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Forked from thokra/gist:660949
Created April 18, 2011 08:34
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batik highcharts imager convertor
class SvgController < ApplicationController
require 'active_support/secure_random'
def create
# create an SVG image
# based on Highcharts index.php
batik_path = Rails.root.to_s() + '/vendor/batik/batik-rasterizer.jar'
svg = params[:svg]
filename = params[:filename].blank? ? "chart" : params[:filename]
if params[:type] == 'image/png'
type = '-m image/png';
ext = 'png'
elsif params[:type] == 'image/jpeg'
type = '-m image/jpeg'
ext = 'jpg'
elsif params[:type] == 'application/pdf'
type = '-m application/pdf'
ext = 'pdf'
show_error "unknown image type: #{params[:type]}"
# two random file names - one for Batik to read (with SVG XML) and one for it to write to
tempname = ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.hex(16)
outfile = "tmp/#{tempname}.#{ext}"
infile = "tmp/#{tempname}.svg"
width = "-w #{params[:width]}" if params[:width]
# do the conversion, 'w') {|f| f.write(svg) } # SVG definition for Batik to read
cmd = "java -jar #{batik_path} #{type} -d #{outfile} #{width} #{infile}"
rsp = system(cmd)
# For now, rely on existence and size of output file as an idicator of success
fs = File.size?( outfile)
if fs.nil? || fs < 10
show_error( "Output file empty; #{rsp}")
# Send output back to user; note use of :stream => false so that we can delete the file (otherwise we don't know when stream is complete...)
send_file outfile, :type => params[:type], :filename=> "#{filename}.#{ext}", :disposition => 'attachment', :stream => false
File.delete( infile, outfile)
def show_error(rsp)
render :text => "Unable to export image; #{rsp}", :status => 500
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