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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Expectation Maximization algorithm for Gaussian Mixture Model
%% -----------------------------------------------------------
%% The EM part!
%% -----------------------------------------------------------
function [means, stds, P] = em (X, K)
%% X, the data points
%% K, the component number
[N, featureNumber] = size (X);
%randomly initialize the parameter
means = rand (K, featureNumber);
stds = rand (K, 1);
temp = rand (1, K);
P = temp / sum (temp); %normalize it
convergent = 0; %indicator variable, whether convergent or not
p = zeros (N, K); %N x K matrix indicating the probabilities of the n-th record being generated by the k-th component
g = zeros (N, K); %the joint probability densities of drawing the n-th record from the k-th component
newMeans = zeros (K, featureNumber);
newStds = zeros (K, 1);
newP = zeros (1, K);
while !convergent
%% Expect the membership prob
%for each component, compute the density value of drawing the sample points
%and fill them in the columns
for k = 1:K
g (:, k) = npdf (X, means (k, :), stds (k));
%expect the membership prob, p, for each component
for k = 1:K
p (:, k) = P (k) * g (:, k);
p = p ./ repmat(sum (p, 2), 1, K); %normalize it
%% Maximize the likelihood function
%% -------------------
for k = 1:K
newMeans (k, :) = sum(repmat(p (:, k), 1, featureNumber) .* X, 1) / sum(p (:, k));
newStds (k) = sqrt ( sum (p (:, k) .* sum((X - repmat(means(k,:), N, 1)).^2, 2) / (featureNumber * sum(p (:, k)))));
newP = sum(p, 1) / N;
meansDiff = max(abs(newMeans - means));
stdsDiff = max(abs(newStds - stds));
PDiff = max(abs(newP - P));
if meansDiff < 0.001 || stdsDiff < .0001 || PDiff < .0001
convergent = 1;
means = newMeans;
stds = newStds;
P = newP;
function samples = gendata (means, stds, P, N)
%assuming no correlation between each dimension
featureNumber = size(means)(2);
componentNumber = length (P);
%% sample N times from the three models according to distribution P
whichModel = zeros (1, N);
randNums = rand (1, N);
lower = 0; upper = 0;
for i = 1:componentNumber
if i == 1
lower = 0.0;
lower = upper;
upper = upper + P (i);
whichModel(randNums >= lower & randNums < upper) = i;
modelMeans = zeros (N, featureNumber);%NxfeatureNumber matrix of the model means
modelStds = zeros (N, 1); %Nx1 matrix of the model standard deviations
for i = 1: componentNumber
selector = find(whichModel == i);
modelMeans (selector, :) = repmat(means (i, :), length (selector), 1);
modelStds (selector, :) = repmat(stds (i, :), length (selector), 1);
%% draw N random data points according to the model selection using the $z * std + mean$ method
samples = randn (N, featureNumber) .* repmat(modelStds, 1, 2) + modelMeans;
%plot the scatter plot
%% styles = ['s', 'r', 'x'];
%% for i = 1:componentNumber
%% scatter (samples (whichModel == i, 1), samples (whichModel == i, 2), styles (i));
%% hold on;
%% end
means = [1, 1; 2, 2; 3, 3];
stds = [0.1; 0.1; 0.1];
P = [0.3, 0.5, 0.2]; %% the cumulative probabilities
N = 1000;
X = gendata (means, stds, P, N);
K = 3; %three components
%Let's EM!
[emeans, estds, eP] = em (X, K)
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