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Created January 28, 2014 03:41
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JavaScript Timer Function
var start = process.hrtime();
var elapsed_time = function(note){
var precision = 3; // 3 decimal places
var elapsed = process.hrtime(start)[1] / 1000000; // divide by a million to get nano to milli
console.log(process.hrtime(start)[0] + " s, " + elapsed.toFixed(precision) + " ms - " + note); // print message + time
start = process.hrtime(); // reset the timer
// Example:
var debug = true;
http.createServer(function(request, response) {
if(debug) console.log("----------------------------------");
if(debug) elapsed_time("recieved request");
var send_html = function(err, contents) {
if(debug) elapsed_time("start send_html()");
response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html' } );
if(debug) elapsed_time("end send_html()");
if(debug) elapsed_time("start readFile()");
fs.readFile('output.txt', send_html);
if(debug) elapsed_time("end readFile()");
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