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Created May 23, 2021 17:02
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LeetCode 943 "Find the Shortest Superstring"
func shortestSuperstring(words []string) string {
n := uint16(len(words))
lt := makeLenTable(words)
s := searcher{uint16(n), lt, make([]uint8, n<<n)}
min := uint8(255)
first := uint16(0)
for i := uint16(0); i < n; i++ {
val := << n))
if min > val {
min = val
first = i
seq := s.reconstruct(first)
// Concatenate
seqString := make([]string, n)
for i, w := range seq {
if i == len(seq)-1 {
seqString[i] = words[w]
} else {
seqString[i] = words[w][:lt.prefix(w, seq[i+1])]
return strings.Join(seqString, "")
type lenTable struct {
n uint16
l []uint8
p []uint8
func makeLenTable(words []string) lenTable {
n := len(words)
l := make([]uint8, n)
p := make([]uint8, n*n)
for i, word1 := range words {
l[i] = uint8(len(word1))
for j, word2 := range words {
for k := 0; k <= len(word1); k++ {
if strings.HasPrefix(word2, word1[k:]) {
p[i*n+j] = uint8(k)
return lenTable{uint16(n), l, p}
func (lt lenTable) len(i uint16) uint8 { return lt.l[i] }
// The minimal k such that words[i][k:] is a prefix of words[j].
func (lt lenTable) prefix(i, j uint16) uint8 { return lt.p[i*lt.n+j] }
type key uint16
func encode(n, first uint16, used set) key { return key(first<<n | uint16(used)) }
func (k key) decode(n uint16) (first uint16, used set) { return uint16(k) >> n, set(k) & full(n) }
type set uint16
func full(n uint16) set { return set(1<<n - 1) }
func (s set) has(i uint16) bool { return s&(1<<i) != 0 }
func (s set) with(i uint16) set { return s | (1 << i) }
type searcher struct {
n uint16
lt lenTable
// key is (next << n) | bitset, where bitset is the set of words *not* to use
answer []uint8
func (s *searcher) search(k key) uint8 {
if s.answer[k] != 0 {
return s.answer[k]
first, used := k.decode(s.n)
used = used.with(first)
if used == full(s.n) {
// No other words to use, just first
l :=
s.answer[k] = l
return l
min := uint8(255)
for i := uint16(0); i < s.n; i++ {
if used.has(i) {
// Already used
val :=, i) +, i, used))
if min > val {
min = val
s.answer[k] = min
return min
func (s *searcher) reconstruct(first uint16) []uint16 {
seq := make([]uint16, s.n)
seq[0] = first
k := encode(s.n, first, 0)
for d := uint16(1); d < s.n; d++ {
// The following mirrors search above
first, used := k.decode(s.n)
used = used.with(first)
for i := uint16(0); i < s.n; i++ {
if used.has(i) {
if s.answer[k] ==, i)+s.answer[encode(s.n, i, used)] {
seq[d] = i
k = encode(s.n, i, used)
return seq
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