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Created October 11, 2017 10:55
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Unity3D Bitmap generator
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine.Sprites;
public class BitmapFontWizard : ScriptableWizard {
public Texture2D fontTexture;
public Material sourceFontMaterial;
public string fontName = "Bitmap Font";
[MenuItem("BitmapFont/Show Bitmap Font Creator")]
public static void ShowBitmapFontCreator()
DisplayWizard<BitmapFontWizard>("Bitmap Font Wizard", "Exit", "Create");
void OnWizardCreate()
void CreateFont()
var path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(fontTexture);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
var spriteObjs = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(path);
var sprites = new List<Sprite>();
foreach (var s in spriteObjs)
var sp = s as Sprite;
if (sp != null)
if ( > 0)
var font = new Font(fontName);
var fontPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath("Assets/" + + ".prefab");
var characterInfo = new CharacterInfo[sprites.Count];
// fill UVs
float maxHeightOfGlyph = float.MinValue;
for (int i = 0; i < sprites.Count; ++i)
var s = sprites[i];
var ci = new CharacterInfo();
ci.index =[0];
var uv = DataUtility.GetOuterUV(s);
ci.uvTopLeft = new Vector2(uv.x, uv.y);
ci.uvBottomLeft = new Vector2(uv.x, uv.w);
ci.uvTopRight = new Vector2(uv.z, uv.w);
ci.uvBottomRight = new Vector2(uv.z, uv.y);
var width = (int)s.rect.width;
var height = (int)s.rect.height;
ci.advance = width;
ci.glyphWidth = width; = FontStyle.Normal;
ci.maxY = 0;
ci.minY = -height;
characterInfo[i] = ci;
if (height > maxHeightOfGlyph)
maxHeightOfGlyph = height;
font.characterInfo = characterInfo;
var material = Instantiate(sourceFontMaterial); = "Font Material";
material.mainTexture = fontTexture;
font.material = material;
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(font, fontPath);
var so = new SerializedObject(font);
var lineSpacing = so.FindProperty("m_LineSpacing");
lineSpacing.floatValue = maxHeightOfGlyph;
AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(font.material, font);
void OnWizardOtherButton()
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