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Created January 16, 2019 17:34
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import TensorFlow
import Python
let np = Python.import("numpy")
func readFile(_ filename: String) -> [UInt8] {
let d =, "rb").read()
return Array(numpyArray: np.frombuffer(d, dtype: np.uint8))!
/// Reads MNIST images and labels from specified file paths.
func readMNIST(imagesFile: String, labelsFile: String) ->
(images: Tensor<Float>, labels: Tensor<Int32>) {
print("Reading data.")
let images = readFile(imagesFile).dropFirst(16).map { Float($0) }
let labels = readFile(labelsFile).dropFirst(8).map { Int32($0) }
let rowCount = Int32(labels.count)
let columnCount = Int32(images.count) / rowCount
print("Constructing data tensors.")
let imagesTensor = Tensor(shape: [rowCount, columnCount], scalars: images) / 255
let labelsTensor = Tensor(labels)
return (imagesTensor.toAccelerator(), labelsTensor.toAccelerator())
/// A fully connected layer.
struct LinearLayer: ParameterGroup, Differentiable {
var weight: Tensor<Float>
var bias: Tensor<Float>
public init(from inputSize: Int32, to outputSize: Int32) {
weight = Tensor<Float>(randomNormal: [inputSize, outputSize])
bias = Tensor<Float>(zeros: [1, outputSize])
func forward(_ input: Tensor<Float>) -> Tensor<Float> {
return matmul(input, weight) + bias
// A toy model for MNIST dataset.
struct Model: ParameterGroup, Differentiable {
var hiddenLayer = LinearLayer(from: 784, to: 30)
var outputLayer = LinearLayer(from: 30, to: 10)
func prediction(input image: Tensor<Float>) -> Tensor<Float> {
let z = hiddenLayer.forward(image)
let h = sigmoid(z)
let logits = outputLayer.forward(h)
return softmax(logits)
func loss(modelOutput pred: Tensor<Float>, target label: Tensor<Float>) -> Tensor<Float> {
let miniBatchSize = Tensor(Float(pred.shape[0]))
return Tensor(Float(-1)) * (label * log(pred)).sum() / miniBatchSize
// return divide(-sum(multiply(label, log(pred))), Tensor(Float(10)))
func numCorrectPredictions(modelOutput pred: Tensor<Float>, target label: Tensor<Int32>) -> Int32 {
let correctPredictions = Tensor<Int32>(pred.argmax(squeezingAxis: 1) .== label)
// TODO(xiejw): What's the S4TF way to reduce here?
return Int32(correctPredictions.sum())!
/// Train a MNIST classifier for the specified number of epochs.
func train(epochCount: Int32) {
var model = Model()
// Get training data.
let (images, numericLabels) = readMNIST(imagesFile: "train-images-idx3-ubyte",
labelsFile: "train-labels-idx1-ubyte")
let labels = Tensor<Float>(oneHotAtIndices: numericLabels, depth: 10)
let batchSize = Float(images.shape[0])
// Hyper-parameters.
let miniBatchSize: Int32 = 10
let learningRate: Float = 0.2
// Training loop.
let iterationCount = Int32(batchSize) / miniBatchSize
print("Begin training for \(epochCount) epochs.")
print("Mini batch size is \(miniBatchSize)")
print("Each epoch has \(iterationCount) iterations (final partial batch may be dropped).")
func minibatch<Scalar>(_ x: Tensor<Scalar>, index: Int32) -> Tensor<Scalar> {
let start = index * miniBatchSize
return x[start..<start+miniBatchSize]
for epoch in 0..<epochCount {
// Store number of correct/total guesses, used to print accuracy.
var correctGuesses: Int32 = 0
var totalGuesses = 0
var totalLoss = Float(0)
// TODO: Randomly sample minibatches using TensorFlow dataset APIs.
for i in 0..<iterationCount {
let images = minibatch(images, index: i)
let numericLabels = minibatch(numericLabels, index: i)
let labels = minibatch(labels, index: i)
var localLoss = Float(0)
let gradients = gradient(at: model) { model -> Tensor<Float> in
let prediction = model.prediction(input: images)
// correctGuesses = correctGuesses + numCorrectPredictions(
// modelOutput: prediction, target: numericLabels)
// correctGuesses += 1
let loss = model.loss(modelOutput: prediction, target: labels)
localLoss = 1.0 // (loss * Tensor(Float(miniBatchSize))).scalarized()
// totalGuesses += loss *
return loss
model = model.moved(
along: -learningRate * model.tangentVector(from: gradients))
totalGuesses += Int(miniBatchSize)
// totalLoss += loss * Float(miniBatchSize)
Epoch \(epoch + 1): loss: \(totalLoss / Float(totalGuesses)); \
accuracy: \(correctGuesses)/\(totalGuesses) \
(\(Float(correctGuesses) / Float(totalGuesses)))
// Start training.
train(epochCount: 1)
// train(epochCount: 20)
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