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# Entrar no servidor e fora da pasta do projeto
$ git init --bare repo
Criar hooks post-receive
$ cd repo/hooks
$ nano post-receive
## Adicionar no arquivo
git --work-tree=/home/rails/site --git-dir=/home/user/repo checkout -f
$ chmod +x post-receive
> /home/rails/site = pasta aonde esta o projeto
> /home/repo/site.git = repositorio git
$ vim post-update
## Adicionar no arquivo
export RAILS_ENV="production"
export PATH="/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.2/bin:/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-2.2.2/bin:$PATH"
export GEM_PATH="/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.2:$GEM_PATH"
cd ${APP_PATH}
echo '~> Post Update ============================'
echo '- Bundle Install'
RAILS_ENV=production $BUNDLE install
echo '- DB Migration'
RAILS_ENV=production $BUNDLE exec rake db:migrate
echo '- Assets Precompile'
RAILS_ENV=production $BUNDLE exec rake assets:precompile
echo '- Assets Sync'
RAILS_ENV=production $BUNDLE exec rake assets:sync
echo '- Create folder tmp'
mkdir -p tmp/
echo '- Create file restart'
touch tmp/restart.txt
$ chmod +x post-update
# Adicione ou altere no arquivo /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PermitUserEnvironment yes
# Variaveis globais colocar no arquivo /etc/environment
# Adicione os path da versao do ruby
env | grep -E "^(GEM_HOME|PATH|RUBY_VERSION|MY_RUBY_HOME|GEM_PATH)=" > ~/.ssh/environment
# reinicie o ssh
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart
# no servidor local
git remote add production ssh://
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