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Last active June 2, 2022 18:50
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useBreakpointMatch (breakpoint helper hook for material-ui)
import * as React from 'react'
import { useState, useLayoutEffect } from 'react'
import { useTheme } from '@material-ui/styles'
import { Theme } from '@material-ui/core'
import { Breakpoint } from '@material-ui/core/styles/createBreakpoints'
export type BreakpointVisiblityValues =
| 'xsOnly'
| 'smOnly'
| 'mdOnly'
| 'lgOnly'
| 'xlOnly'
| 'xsUp'
| 'smUp'
| 'mdUp'
| 'lgUp'
| 'xlUp'
| 'xsDown'
| 'smDown'
| 'mdDown'
| 'lgDown'
| 'xlDown'
export type BreakpointValueProp = BreakpointVisiblityValues | BreakpointVisiblityValues[] | 'always'
const removeCSSMQOperator = (mqString = '') => mqString.replace('@media ', '')
const getMQForVisiblityValues = (theme: Theme, visValues: BreakpointVisiblityValues[]) => {
const { up, down, only } = theme.breakpoints
const mqArray = => {
// get the correct media query creating function
const getMqFn = visValue.endsWith('Up') ? up : visValue.endsWith('Down') ? down : only
// parse the correct breakpoint
const breakpoint = visValue.replace(/((Up)|(Down)|(Only))$/, '') as Breakpoint
return removeCSSMQOperator(getMqFn(breakpoint))
return mqArray.join()
export default function useBreakpointMatch(breakpointValue: BreakpointValueProp = 'always') {
const theme = useTheme<Theme>()
const [matches, setMatches] = useState(breakpointValue === 'always')
const visibleArray =
breakpointValue && breakpointValue !== 'always'
? Array.isArray(breakpointValue)
? breakpointValue
: [breakpointValue]
: []
useLayoutEffect(() => {
// exit early for default value
if (breakpointValue === 'always') {
// no clean up needed
const mediaQuery = getMQForVisiblityValues(theme, visibleArray)
const mediaQueryList = window.matchMedia(mediaQuery)
function matchChangeHandler(e: MediaQueryListEvent) {
// listen for media query changes
mediaQueryList.addEventListener('change', matchChangeHandler)
// cleanup and remove listeners
return () => mediaQueryList.removeEventListener('change', matchChangeHandler)
}, visibleArray)
return { matches }
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