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Created April 29, 2020 06:54
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Feedforward neural network on Nim
import math, random, sugar
Matrix[T; M, N: static[int]] = array[1..M, array[1..N, T]]
# 加法
proc `+`[T, I, J](a: Matrix[T, I, J], b: T): Matrix[T, I, J] =
var c: Matrix[T, I, J]
for i in 1..I:
for j in 1..J:
c[i][j] = a[i][j] + b
result = c
# 減法
proc `-`[T, I, J](a: Matrix[T, I, J], b: T): Matrix[T, I, J] =
result = a + (-b)
# 乗法
proc `*`[T, I, J](a: Matrix[T, I, J], b: T): Matrix[T, I, J] =
var c: Matrix[T, I, J]
for i in 1..I:
for j in 1..J:
c[i][j] = a[i][j] * b
result = c
# 加法
proc `+`[T, I, J](a: T, b: Matrix[T, I, J]): Matrix[T, I, J] =
result = b + a
# 減法
proc `-`[T, I, J](a: T, b: Matrix[T, I, J]): Matrix[T, I, J] =
result = b - a
# 乗法
proc `*`[T, I, J](a: T, b: Matrix[T, I, J]): Matrix[T, I, J] =
result = b * a
# 加法
proc `+`[T, I, J](a, b: Matrix[T, I, J]): Matrix[T, I, J] =
var c: Matrix[T, I, J]
for i in 1..I:
for j in 1..J:
c[i][j] = a[i][j] + b[i][j]
result = c
# 減法
proc `-`[T, I, J](a, b: Matrix[T, I, J]): Matrix[T, I, J] =
var c: Matrix[T, I, J]
for i in 1..I:
for j in 1..J:
c[i][j] = a[i][j] - b[i][j]
result = c
# 行列の乗法
proc `*`[T, I, K, J](a: Matrix[T, I, K], b: Matrix[T, K, J]):
Matrix[T, I, J] =
var c: Matrix[T, I, J]
for i in 1..I:
for j in 1..J:
for k in 1..K:
c[i][j] += a[i][k] * b[k][j]
result = c
# アダマール積
proc `|*|`[T, I, J](a, b: Matrix[T, I, J]): Matrix[T, I, J] =
var c: Matrix[T, I, J]
for i in 1..I:
for j in 1..J:
c[i][j] = a[i][j] * b[i][j]
result = c
proc t[T, I, J](a: Matrix[T, I, J]): Matrix[T, J, I] =
var c: Matrix[T, J, I]
for i in 1..I:
for j in 1..J:
c[j][i] = a[i][j]
result = c
proc toRandom[T, I, J](a: var Matrix[T, I, J], min: T = 0, max: T = 1):
Matrix[T, I, J] {.discardable.} =
for i in 1..I:
for j in 1..J:
a[i][j] = rand(max - min) + min
dim_in = 1 # 入力は1次元
dim_out = 1 # 出力は1次元
hidden_count = 1024 # 隠れ層のノードは1024個
learn_rate = 0.005 # 学習率
# 訓練データは x は -1 ~ 1, y は 2 * x ^ 2 - 1
const train_count = 64 # 訓練データ数
train_x = collect(newSeq):
for i in 0..<train_count: 2 * i / (train_count - 1) - 1
train_y = collect(newSeq):
for x in train_x: 2 * x ^ 2 - 1
# 重みパラメータ. この行列の値を学習する.
w1: Matrix[float, hidden_count, dim_in]
w2: Matrix[float, dim_out, hidden_count]
b1: Matrix[float, hidden_count, 1]
b2: Matrix[float, dim_out, 1]
# -0.5 ~ 0.5 でランダムに初期化.
w1.toRandom(-0.5, 0.5)
w2.toRandom(-0.5, 0.5)
b1.toRandom(-0.5, 0.5)
b2.toRandom(-0.5, 0.5)
# 活性化関数は ReLU
proc activation[T](x: T): T =
proc activation[T, I, J](x: Matrix[T, I, J]): Matrix[T, I, J] =
var c: Matrix[T, I, J]
for i in 1..I:
for j in 1..J:
c[i][j] = x[i][j].activation
result = c
# 活性化関数の微分
proc activation_dash[T](x: T): T =
(x.abs / x + 1) / 2
proc activation_dash[T, I, J](x: Matrix[T, I, J]): Matrix[T, I, J] =
var c: Matrix[T, I, J]
for i in 1..I:
for j in 1..J:
c[i][j] = x[i][j].activation_dash
result = c
# 順方向. 学習結果の利用.
proc forward(x: float): float =
(b2 + w2 * activation(w1 * x + b1))[1][1]
# 逆方向. 学習.
proc backward(x: float, diff: float) {.discardable.} =
v1 = (w2.t * diff) |*| activation_dash(w1 * x + b1)
v2 = activation(w1 * x + b1)
w1 = w1 - v1 * x * learn_rate
b1 = b1 - v1 * learn_rate
w2 = w2 - v2.t * diff * learn_rate
b2 = b2 - diff * learn_rate
# メイン処理
idxes = collect(newSeq):
for i in 0..<train_count: i # idxes は 0 ~ 63
error, y, diff: float
for epoc in 1..1000: # 1000 エポック
idxes.shuffle # 確率的勾配降下法のため, エポックごとにランダムにシャッフルする
error = 0 # 二乗和誤差
for idx in idxes:
y = forward(train_x[idx]) # 順方向で x から y を計算する
diff = y - train_y[idx] # 訓練データとの誤差
error += diff ^ 2 # 二乗和誤差に蓄積
backward(train_x[idx], diff) # 誤差を学習
echo error # エポックごとに二乗和誤差を出力
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