv.Script.buildPublicKeyHashOut(parseAddresses(sigReq.address)[0]),
satoshis: sigReq.satoshis
const privkeys = this._getPrivateKeys(sigReq.address);
return => {
const sig = tx.getSignature(sigReq.inputIndex, privKey, sigReq.sigHashType);
return {
sig: sig as string,
publicKey: privKey.publicKey.toString(),
inputIndex: sigReq.inputIndex,
sigHashType: sigReq.sigHashType || DEFAULT_SIGHASH_TYPE
return Promise.resolve(sigResponses);
async connect(provider: Provider): Promise<this> {
this.provider = provider;
await this.provider.connect();
return this;
override async listUnspent(address: AddressOption, options: UtxoQueryOptions): Promise<UTXO[]> {
let utxoManager = this._utxoManagers.get(address.toString());
if (!utxoManager) {
utxoManager = new CacheableUtxoManager(address, this);
this._utxoManagers.set(address.toString(), utxoManager);
await utxoManager.init();
return utxoManager.fetchUtxos(options?.minSatoshis);
private _getAddressesIn(sigRequests?: SignatureRequest[]): AddressesOption {
return (sigRequests || []).flatMap((req) => {
return req.address instanceof Array ? req.address : [req.address];
private _checkAddressOption(address?: AddressesOption) {
if (!address) return;
if (address instanceof Array) {
(address as AddressOption[]).forEach(address => this._checkAddressOption(address));
} else {
if (!this.addresses.includes(address.toString())) {
throw new Error(`the address ${address.toString()} is not belong to this SimpleWallet`);
private get _defaultPrivateKey(): bsv.PrivateKey {
return this._privateKeys[0];
private _getPrivateKeys(address?: AddressesOption): bsv.PrivateKey[] {
if (!address) return [this._defaultPrivateKey];
let addresses = [];
if (address instanceof Array) {
(address as AddressOption[]).forEach(addr => addresses.push(addr.toString()));
} else {
return this._privateKeys.filter(priv => addresses.includes(priv.toAddress(
enum InitState {
class CacheableUtxoManager {
address: AddressOption;
private readonly signer: Signer;
private availableUtxos: UTXO[] = [];
private initStates: InitState = InitState.UNINITIALIZED;
private initUtxoCnt: number = 0;
constructor(address: AddressOption, signer: Signer) {
this.address = address
this.signer = signer;
async init() {
if (this.initStates === InitState.INITIALIZED) {
return this;
if (this.initStates === InitState.UNINITIALIZED) {
this.initStates = InitState.INITIALIZING;
this.availableUtxos = await this.signer.connectedProvider.listUnspent(this.address);
this.initStates = InitState.INITIALIZED;
this.initUtxoCnt = this.availableUtxos.length;
console.log(`current balance of address ${this.address} is ${this.availableUtxos.reduce((r, utxo) => r + utxo.satoshis, 0)} satoshis`);
while (this.initStates === InitState.INITIALIZING) {
await sleep(1);
return this;
async fetchUtxos(targetSatoshis?: number): Promise<UTXO[]> {
if (this.initStates === InitState.INITIALIZED
&& this.initUtxoCnt > 0
&& this.availableUtxos.length === 0
) {
const timeoutSec = 30;
for (let i = 0; i < timeoutSec; i++) {
console.log('waiting for available utxos')
await sleep(1);
if (this.availableUtxos.length > 0) {
if (targetSatoshis === undefined) {
const allUtxos = this.availableUtxos;
this.availableUtxos = [];
return allUtxos;
const sortedUtxos = this.availableUtxos.sort((a, b) => a.satoshis - b.satoshis);
if (targetSatoshis > sortedUtxos.reduce((r, utxo) => r + utxo.satoshis, 0)) {
throw new Error('no sufficient utxos to pay the fee of ' + targetSatoshis);
let idx = 0;
let accAmt = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < sortedUtxos.length; i++) {
accAmt += sortedUtxos[i].satoshis;
if (accAmt >= targetSatoshis) {
idx = i;
const usedUtxos = sortedUtxos.slice(0, idx + 1);
// update the available utxos, remove used ones
this.availableUtxos = sortedUtxos.slice(idx + 1);
const dustLimit = 1;
if (accAmt > targetSatoshis + dustLimit) {
// split `accAmt` to `targetSatoshis` + `change`
const splitTx =
new bsv.Transaction().from(usedUtxos)
.addOutput(new bsv.Transaction.Output({
script: bsv.Script.buildPublicKeyHashOut(this.address),
satoshis: targetSatoshis
.change(this.address); // here generates a new available utxo for address
const txId = (await this.signer.signAndsendTransaction(splitTx)).id; // sendTx(splitTx);
// update the available utxos, add the new created on as the change
if (splitTx.outputs.length === 2) {
this.availableUtxos = this.availableUtxos.concat({
outputIndex: 1,
script: splitTx.outputs[1].script.toHex(),
satoshis: splitTx.outputs[1].satoshis
// return the new created utxo which has value of `targetSatoshis`
return [
outputIndex: 0,
script: splitTx.outputs[0].script.toHex(),
satoshis: splitTx.outputs[0].satoshis,
} else {
return usedUtxos;
collectUtxoFrom(output: bsv.Transaction.Output, txId: string, outputIndex: number) {
if (output.script.toHex() === this.utxoScriptHex) {
satoshis: output.satoshis,
script: output.script.toHex()
private get utxoScriptHex(): string {
// all managed utxos should have the same P2PKH script for `this.address`
return bsv.Script.buildPublicKeyHashOut(this.address).toHex();
const sleep = async (seconds: number) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, seconds * 1000);
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