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Created March 13, 2015 02:09
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Malware clustering analysis tool with fuzzy hashing algorithms as plugins
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""malcluster: malware clustering analysis tool"""
__version__ = "0.1.0"
import os
import sys
import time
import timeit
import shutil
import itertools
import profile
import numpy as np
import fastcluster
import multiprocessing as mp
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import fcluster # @UnresolvedImport
from scipy.interpolate import PiecewisePolynomial # @UnresolvedImport
from scipy.optimize import fsolve # @UnresolvedImport
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from plugins.mvhash import MvHash
from plugins.nghash import NgHash
from plugins.sdhash import SdHash
from plugins.bshash import BsHash
from plugins.rlhash import RlHash
p1 = None
p2 = None
malorder = []
fingerprints = {}
cwd = os.getcwd()
myhash = None
algorithms = [
BsHash(81920, 10), # BsHash works on original whole samples
NgHash(7), # NgHash works on original whole samples
RlHash(16807, 256, 1),
MvHash(512, 20, 0.7), # MvHash works on python-extracted code sequences
SdHash() # SdHash works on python-extracted code sequences
hash_names = ["bshash", "nghash", "rlhash", "mvhash", "sdhash"]
def timing(f):
def wrap(*args):
time1 = time.time()
ret = f(*args)
time2 = time.time()
print '%s function took %0.3f ms' % (f.func_name, (time2-time1)*1000.0)
return ret
return wrap
def hash_gen():
""" Wrapper for generating fingerprints from malware samples """
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(cwd, "hashs/"), ignore_errors=True)
os.mkdir(os.path.join(cwd, "hashs"))
mallist = (x for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(cwd, "samples/")))
for malware in mallist:
malpath = os.path.join(cwd, "samples/" + malware)
fingerprints[malware] = myhash.generateHash(malpath)
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(cwd, "hashs/"), ignore_errors=True)
def hash_comp(ab):
return myhash.compareHash(ab[0], ab[1])
def get_dmentry():
for item in itertools.combinations(malorder, 2):
yield map(fingerprints.get, item)
def get_dmlist():
""" Get all the pairwise distance matrix """
number_per_round = 10000
result = []
getdm = get_dmentry()
pool = mp.Pool(processes=mp.cpu_count())
while True:
tempresult =, itertools.islice(getdm, number_per_round))
if tempresult:
return np.array(result)
def hacluster(y):
""" Wrapper for the Hierarchical Clustering algorithm from fastcluster """
z = fastcluster.linkage(y, method='single')
return z
def calculate_precision(ref_lines, cdb_lines):
tp = 0
t_num = 0
for cline in cdb_lines:
clist = (cline.split(':')[1]).split()
clist_num = len(clist)
t_num += clist_num
maxcnt = 0
for rline in ref_lines:
rlist = (rline.split(':')[1]).split()
#rlist_num = len(rlist)
cnt = 0
for v in clist:
if v in rlist:
cnt += 1
if cnt > maxcnt:
maxcnt = cnt
if maxcnt == clist_num:
tp += maxcnt
return float(tp)/t_num
def calculate_recall(ref_lines, cdb_lines):
tp = 0
t_num = 0
for rline in ref_lines:
rlist = (rline.split(':')[1]).split()
rlist_num = len(rlist)
t_num += rlist_num
maxcnt = 0
for cline in cdb_lines:
clist = (cline.split(':')[1]).split()
#clist_num = len(clist)
cnt = 0
for v in rlist:
if v in clist:
cnt += 1
if cnt > maxcnt:
maxcnt = cnt
if maxcnt == rlist_num:
tp += maxcnt
return float(tp)/t_num
def evaluate(z):
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "eval/"), ignore_errors=True)
os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "eval"))
thresholds = np.linspace(0, 1, 21)
mid = np.arange(0, 1, 0.01)
precision_set = []
recall_set = []
refset = {}
tempx = 0
for i in xrange(len(malorder)):
if malorder[i].split("-")[0] not in refset:
refset[malorder[i].split("-")[0]] = [i]
with open("eval/refset.txt", "w") as f:
for family in refset:
f.write(family + ": " + ' '.join([str(x) for x in refset[family]]) + "\n")
for i in thresholds:
with open("eval/refset.txt") as f:
reflines = f.readlines()
hc = fcluster(z, i, 'distance')
cdblines = get_clist(hc, i)
precision = calculate_precision(reflines, cdblines)
recall = calculate_recall(reflines, cdblines)
global p1
p1 = PiecewisePolynomial(thresholds, np.array(precision_set)[:, np.newaxis])
global p2
p2 = PiecewisePolynomial(thresholds, np.array(recall_set)[:, np.newaxis])
for x in mid:
root, infodict, ier, mesg = fsolve(pdiff, x, full_output=True)
root = float("%.3f" % root[0])
if ier == 1 and thresholds.min() < root < thresholds.max():
tempx = root
tempy = p2(tempx)
if p1(tempx) > p2(tempx):
tempy = p1(tempx)
print "Best x:", tempx, "Best y:", tempy
pleg1, = plt.plot(thresholds, precision_set, '-bo', label="Precision")
pleg2, = plt.plot(thresholds, recall_set, '-rx', label="Recall")
plt.legend([pleg1, pleg2], ["Precision", "Recall"], loc="center right")
plt.xlabel('Distance threshold (t)')
plt.ylabel("Precision and Recall")
return tempx, tempy
def pdiff(x):
return p1(x) - p2(x)
def get_clist(hc, s):
ncluster = 0
shres = '%1.3f' % s
with open("eval/"+shres+".txt", "w") as f:
for i in xrange(len(malorder)):
cid = hc[i]
if cid == -1:
if cid == 0:
hc[i] = -1
f.write("C" + str(ncluster) + ": " + str(i) + "\n")
ncluster += 1
f.write("C" + str(ncluster) + ": ")
for j in range(i, len(malorder)):
if hc[j] == cid:
hc[j] = -1
f.write(" " + str(j))
ncluster += 1
print "threshold: ", s, "Nclusters: ", ncluster
with open("eval/"+shres+".txt") as f:
return f.readlines()
def get_clusters(z, shresholdx):
hc = fcluster(z, shresholdx, 'distance')
clusters = {}
with open("eval/cluster_results.txt", "w") as f:
for i in xrange(hc.min(), hc.max()+1):
clusters[i] = []
for j in xrange(hc.size):
if hc[j] == i:
mal = malorder[j]
for i in clusters:
for mal in clusters[i]:
def main():
global myhash
hash_name = sys.argv[1]
if hash_name in hash_names:
myhash = algorithms[hash_names.index(hash_name)]
print "Unknown hash name provided."
startedat = timeit.default_timer()
hashgenat = timeit.default_timer()
print "Finish generating fingerprints", hashgenat - startedat
y = get_dmlist()
print "Max distance", np.amax(y)
getdmat = timeit.default_timer()
print "Finish generating distance matrix", getdmat - hashgenat
z = hacluster(y)
hclustat = timeit.default_timer()
shresholdx, tempy = evaluate(z)
get_clusters(z, shresholdx)
print "Finish clustering analyais", len(malorder), hclustat - getdmat
if __name__ == "__main__":
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