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Last active March 30, 2021 19:53
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Move ligatures for Fira Code font to private unicode area at U+e100
#!/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
import argparse
from glob import glob
from itertools import chain
import fontforge
def run(fontpath, outpath, starting_point=0xe100):
font =
ligatures = list(filter(lambda x: x.glyphname.endswith('.liga'),
for i, glyph in enumerate(ligatures):
point = starting_point + i
# You could also create a reference instead of defining an
# encoding, but I don't recommend that, as it causes some
# problems with character width
# name = glyph.glyphname
# newchar = font.createChar(point, name + '.private')
# newchar.addReference(name)
glyph.unicode = point
def main(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--output-dir', '-o', type=str)
parser.add_argument('fonts', nargs='+',
help='font files to process')
argvals = parser.parse_args(argv)
output = argvals.output_dir
fonts = argvals.fonts
os.makedirs(output, exist_ok=True)
for f in chain.from_iterable(map(glob, fonts)):
run(f, os.path.join(output, os.path.basename(f)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
(defun fira-code-mode--make-alist (list)
"Generate prettify-symbols alist from LIST."
(let ((idx -1))
(lambda (s)
(setq idx (1+ idx))
(let* ((code (+ #Xe100 idx))
(width (string-width s))
(prefix ())
(suffix '(?\s (Br . Br)))
(n 1))
(while (< n width)
(setq prefix (append prefix '(?\s (Br . Bl))))
(setq n (1+ n)))
(cons s (append prefix suffix (list (decode-char 'ucs code))))))
(defconst fira-code-mode--ligatures
'("www" "--" "---" "-->" "-|" "->" "->>" "-<" "-<<" "-~" "{|" "[|" "]#" ".-"
".." "..." "..=" "..<" ".?" ".=" "::" ":::" "::=" ":=" ":>" ":<" ";;" "!!"
"!!." "!=" "!==" "?." "??" "?=" "**" "***" "*>" "*/" "#(" "#{" "#[" "#:"
"#!" "#?" "##" "###" "####" "#=" "#_" "#_(" "/*" "/=" "/==" "/>" "//" "///"
"/\\" "\\/" "_|_" "__" "&&" "|-" "|->" "|}" "|]" "||" "||-" "|||>" "||="
"||>" "|=" "|=>" "|>" "$>" "++" "+++" "+>" "=:=" "=!=" "==" "===" "==>"
"=>" "=>>" "=<<" "=/=" ">-" ">->" ">:" ">=" ">=>" ">>" ">>-" ">>=" ">>>"
"<-" "<--" "<-|" "<->" "<-<" "<:" "<!--" "<*" "<*>" "<|" "<||" "<|||"
"<|>" "<$" "<$>" "<+" "<+>" "<=" "<=|" "<==" "<==>" "<=>" "<=<" "<>" "<<"
"<<-" "<<->>" "<<=" "<<<" "<~" "<~>" "<~~" "</" "</>" "~-" "~@" "~>" "~~"
"~~>" "^=" "%%"))
(defvar fira-code-mode--old-prettify-alist)
(defun fira-code-mode--enable ()
"Enable Fira Code ligatures in current buffer."
(setq-local fira-code-mode--old-prettify-alist prettify-symbols-alist)
(setq-local prettify-symbols-alist (append (fira-code-mode--make-alist fira-code-mode--ligatures) fira-code-mode--old-prettify-alist))
(prettify-symbols-mode t))
(defun fira-code-mode--disable ()
"Disable Fira Code ligatures in current buffer."
(setq-local prettify-symbols-alist fira-code-mode--old-prettify-alist)
(prettify-symbols-mode -1))
(define-minor-mode fira-code-mode
"Fira Code ligatures minor mode"
:lighter " Fira Code"
(setq-local prettify-symbols-unprettify-at-point 'right-edge)
(if fira-code-mode
(provide 'fira-code-mode)
(define-minor-mode fira-code-mode
"Fira Code ligatures minor mode"
:lighter " Fira Code"
(setq-local prettify-symbols-unprettify-at-point 'right-edge)
(if fira-code-mode
(provide 'fira-code-mode)
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Maralbada commented May 16, 2020

Lines 1 to 41 of ligatures.el are a duplication of lines 42 to 82, you can delete them.

Also I had to change the ligatures list or some ligatures didn't display properly, I probably left some out though.
I'm leaving my list here just in case someone finds it useful:

(defconst fira-code-mode--ligatures
  '( "www" "--" "---" "-->" "-|" "->" "->>" "-<" "-<<" "-~" "{|"
    "[|" "]#" ".-" ".." "..." "..=" "..<" ".?" ".=" "::" ":::" "::=" ":=" ":>" ":<"
    ";;" "!!" "!!." "!=" "!==" "?." "??" "?=" "**" "***" "*>" "*/" "#("
    "#{" "#[" "#:" "#!" "#?" "##" "###" "####" "#=" "#_" "#_(" "/*" "/=" "/=="
    "/>" "//" "///" "/\\" "\\/" "_|_" "__" "&&" "|-" "->" "|}" "|]" "||" "||-"
    "|||>" "||=" "||>" "|=" "|=>" "|>" "$>" "++" "+++" "+>" "=:=" "=!=" "=="
    "===" "==>" "=>" "=>>" "=<<" "=/=" ">-" ">->" ">:" ">=" ">=>" ">>" ">>-"
    ">>=" ">>>" "<-" "<--" "<-|" "<->" "<-<" "<:" "<!--" "<*" "<*>" "<|" "<||"
    "<|||" "<|>" "<$" "<$>" "<+" "<+>" "<=" "<=|" "<==" "<==>" "<=>" "<=<"
    "<>" "<<" "<<-" "<<-->>" "<<=" "<<<" "<~" "<~>" "<~~" "</" "</>" "~-" "~@"
    "~>" "~~" "~~>" "^=" "%%"))

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xieve commented Jul 16, 2020

Lines 1 to 41 of ligatures.el are a duplication of lines 42 to 82, you can delete them.

Also I had to change the ligatures list or some ligatures didn't display properly, I probably left some out though.

Deleted the redundant lines (how'd they get there, anyway?!) and checked your updated list against FontForge. Good job, I found 2 or 3 errors in the less widely used ones, that was it! Thank you for your contribution, this should now be compatible with Fira Code 2.x.

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