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Created February 28, 2017 21:41
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General purpose board for grid-based board games
package com.xianny.gameutils
1 2 3
1 (1,1) (2,1) (3,1)
2 (1,2) (2,2) (3,2)
3 (1,3) (2,3) (3,3)
// object BoardTest {
// def main(args: Array[String]) = {
// val b = new Board[Token](5, Map())
// CLI.print(b)
// val next = b.add(X, Position(5,1))
// val nextP =
// next.getOrElse(b).add(X, nextP).map(CLI.print)
// }
// }
trait Token
case object X extends Token
case object O extends Token
case class Position(x: Int, y: Int)
case class Board[A](size: Int, places: Map[Position, A]) {
def add(token: A, p: Position): Option[Board[A]] =
if (isLegal(p)) {
val newPlaces = places + ((p, token))
Some(Board(size, newPlaces))
} else None
def remove(p: Position) = {
val newPlaces = places - p
Board(size, newPlaces)
// 1-indexed co-ordinate system
def isLegal(p: Position): Boolean = isLegal(p.x) && isLegal(p.y)
def isLegal(x: Int): Boolean = x > 0 && x <= size
trait IO[A] {
def print(b: Board[A]): Unit
def read: Position
case object CLI extends IO[Token] {
def print(b: Board[Token]): Unit = {
val _rows = (1 to b.size) map { y =>
val _rowValues = for (
x <- 1 to b.size;
p = Position(x, y);
token = b.places.get(p).getOrElse("_")) yield token
_rowValues.mkString(s"$y | "," | ", " |")
val _colHeaders = (1 to b.size).map(_.toString).mkString(" | ", " | ", " |")
val rowSeparator = List.fill(b.size)("===").mkString("==|","|","|")
_rows.foreach { r =>
def read: Position = {
import scala.util.Try
val xy = readLine("Enter coordinate for next play: ")
xy.toList.flatMap(x => Try(x.asDigit).toOption) match {
case (x: Int) :: (y: Int) :: Nil => Position(x, y)
case _ =>
println("Invalid input")
// BoardTest.main(args)
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