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Last active November 6, 2019 13:47
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medium-custom-github-actions main.ts
import * as core from '@actions/core';
import { context } from '@actions/github';
import * as request from 'request-promise-native';
(async function run() {
try {
const botToken = core.getInput('botToken');
const chatId = core.getInput('chatId');
const jobStatus = core.getInput('jobStatus');
const skipSuccess = (core.getInput('skipSuccess') || 'true') === 'true';
core.debug(`sending message, status=${jobStatus} skipSuccess=${skipSuccess} payload=${JSON.stringify(context.payload)}`);
await _sendMessage(botToken, chatId, jobStatus, skipSuccess);
core.debug('message sent');
} catch (error) {
* Send a Telegram message.
* @param botToken the Telegram bot token to send the message
* @param chatId id of targeted channel or group, to which the message will be sent
* @param jobStatus status of the job
async function _sendMessage(
botToken: String,
chatId: String,
jobStatus: String = 'success',
skipSuccess: Boolean = true,
) {
const status = (jobStatus || '').toLowerCase();
if (status === 'success' && skipSuccess) {
core.debug('skipping successful job');
const { repo, ref, sha, workflow, actor } = context;
const repoFullname = `${repo.owner}/${repo.repo}`;
const repoUrl = `${repoFullname}`;
let icon: String;
switch (status) {
case 'success': icon = '✅'; break;
case 'failure': icon = '🔴'; break;
default: icon = '⚠️'; break;
const uri = `${botToken}/sendMessage`;
const text = `${icon} [${repoFullname}](${repoUrl}/actions) ${workflow} *${jobStatus}*
\`${ref}\` \`${sha.substr(0, 7)}\` by *${actor}*
[View details](${repoUrl}/commit/${sha}/checks)`;
return, {
body: {
chat_id: chatId,
parse_mode: 'Markdown',
json: true,
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