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Last active January 28, 2018 03:39
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Counting unique elements in vector of T/F NA (missing)
# version 7 only
if VERSION >= v"0.7.0"
function bittwiddling2(A::Vector{Union{Bool,Missing}})
ptra = Ptr{UInt8}(pointer(A))
l = length(A)
# load the missing
nbools = 0
t = 0
for i = 0:l-1
new_bool = unsafe_load(ptra + l + i)
nbools += new_bool
t += unsafe_load(ptra + i) & new_bool
t, nbools - t, l - nbools
a = [missing, true, false]
@time A = rand(a, 2^31-1)
@time res = [@elapsed bittwiddling2(A) for i=1:5]
mean(res) # 0.958867
using Missings
function count_missing(A::Vector{Union{Bool,Missing}})
t, m = 0, 0
@inbounds for v in A
ismissing(v) && (m += 1; continue)
v && (t += 1)
return t, length(A) - t - m, m
a = [missing, true, false];
@time x = rand(a, 2^31-1);
using BenchmarkTools
jltimings = @benchmark count_missing(x)
x = nothing
using RCall
rtiming = R"""
counttfna = function(a) {
t = sum(a, na.rm=T)
na = sum(
list(t, length(a)-t-na, na)
x = sample(c(T,F, NA), 2^31-1, r=T)
@time rtiming2 = R"""
# memory.limit(2^31-1)
# library(bit)
# N<- 2^31-1
# v<-bit(N)
# n<-bit(N)
# v <- as.bit(sample(c(T, F ), N, r=T))
# n <- as.bit(sample(c(T, F, F), N, r=T))
# count <- function(v, n) {
# t <- sum(!n & v)
# na <- sum(n)
# list(t, length(v)-t-na, na)
# }
# system.time({print(count(v, n))})
countbool2 = function(x) {
countx = sum2(x, na.rm=T)
countna = sum2(
list(true = countx, false = length(x) - countx - countna, na = countna)
st = system.time(res2 <- countbool2(x))
jltiming = mean(jltimings.times)/1000/1000/1000
using StatPlots
using Plots
["Julia v0.6.2","Julia v0.7.0", "R", "R matrixStats"],
[jltiming, 0.958867, rtiming[3], rtiming2[3]],
title = "Count unique True/False/NA in a vector of length 2^31-1",
label = "seconds"
savefig("r vs julia boolean missing unique count.png")
function count_missing(A::Vector{Union{Bool,Missing}})
t, m = 0, 0
@inbounds for v in A
ismissing(v) && (m += 1; continue)
v && (t += 1)
return t, length(A) - t - m, m
a = [missing, true, false];
x = rand(a, 2^31-1);
function basic_bench(x)
[@elapsed count_missing(x) for i =1:3]
a = data.table(a = sample(c(T,F, NA), 1e9, replace = T))
counttfna = function(a) {
t = sum(a, na.rm=T)
na = sum(
list(t, length(a)-t-na, na)
system.time(a[,.N,a]) # 12s
system.time(counttfna(a$a)) #5s
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HenrikBengtsson commented Jan 26, 2018

With matrixStats::count():

count_tfna <- function(a) {
  t = sum(a, na.rm = TRUE)
  na = sum(
  c(t, length(a) - t - na, na)

count <- matrixStats::count
count_tfna_ms <- function(a) {
  t = count(a, value = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE)
  na = count(a, value = NA, na.rm = FALSE)
  c(t, length(a) - t - na, na)
> x <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE, NA), length.out = 1e9)

> system.time(count_tfna(x))
   user  system elapsed 
  2.244   2.012   4.257

> system.time(count_tfna_ms(x))
   user  system elapsed 
  1.664   0.000   1.665 

What's killing you in the first case is the call which allocates and populates another vector of length(a) which is then discarded as soon as it's done - the matrixStats::count() function avoids that:

> profmem::profmem(count_tfna(x))
Rprofmem memory profiling of:

Memory allocations:
      bytes        calls
1     4e+09 count_tfna()
total 4e+09             

> profmem::profmem(count_tfna_2(x))
Rprofmem memory profiling of:

Memory allocations:
      bytes calls
total     0      

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