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Created July 14, 2023 00:29
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export type VarIntRes = {
val: bigint
newIdx: bigint
class CrossChainSwap2 extends SmartContract {
static readonly LOCKTIME_BLOCK_HEIGHT_MARKER = 500000000
static readonly UINT_MAX = 0xffffffffn
static readonly MIN_CONF = 3
static readonly BTC_MAX_INPUTS = 3
readonly aliceAddr: PubKeyHash
readonly bobAddr: PubKeyHash
readonly bobP2WPKHAddr: PubKeyHash
readonly timeout: bigint // Can be a timestamp or block height.
readonly targetDifficulty: bigint
readonly amountBTC: bigint
readonly amountBSV: bigint
// ...
checkBtcTx(btcTx: ByteString): void {
// Most things should be the same as in BSV except the witness data and flag.
// - Check (first) output is P2WPKH to Bobs public key.
// - Check (first) output amount is equal to this.amountBTC
let idx = 4n
// Make sure to serialize BTC tx without witness data.
// See
slice(btcTx, idx, idx + 2n) != toByteString('0001'),
'Witness data present. Please serialize without witness data.'
//// INPUTS:
const inLen = CrossChainSwap2.parseVarInt(btcTx, idx)
inLen.val <= BigInt(CrossChainSwap2.BTC_MAX_INPUTS),
'Number of inputs too large.'
idx = inLen.newIdx
for (let i = 0n; i < CrossChainSwap2.BTC_MAX_INPUTS; i++) {
if (i < inLen.val) {
//const prevTxID = slice(btcTx, idx, idx + 32n)
idx += 32n
//const outIdx = slice(btcTx, idx, idx + 4n)
idx += 4n
const scriptLen = CrossChainSwap2.parseVarInt(btcTx, idx)
idx = scriptLen.newIdx
idx += scriptLen.val
//const nSequence = slice(btcTx, idx, idx + 4n)
idx += 4n
// Check if (first) output pays Bob the right amount and terminate and set res to true.
const outLen = CrossChainSwap2.parseVarInt(btcTx, idx)
idx = outLen.newIdx
const amount = Utils.fromLEUnsigned(slice(btcTx, idx, idx + 8n))
assert(amount == this.amountBTC, 'Invalid BTC output amount.')
idx += 8n
const scriptLen = CrossChainSwap2.parseVarInt(btcTx, idx)
idx = scriptLen.newIdx
const script = slice(btcTx, idx, idx + scriptLen.val)
assert(len(script) == 22n, 'Invalid locking script length.')
script == toByteString('0014') + this.bobP2WPKHAddr,
'Invalid locking script.'
// Data past this point is not relevant in our use-case.
public swap(
btcTx: ByteString,
merkleProof: MerkleProof,
headers: FixedArray<BlockHeader, typeof CrossChainSwap2.MIN_CONF>,
alicePubKey: PubKey,
aliceSig: Sig
) {
// Check btc tx.
// Calc merkle root.
const txID = hash256(btcTx)
const merkleRoot = MerklePath.calcMerkleRoot(txID, merkleProof)
// Check if merkle root is included in the first BH.
merkleRoot == headers[0].merkleRoot,
"Merkle root of proof doesn't match the one in the BH."
// Check target diff for headers.
for (let i = 0; i < CrossChainSwap2.MIN_CONF; i++) {
`${i}-nth BH doesn't meet target difficulty`
// Check header chain.
let h = Blockchain.blockHeaderHash(headers[0])
for (let i = 0; i < CrossChainSwap2.MIN_CONF; i++) {
if (i >= 1n) {
const header = headers[i]
// Check if prev block hash matches.
header.prevBlockHash == h,
`${i}-th BH wrong prevBlockHash`
// Update header hash.
h = Blockchain.blockHeaderHash(header)
// Verify Alices signature.
assert(hash160(alicePubKey) == this.aliceAddr, 'Alice wrong pub key.')
assert(this.checkSig(aliceSig, alicePubKey))
public cancel(bobPubKey: PubKey, bobSig: Sig) {
// Ensure nSequence is less than UINT_MAX.
this.ctx.sequence < CrossChainSwap2.UINT_MAX,
'input sequence should less than UINT_MAX'
// Check if using block height.
if (this.timeout < CrossChainSwap2.LOCKTIME_BLOCK_HEIGHT_MARKER) {
// Enforce nLocktime field to also use block height.
this.ctx.locktime <
'locktime should be less than 500000000'
this.ctx.locktime >= this.timeout,
'locktime has not yet expired'
// Verify Bobs signature.
assert(hash160(bobPubKey) == this.bobAddr, 'Bob wrong pub key.')
assert(this.checkSig(bobSig, bobPubKey))
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