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Last active September 1, 2015 02:27
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InfoQ announced the establishment of CNUT Container Technology Club

August 28, 2015, the first CNUTCon was held in Beijing. At the conference, Kevin Huo, the founder of Geekbang & InfoQ China, announced that InfoQ joints domestic front-line IT technology companies to establish CNUT Container Technology Club in order to connect Chinese container community, promote the development and practice of container technology and open source in China. CNUT is the acronym for Container Nut. "Nut" signifies tenacity, unity and subversion in Chinese culture, which coincides with the original intention of CNUT. CNUT will start with container to promote the development of open source in China and enhance the Chinese community's right to speak.

CNUTCon is the top container technology event held by InfoQ. The purpose of the Conference is to promote the development and practice of container technology. The two-day conference mainly faces to senior technical staff who interest in container technology. The conference focuses on technology landing and is designed to help attendees understand relevant open source projects and technology stack, so that enterprises can build their own container solutions based on best practices and learn about development trends of container technology.

In the past two years, container technology have been rapidly developing and been into the production environment. There are a large number of committers working on container-related open source projects in China, such as HUAWEI, ranking third for Docker contribution companies, is a founding member of the OCI open container initiative, also has the only domestic Docker project, Maintainer. Alibaba also invested heavily in the container:Ali Baichuan TAE fully supports Docker, Aliyun OSS obtains Docker official's support. In terms of practice scale, in many domestic companies, it is not smaller than in the large foreign companies. Weibo used Docker directly in production environment during the last Spring Festival. Tencent game runs a bunch of heavyweight mobile games on Docker. There are also a lot Docker-based start-ups, such as Alauda, Dataman, DaoCloud and TenxCloud, are all exploring the commercial value of container technology.

From Docker project released in 2013, InfoQ started to concern it. In 2014, InfoQ reported Docker, CoreOS, Mesos, Kubernetes and other related technologies, interviewed a number of domestic typical cases of container technology practice, output several series of column articles and high-quality content .

In June, InfoQ held the first CNUT technology committee meeting, participants of which are technology leaders from major internet companies in China. Cui Yubao, chief architect from Mi, argued that the international influence of Chinese technology is not enough currently. InfoQ can connect domestic technology companies together through CNUT to the mutual benefit of technology, co-build the Chinese technical community, and enhance the Chinese community's right to speak. This is the exact purpose of CNUT container technology club.

In the future, CNUT container technology club will dedicate its work in the following fields: content wise, it will publish technical bulletin on container technology and white paper on container practice; activity wise, it will organize various activities and meetings such as technical summit, technical salon, Hackathon, container committer activities, and closed door meetings. This year is the first year of CNUT Con, which will continue to hold in the future. Besides, CNUT will select a few domestic container open source projects to incubate in order to promote communication and cooperation in the field of domestic container technologies.

In this conference, InfoQ officially announced that InfoQ joint some domestic companied to launch CNUT as founding members, including Huawei, Baidu, Tencent, Weibo, Alibaba, Mi, Ctrip, Meituan, Souhu, Dianping, 360, Xueqiu, etc. Besides, Google, Red Hat and CoreOS also participated in the CNUTCon, and expressed support for the container technology club and hoped more involved in Chinese container technology community in the future.

At the end of the speech, Kevin Huo said " Before, what InfoQ do for container technology is mainly reports, well now, we together with domestic top technical companies and experts, are going to do something for the entire container technology in order to promote the development of container technology in China".

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