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Created March 17, 2017 14:42
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Tic Tac Toe in Go with Minimax AI
package main
import (
func playerToken(b bool) (c string) {
if b {
return "x"
} else {
return "o"
func main() {
game := [3][3]string{{"", "", ""}, {"", "", ""}, {"", "", ""}}
isRunning := true
player := true
var x, y int
for isRunning {
if player {
x, y = getInput(player)
} else {
x, y = getAI(game)
for game[x][y] != "" {
fmt.Printf("\nSquare already taken, try again.")
x, y = getInput(player)
game[x][y] = playerToken(player)
winner := evaluate(game)
switch winner {
case "":
empties := getEmptyCells(game)
if len(empties) < 1 {
isRunning = false
player = !player
isRunning = false
fmt.Printf("\nGame over! Player %s wins\n", winner)
func getAI(game [3][3]string) (i, j int) {
nextMoves := getEmptyCells(game)
max_score := -1000000.0
var max_move int
for _, ij := range nextMoves {
ij, score := minimax(game, ij, 0, true)
if score > max_score {
max_move = ij
max_score = score
i, j = unCellValue(max_move)
func minimax(state [3][3]string, ij int, depth float64, maximise bool) (max_move int, max_score float64) {
max_move = ij
nextState := state
i, j := unCellValue(ij)
nextState[i][j] = playerToken(!maximise)
winner := evaluate(nextState)
switch winner {
case playerToken(!maximise):
max_score = 1.0
case playerToken(maximise):
max_score = -1.0
case "":
nextMoves := getEmptyCells(nextState)
if len(nextMoves) == 0 {
max_score = 0
for _, xy := range nextMoves {
_, score := minimax(nextState, xy, depth+1, !maximise)
max_score = max_score + score*-1
max_score = max_score * 0.5
func getEmptyCells(game [3][3]string) (cells []int) {
for i, row := range game {
for j, cell := range row {
if cell == "" {
cells = append(cells, cellValue(i, j))
func cellValue(i, j int) (ij int) {
ij = (i+1)*10 + (j + 1)
func unCellValue(ij int) (i, j int) {
j = int(math.Mod(float64(ij), 10)) - 1
i = (ij-j)/10 - 1
func getInput(currentPlayer bool) (x, y int) {
fmt.Printf("\nEnter a square, e.g. 1A. %s's turn: ", playerToken(currentPlayer))
var xy string
_, err := fmt.Scan(&xy)
if err != nil || len(xy) != 2 {
fmt.Printf("\nInvalid input, please try again")
return getInput(currentPlayer)
x, xerr := strconv.Atoi(string(xy[0]))
y, yerr := colInt(string(xy[1]))
if xerr != nil || yerr != nil {
fmt.Printf("\nInvalid input, please try again.")
return getInput(currentPlayer)
return x - 1, y - 1
func colInt(c string) (int, error) {
switch c {
case "A":
return 1, nil
case "B":
return 2, nil
case "C":
return 3, nil
return -1, errors.New("Invalid column. Please choose A, B, or C.")
func evaluate(game [3][3]string) (winner string) {
wins := [][3]int{
{11, 12, 13},
{21, 22, 23},
{31, 32, 33},
{11, 21, 31},
{12, 22, 32},
{13, 23, 33},
{11, 22, 33},
{13, 22, 31}}
var xs, ys []int
for i, row := range game {
for j, cell := range row {
switch cell {
case playerToken(true):
xs = append(xs, cellValue(i, j))
case playerToken(false):
ys = append(ys, cellValue(i, j))
for _, winSet := range wins {
if subset(winSet, xs) {
winner = playerToken(true)
} else if subset(winSet, ys) {
winner = playerToken(false)
} else {
winner = ""
func subset(first [3]int, second []int) bool {
set := make(map[int]int)
for _, value := range second {
set[value] += 1
for _, value := range first {
if count, found := set[value]; !found {
return false
} else if count < 1 {
return false
} else {
set[value] = count - 1
return true
func prettyPrint(game [3][3]string) {
fmt.Printf("\n A B C\n")
for i, row := range game {
fmt.Printf("%d|", i+1)
for _, cell := range row {
if cell == "" {
cell = "_"
fmt.Printf("%s|", cell)
fmt.Printf("%d\n", i+1)
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