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Last active July 29, 2022 04:33
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How to export EBM model to GAM Changer

Generate Model and Sample data

  1. Start a Jupyter notebook
  2. Train a new EBM model, or load a trained model
  3. Copy and run the python code in a new cell
  4. [optional] Sample all positive cases from your training set to GAM Changer's sample data (python code)
  5. Generate model data and sample data
model_data = get_model_data(ebm)
sample_data = get_sample_data(ebm, x_test, y_test)

dump(model_data, open('./model.json', 'w'))
dump(sample_data, open('./sample.json', 'w'))

GAM Changing

  1. Drag the model.json to the left panel (1)
  2. Drag the sample.json to the right panel (2)
  3. Enjoy your GAM Changing experience!
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from copy import deepcopy
from json import dump, load
def get_model_data(ebm):
Get the model data for GAM Changer.
ebm: Trained EBM model. ExplainableBoostingClassifier or
ExplainableBoostingRegressor object.
A Python dictionary of model data
# Main model info on each feature
features = []
# Track the encoding of categorical feature levels
labelEncoder = {}
# Track the score range
score_range = [np.inf, -np.inf]
for i in range(len(ebm.feature_names)):
cur_feature = {}
cur_feature['name'] = ebm.feature_names[i]
cur_feature['type'] = ebm.feature_types[i]
cur_feature['importance'] = ebm.feature_importances_[i]
# Handle interaction term differently from cont/cat
if cur_feature['type'] == 'interaction':
cur_id = ebm.feature_groups_[i]
cur_feature['id'] = list(cur_id)
# Info for each individual feature
cur_feature['name1'] = ebm.feature_names[cur_id[0]]
cur_feature['name2'] = ebm.feature_names[cur_id[1]]
cur_feature['type1'] = ebm.feature_types[cur_id[0]]
cur_feature['type2'] = ebm.feature_types[cur_id[1]]
# Skip the first item from both dimensions
cur_feature['additive'] = np.round(ebm.additive_terms_[i], 4)\
[1:, 1:].tolist()
cur_feature['error'] = np.round(ebm.term_standard_deviations_[i], 4)\
[1:, 1:].tolist()
# Get the bin label info
cur_feature['binLabel1'] = ebm.pair_preprocessor_._get_bin_labels(cur_id[0])
cur_feature['binLabel2'] = ebm.pair_preprocessor_._get_bin_labels(cur_id[1])
# Encode categorical levels as integers
if cur_feature['type1'] == 'categorical':
level_str_to_int = ebm.pair_preprocessor_.col_mapping_[
cur_feature['binLabel1'] = list(map(lambda x: level_str_to_int[x],
if cur_feature['type2'] == 'categorical':
level_str_to_int = ebm.pair_preprocessor_.col_mapping_[
cur_feature['binLabel2'] = list(map(lambda x: level_str_to_int[x],
# Get density info
if cur_feature['type1'] == 'categorical':
level_str_to_int = ebm.pair_preprocessor_.col_mapping_[cur_id[0]]
cur_feature['histEdge1'] = ebm.preprocessor_._get_hist_edges(cur_id[0])
cur_feature['histEdge1'] = list(map(lambda x: level_str_to_int[x],
cur_feature['histEdge1'] = np.round(
ebm.preprocessor_._get_hist_edges(cur_id[0]), 4
cur_feature['histCount1'] = np.round(
ebm.preprocessor_._get_hist_counts(cur_id[0]), 4
if cur_feature['type2'] == 'categorical':
level_str_to_int = ebm.pair_preprocessor_.col_mapping_[cur_id[1]]
cur_feature['histEdge2'] = ebm.preprocessor_._get_hist_edges(cur_id[1])
cur_feature['histEdge2'] = list(map(lambda x: level_str_to_int[x],
cur_feature['histEdge2'] = np.round(
ebm.preprocessor_._get_hist_edges(cur_id[1]), 4
cur_feature['histCount2'] = np.round(
ebm.preprocessor_._get_hist_counts(cur_id[1]), 4
# Skip the first item (reserved for missing value)
cur_feature['additive'] = np.round(ebm.additive_terms_[i], 4).tolist()[1:]
cur_feature['error'] = np.round(ebm.term_standard_deviations_[i], 4).tolist()[1:]
cur_feature['id'] = ebm.feature_groups_[i]
cur_id = ebm.feature_groups_[i][0]
cur_feature['count'] = ebm.preprocessor_.col_bin_counts_[cur_id].tolist()[1:]
# Track the global score range
score_range[0] = min(score_range[0],
np.min(ebm.additive_terms_[i] - ebm.term_standard_deviations_[i]))
score_range[1] = max(score_range[1],
np.max(ebm.additive_terms_[i] + ebm.term_standard_deviations_[i]))
# Add the binning information for continuous features
if cur_feature['type'] == 'continuous':
# Add the bin information
cur_feature['binEdge'] = np.round(
ebm.preprocessor_._get_bin_labels(cur_id), 4
# Add the hist information
cur_feature['histEdge'] = np.round(
ebm.preprocessor_._get_hist_edges(cur_id), 4
cur_feature['histCount'] = np.round(
ebm.preprocessor_._get_hist_counts(cur_id), 4
elif cur_feature['type'] == 'categorical':
# Get the level value mapping
level_str_to_int = ebm.preprocessor_.col_mapping_[cur_id]
cur_feature['binLabel'] = list(map(lambda x: level_str_to_int[x],
# Add the hist information
# For categorical data, the edges are strings
cur_feature['histEdge'] = list(map(lambda x: level_str_to_int[x],
cur_feature['histCount'] = np.round(
ebm.preprocessor_._get_hist_counts(cur_id), 4
# Add the label encoding information
labelEncoder[cur_feature['name']] = {i: s for s, i in level_str_to_int.items()}
score_range = list(map(lambda x: round(x, 4), score_range))
data = {
'intercept': ebm.intercept_[0],
'isClassifier': hasattr(ebm, 'classes_'),
'features': features,
'labelEncoder': labelEncoder,
'scoreRange': score_range
return data
def get_sample_data(ebm, x_test, y_test):
Get the sample data for GAM Changer.
ebm: Trained EBM model. ExplainableBoostingClassifier or
ExplainableBoostingRegressor object.
x_test: Sample features. 2D np.ndarray or pd.DataFrame with dimension [n, k]:
n samples and k features.
x_test: Sample labels. 1D np.ndarray or pd.Series with size = n samples.
A Python dictionary of sample data.
assert(isinstance(x_test, (pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray)))
assert(isinstance(y_test, (pd.Series, np.ndarray)))
feature_names = []
feature_types = []
# Sample data does not record interaction features
for i in range(len(ebm.feature_names)):
if (ebm.feature_types[i] != 'interaction'):
# Transform the dataframe to object array
x_test_copy = deepcopy(x_test)
y_test_copy = deepcopy(y_test)
if isinstance(x_test, pd.DataFrame):
x_test_copy = x_test.to_numpy()
if isinstance(y_test, pd.Series):
y_test_copy = y_test.to_numpy()
# Encode the categorical variables as integers
for i in range(len(feature_types)):
if (feature_types[i] == 'categorical'):
level_str_to_int = ebm.preprocessor_.col_mapping_[i]
def get_level_int(x):
if str(x) in level_str_to_int:
return level_str_to_int[str(x)]
# Current sample has an unseen level, we label it as max
# level + 1
return max(level_str_to_int.values()) + 1
x_test_copy[:, i] = list(
map(lambda x: get_level_int(x), x_test_copy[:, i]))
sample_data = {
'featureNames': feature_names,
'featureTypes': feature_types,
'samples': x_test_copy.tolist(),
'labels': y_test_copy.tolist()
return sample_data
def overwrite_bin_definition(ebm, index_id, new_bins, new_scores):
Overwrite the bin definitions and scores for continuous variables.
ebm: EBM object
index_id: Feature's index id in the ebm object
new_bins: New bin definition
new_score: New bin scores
In python, to overwrite the bins, we want to overwrite pair
`edge[:] with score[2:]` and pair `col_min_ with score [1]`.
In GAM Changer and EBM.JS, stored bins are `python_label[:-1]` and `python_score[1:]`
To map GAM Changer and EBM.JS's `newBins`, `newScores` back to Python:
newBins[0] => col_min_
newBins[1:] => col_bin_edges_
newScores[:] => additive_terms_[1:]
We also want to update the standard deviation information:
Case 1: Bin definition has not changed:
We zero out the SDs of bins that have been modified
Case 2: Bin definition has changed (even just a subset):
We zero out all the SDs of bins
In Python, SDs share the same index as scores.
assert(len(new_bins) == len(new_scores))
# Check if GAM Changer has changed the bin definition
binDefChanged = False
if len(new_bins) - 1 != len(ebm.preprocessor_.col_bin_edges_[index_id]):
binDefChanged = True
for i in range(1, len(new_bins)):
if new_bins[i] != round(ebm.preprocessor_.col_bin_edges_[index_id][i - 1], 4):
binDefChanged = True
# Update the SDs
if binDefChanged:
ebm.term_standard_deviations_[index_id] = np.zeros(len(new_scores) + 1)
# Itereate through the scores to zero out SDs of modified bins
for i in range(1, len(ebm.additive_terms_[index_id])):
if round(ebm.additive_terms_[index_id][i], 4) != new_scores[i - 1]:
ebm.term_standard_deviations_[index_id][i] = 0
# Overwrite the scores
ebm.additive_terms_[index_id] = np.array(
[ebm.additive_terms_[index_id][0]] + new_scores
# Overwrite the bin edges
# GAM Changer won't change the edge for col_min_, because it
# will always be one of the end points in any interpolations
# So we don't really need to change col_min_, change here for testing purpose
ebm.preprocessor_.col_min_[index_id] = new_bins[0]
ebm.preprocessor_.col_bin_edges_[index_id] = np.array(
def get_edited_model(ebm, gamchanger_export):
Return a copy of ebm that is modified based on the edits from GAM Changer.
ebm: EBM object
gamchanger_export: Python dictionary: loaded from the GAM Changer
export (*.gamchanger)
An edited deep copy of ebm object.
ebm_copy = deepcopy(ebm)
history = gamchanger_export['historyList']
# Mapping from feature name to feature type
feature_name_to_type = dict(zip(ebm_copy.feature_names, ebm_copy.feature_types))
# Keep track which feature has been updated in ebm_copy
updated_features = set()
# We iterate through the history list from the newest edit to the oldes edit
# For each modified feature, we overwrite the bin definitions/scores on an EBM
# copy using the latest edit info on that feature.
# Note that GAM Changer can only change the bin definitions of continuous features
for i in range(len(history) - 1, -1, -1):
cur_history = history[i]
# Original edit does not change the graph
if cur_history['type'] == 'original':
cur_name = cur_history['featureName']
cur_index = ebm_copy.feature_names.index(cur_name)
# If we have already updated EBM on this feature, skip earlier edits
if cur_name in updated_features:
if feature_name_to_type[cur_name] == 'continuous':
# Collect bin edges and scores
bin_data = cur_history['state']['pointData']
bin_edges, bin_scores = [], []
# bin_data is a linked list, bin_data[0] is gauranteed to be the start
# point of all bins
cur_bin = bin_data['0']
while cur_bin['rightPointID']:
cur_bin = bin_data[str(cur_bin['rightPointID'])]
# Handle the last bin
assert(len(bin_edges) == len(bin_data))
# Overwrite EBM bin defintions/additive terms with bin_edges and bin_scores
overwrite_bin_definition(ebm_copy, cur_index, bin_edges, bin_scores)
elif feature_name_to_type[cur_name] == 'categorical':
elif feature_name_to_type[cur_name] == 'interaction':
raise ValueError('Encounter unknown feature type {}'.format(feature_name_to_type[cur_name]))
return ebm_copy
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
def positive_biased_sampler(X, y, pos_label=1, max_samples=5000):
pos_sample_indexes = np.where(y == pos_label)[0]
if len(pos_sample_indexes) > max_samples // 2:
pos_sample_indexes = np.random.choice(pos_sample_indexes, size=(max_samples // 2), replace=False)
neg_sample_indexes = np.where(y != pos_label)[0]
if len(neg_sample_indexes) > max_samples - len(pos_sample_indexes):
neg_sample_indexes = np.random.choice(neg_sample_indexes, size=(max_samples - len(pos_sample_indexes)), replace=False)
all_indexes = np.concatenate((pos_sample_indexes, neg_sample_indexes))
if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame):
X_out = X.iloc[all_indexes].to_numpy()
elif isinstance(X, np.ndarray):
X_out = X[all_indexes]
y_out = y[all_indexes]
return X_out, y_out
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