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Created January 23, 2022 09:27
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// tiny-space.cpp (C++11)
// AUTHOR: xixas | DATE: 2022.01.22 | LICENSE: WTFPL/PDM/CC0... your choice
// DESCRIPTION: Gaming: Space sim in a tiny package.
// Demo base for testing real-time save mechanisms.
// Work In Progress.
// BUILD: g++ --std=c++11 -O3 -lpthread -o tiny-space tiny-space.cpp
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <time.h>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
using std::chrono::duration;
using std::chrono::system_clock;
using std::chrono::time_point;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::ostringstream;
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T, typename U=float> struct Vector2;
typedef size_t ID;
typedef Vector2<int> v2int_t;
typedef Vector2<size_t> v2size_t;
typedef Vector2<float> v2float_t;
typedef v2float_t dimensions_t;
typedef v2float_t position_t;
typedef v2float_t direction_t;
typedef float speed_t;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T, typename U> struct Vector2 {
T x;
T y;
Vector2() : x(), y() {}
Vector2(T const& x, T const& y) : x(x), y(y) {}
Vector2(Vector2<T,U> const& o) : x(o.x), y(o.y) {}
Vector2<T,U>& operator=(const Vector2<T,U>& o) { x = o.x, y = o.y; return *this; }
Vector2<T,U> operator +(Vector2<T,U> const& o) const { return {x+o.x, y+o.y}; }
Vector2<T,U> operator -(Vector2<T,U> const& o) const { return {x-o.x, y-o.y}; }
Vector2<T,U> operator -() const { return {-x, -y}; }
Vector2<T,U> operator *(U u) const { return {x*u, y*u}; }
Vector2<T,U> operator /(U u) const { return {x/u, y/u}; }
Vector2<T,U> operator +(U u) const { return *this + (this->normalized() * u); }
Vector2<T,U> operator -(U u) const { return *this - (this->normalized() * u); }
U magnitude() const { return sqrt(x*x + y*y); }
Vector2<T,U> normalized() const { U m = magnitude(); if (!m) return *this; return {static_cast<T>(x/m), static_cast<T>(y/m)}; }
template <typename T> inline Vector2<T> operator +(Vector2<T> const& lhs, Vector2<T> const& rhs) { return {lhs.x + rhs.x, lhs.y + rhs.y}; }
template <typename T> inline Vector2<T> operator -(Vector2<T> const& lhs, Vector2<T> const& rhs) { return {lhs.x - rhs.x, lhs.y - rhs.y}; }
enum IDType { IDType_Sector, IDType_Ship, IDType_ShipWeapon, IDType_END };
struct HasID {
ID id;
IDType idType;
HasID(IDType const& idType) : id(++curId), idType(idType) {}
HasID(ID const& id, IDType const& idType) : id(id), idType(idType) {}
static ID curId;
ID HasID::curId = 0;
struct HasCode {
string code;
HasCode(string const& code="") : code(code) {}
struct HasName {
string name;
HasName(string const& name="") : name(name) {}
struct HasSize {
dimensions_t size;
HasSize(dimensions_t const& size={0, 0}) : size(size) {}
struct HasPosition {
position_t position;
HasPosition(position_t const& position={0, 0}) : position(position) {}
struct HasDirection {
direction_t direction;
HasDirection(direction_t const& direction={0, 0}) : direction(direction) {}
typedef float speed_t;
struct HasSpeed {
speed_t speed;
HasSpeed(speed_t const& speed=0) : speed(speed) {}
struct Sector;
struct HasSector {
Sector* sector;
HasSector(Sector* const sector=nullptr) : sector(sector) {}
struct SectorNeighbors {
Sector* north;
Sector* east;
Sector* south;
Sector* west;
SectorNeighbors() : north(nullptr), east(nullptr), south(nullptr), west(nullptr) {}
struct Ship;
struct Sector: public HasID, public HasName, public HasSize {
SectorNeighbors neighbors;
set<Ship*> ships;
Sector(string const& name="", dimensions_t const& size={0, 0})
: HasID(IDType_Sector), HasName(name), HasSize(size), neighbors(), ships() {}
Sector(ID const& id, string const& name="", dimensions_t const& size={0, 0})
: HasID(id, IDType_Sector), HasName(name), HasSize(size), neighbors(), ships() {}
struct Weapon;
enum ShipType { ShipType_Scout, ShipType_Corvette, ShipType_Frigate, ShipType_Transport, ShipType_END };
string shipClass(ShipType const& shipType) {
switch (shipType) {
case ShipType_Scout: return "Scout";
case ShipType_Corvette: return "Corvette";
case ShipType_Frigate: return "Frigate";
case ShipType_Transport: return "Transport";
default: return "";
string paddedShipClass(ShipType const& shipType) {
switch (shipType) {
case ShipType_Scout: return "Scout ";
case ShipType_Corvette: return "Corvette ";
case ShipType_Frigate: return "Frigate ";
case ShipType_Transport: return "Transport";
default: return "";
struct Ship : public HasID, public HasCode, public HasName, public HasSector,
public HasPosition, public HasDirection, public HasSpeed
ShipType type;
vector<Weapon*> weapons;
Ship(ShipType type, string const& code="", string const& name="",
Sector* const sector=nullptr, position_t const& position={0, 0},
direction_t const& direction={0, 0}, speed_t const& speed=0)
HasID(IDType_Ship), HasName(name), HasCode(code), HasSector(sector),
HasPosition(position), HasDirection(direction), HasSpeed(speed),
type(type), weapons() {}
Ship(ID const& id, ShipType type, string const& code="", string const& name="",
Sector* const sector=nullptr, position_t const& position={0, 0},
direction_t const& direction={0, 0}, speed_t const& speed=0)
HasID(id, IDType_Ship), HasName(name), HasCode(code), HasSector(sector),
HasPosition(position), HasDirection(direction), HasSpeed(speed),
type(type), weapons() {}
string str() const {
ostringstream os;
os << "(";
if (name.size()) os << " name:" << name;
if (code.size()) os << " code:" << code;
// if (sector) os << " sec:" << sector->name;
auto loc = position - (sector ? sector->size/2 : dimensions_t{0, 0});
os << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1)
<< " loc:{"
<< (loc.x >= 0 ? " " : "") << loc.x << ","
<< (loc.y >= 0 ? " " : "") << loc.y << "}";
os << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1)
<< " dir:{"
<< (direction.x >= 0 ? " " : "") << direction.x << ","
<< (direction.y >= 0 ? " " : "") << direction.y << "}";
auto shipClass = paddedShipClass(type);
if (shipClass.size()) os << " class:" << shipClass;
os << " )";
return os.str();
inline bool operator <(const Ship& lhs, const Ship& rhs) { return <; }
inline bool operator ==(const Ship& lhs, const Ship& rhs) { return ==; }
inline std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& os, const Ship& o) { os << o.str(); return os; }
namespace std { template<> struct hash<Ship> { ID operator ()(Ship const& o) const noexcept { return; } }; }
enum WeaponType { WeaponType_Laser, WeaponType_Pulse, WeaponType_Missile, WeaponType_END };
struct Weapon : public HasID {
WeaponType type;
ID* ship;
ID* target;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns a value between min and max (inclusive)
inline float randFloat(float min=0.0f, float max=1.0f) {
return min + (static_cast<float>(rand()) / static_cast<float>(RAND_MAX/(max-min)));
inline position_t randPosition(position_t min, position_t max) {
return {randFloat(min.x, max.x), randFloat(min.y, max.y)};
inline position_t randPosition(dimensions_t dimensions, float wallBuffer=0.0f) {
return randPosition({0.0f+wallBuffer, 0.0f+wallBuffer}, {dimensions.x-wallBuffer, dimensions.y-wallBuffer});
inline direction_t randDirection() {
direction_t direction;
do {
direction = {randFloat(-1.0f, 1.0f), randFloat(-1.0f, 1.0f)};
} while (!direction.magnitude());
return direction.normalized();
inline speed_t randSpeed(speed_t max) { return randFloat(0.0f, max); }
inline ShipType randShipType() { return static_cast<ShipType>(rand() % ShipType_END); }
string randCode() {
char buf[8];
size_t i;
for (i=0; i<3; ++i) buf[i] = 'A' + static_cast<char>(rand() % ('Z'-'A'+1));
buf[3] = '-';
for (i=4; i<7; ++i) buf[i] = '0' + static_cast<char>(rand() % ('9'-'0'+1));
buf[7] = '\0';
return buf;
string randName(ShipType const& shipType) {
static size_t scoutCur = 0;
static size_t corvetteCur = 0;
static size_t frigateCur = 0;
static size_t transportCur = 0;
ostringstream os;
switch (shipType) {
case ShipType_Scout: os << "S" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << ++scoutCur; break;
case ShipType_Corvette: os << "C" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << ++corvetteCur; break;
case ShipType_Frigate: os << "F" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << ++frigateCur; break;
case ShipType_Transport: os << "T" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << ++transportCur; break;
default: break;
return os.str();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// UI
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
vector<string> createSectorMap(Sector& sector, Ship* playerShip) {
static string leftPadding(19, ' ');
auto& sectorSize = sector.size;
vector<string> sectorMap; sectorMap.reserve(static_cast<size_t>(sectorSize.x+3));
{ // header
ostringstream os;
os << leftPadding << "+-[ " << << " ]" << string(((sectorSize.x+1) * 3) - - 5, '-') << '+';
for (size_t i=0; i<=sectorSize.y; ++i) {
ostringstream os;
os << leftPadding << '|' << string((sectorSize.x+1) * 3, ' ') << '|';
{ // footer
ostringstream os;
os << leftPadding << '+' << string((sectorSize.x+1) * 3, '-') << '+';
// ships
for (auto ship : sector.ships) {
auto& pos = ship->position;
size_t col=0, row=0;
for (size_t i=0; i<sector.size.x+1; ++i) {
if (pos.x >= -0.5f+i && pos.x < 0.5+i) {
col = leftPadding.size() + 1 + i*3 + 1;
for (size_t i=0; i<sector.size.y+1; ++i) {
if (pos.y >= -0.5f+i && pos.y < 0.5+i) {
row = 1 + i;
if (sectorMap[row][col] == ' ' || ship == playerShip) {
char shipChar = '.';
if (ship == playerShip) {
auto& dir = ship->direction;
auto dirMax = std::max(dir.y, 0.0f);
shipChar = 'v';
if (dir.x > 0 && dir.x > dirMax) { dirMax = dir.x; shipChar = '>'; }
if (dir.y < 0 && std::abs(dir.y) > dirMax) { dirMax = std::abs(ship->direction.y); shipChar = '^'; }
if (dir.x < 0 && std::abs(dir.x) > dirMax) { shipChar = '<'; }
sectorMap[row][col] = shipChar;
//cout << pos.y << '=' << row << ' ' << pos.x << '=' << col << endl;
return std::move(sectorMap);
vector<string> createWorldMap(vector<vector<Sector>> const& sectors, Ship* playerShip) {
vector<string> worldMap; worldMap.reserve(sectors.size()+1);
{ // column headers
ostringstream os;
os << " ";
for (size_t i=0; i<sectors[0].size(); ++i) {
os << " " << static_cast<char>('A' + i) << " ";
{ // header divider
ostringstream os;
os << " ." << string(sectors[0].size() * 7, '-');
for (size_t i=0; i<sectors.size(); ++i) {
ostringstream os;
char rowBuf[3];
sprintf(rowBuf, "%02zu", i+1);
os << rowBuf << " |";
for (size_t j=0; j<sectors[i].size(); ++j) {
Sector const& sector = sectors[i][j];
bool isPlayerSector = playerShip && &sector == playerShip->sector;
size_t shipCount = sector.ships.size();
os << (isPlayerSector ? '[' : ' ');
if (shipCount) {
char shipCountBuf[5];
sprintf(shipCountBuf, "%4zu", shipCount);
os << shipCountBuf;
} else {
os << " ";
os << (isPlayerSector ? " ]" : " ");
return std::move(worldMap);
void updateDisplay(vector<vector<Sector>>& sectors, Ship& playerShip) {
auto sectorMap = createSectorMap(*playerShip.sector, &playerShip);
auto worldMap = createWorldMap(sectors, &playerShip);
for (size_t i = 0; i<50; ++i) cout << endl;
// cout << string(78, '-') << endl;
cout << endl;
for (auto ship : playerShip.sector->ships) {
cout << (ship == &playerShip ? '>' : ' ') << ' ' << *ship << endl;
cout << endl;
for (auto& line : sectorMap) cout << line << endl;
cout << endl;
for (auto& line : worldMap) cout << line << endl;
cout << endl;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const speed_t
speed_t maxShipSpeed(ShipType shipType) {
switch (shipType) {
case ShipType_Scout: return SCOUT_SPEED;
case ShipType_Corvette: return CORVETTE_SPEED;
case ShipType_Frigate: return FRIGATE_SPEED;
case ShipType_Transport: return TRANSPORT_SPEED;
default: return 0;
vector<vector<Sector>> initSectors(v2size_t const& bounds, dimensions_t const& size) {
vector<vector<Sector>> sectors;
auto& rowCount = bounds.y;
auto& colCount = bounds.x;
char name[4];
Sector* sector;
for (size_t row=0; row<rowCount; ++row) {
for (size_t col=0; col<colCount; ++col) {
sprintf(name, "%02zu%c", 1+row, 'A'+col);
sectors[row].emplace_back(name, size);
for (size_t row=0; row<rowCount; ++row) {
for (size_t col=0; col<colCount; ++col) {
auto& sector = sectors[row][col];
sector.neighbors.north = (row == 0) ? nullptr : &sectors[row-1][col];
sector.neighbors.south = (row == rowCount - 1) ? nullptr : &sectors[row+1][col];
sector.neighbors.west = (col == 0) ? nullptr : &sectors[row][col-1];
sector.neighbors.east = (col == colCount - 1) ? nullptr : &sectors[row][col+1];
return sectors;
vector<Ship> initShips(size_t const& shipCount, vector<vector<Sector>>& sectors, float const& wallBuffer=0.1f) {
vector<Ship> ships;
for (size_t i=0; i<shipCount; ++i) {
Sector& sector = sectors[rand() % sectors.size()][rand() % sectors[0].size()];
auto type = randShipType();
auto code = randCode();
auto name = randName(type);
auto pos = randPosition(sector.size, wallBuffer);
auto dir = randDirection();
auto speed = maxShipSpeed(type);
auto it = ships.emplace(ships.end(), type, code, name, &sector, pos, dir, speed);
//cout << *it << endl;
return ships;
void moveShips(vector<Ship>& ships) {
for (auto& ship : ships) {
auto& pos = ship.position;
auto& dir = ship.direction;
auto& speed = ship.speed;
Sector* sector = ship.sector;
pos = pos + (dir * speed);
if (pos.x < 0) {
if (sector->neighbors.west) {
sector = sector->neighbors.west;
pos = {pos.x + sector->size.x, pos.y};
} else {
dir = direction_t{-dir.x, randFloat(-1, 1)}.normalized();
} else if (pos.x >= sector->size.x) {
if (sector->neighbors.east) {
pos = {pos.x - sector->size.x, pos.y};
sector = sector->neighbors.east;
} else {
dir = direction_t{-dir.x, randFloat(-1, 1)}.normalized();
if (pos.y < 0) {
if (sector->neighbors.north) {
sector = sector->neighbors.north;
pos = {pos.x, pos.y + sector->size.y};
} else {
dir = direction_t{randFloat(-1, 1), -dir.y}.normalized();
} else if (pos.y >= sector->size.y) {
if (sector->neighbors.south) {
pos = {pos.x, pos.y - sector->size.y};
sector = sector->neighbors.south;
} else {
dir = direction_t{randFloat(-1, 1), -dir.y}.normalized();
if (sector != ship.sector) {
// remove from old sector
set<Ship*> sectorShips(ship.sector->ships);
ship.sector->ships = sectorShips;
// add to new sector
sectorShips = sector->ships;
sector->ships = sectorShips;
// update ship
ship.sector = sector;
if (pos.x < 0) pos.x = 0;
else if (pos.x > sector->size.x) pos.x = sector->size.x;
if (pos.y < 0) pos.y = 0;
else if (pos.y > sector->size.y) pos.y = sector->size.y;
int main() {
v2size_t sectorBounds = {10, 10};
dimensions_t sectorSize = {10, 10};
size_t shipCount = 500;
size_t tick = 300; // milliseconds
auto sectors = initSectors(sectorBounds, sectorSize);
auto ships = initShips(shipCount, sectors);
auto& playerShip = ships[0];
updateDisplay(sectors, playerShip);
time_point<system_clock> t;
duration<double> d1, d2;
while (true) {
t = system_clock::now();
d1 = system_clock::now() - t;
t = system_clock::now();
updateDisplay(sectors, playerShip);
d2 = system_clock::now() - t;
cout << "work: " << (d1.count() * 1000) << "ms" << " "
<< "display: " << (d2.count() * 1000) << "ms"
<< endl;
return 0;
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xixasdev commented Jan 23, 2022

Tiny Space

UPDATE: Newer version (v2) available here.

A small space sim intended as a base for testing features like real-time saves.
There are no controls. It's just a self-perpetuating sim. Quit with <Ctrl+C>.

Ships fly around, hopping sectors. Speed depends on ship class.
I'll probably add some simple combat, jump gates, stations, tasks, and basic path finding as time permits.

Displays in-sector ship information, a sector map, and a global map showing how many ships are in each sector.

This gist will remain a simple base, but will be updated with more features occasionally to increase complexity.
Separate gists will be created for feature tests.

Sample Output

> ( name:F001 code:AEI-563 loc:{-1.4, 1.7} dir:{-0.4,-0.9} class:Frigate   )
  ( name:C031 code:YHV-953 loc:{ 0.3, 1.3} dir:{ 0.3, 1.0} class:Corvette  )
  ( name:S059 code:RKC-685 loc:{-3.6, 3.3} dir:{-1.0, 0.1} class:Scout     )
  ( name:S062 code:CTW-818 loc:{ 4.4, 4.2} dir:{-1.0,-0.0} class:Scout     )
  ( name:F078 code:RTF-828 loc:{-1.7,-4.2} dir:{ 0.1, 1.0} class:Frigate   )
  ( name:F119 code:YZC-396 loc:{ 2.6,-1.9} dir:{ 0.3,-1.0} class:Frigate   )

                   +-[ 08D ]-------------------------+
                   |                                 |
                   |          .                      |
                   |                                 |
                   |                         .       |
                   |                                 |
                   |                                 |
                   |                .                |
                   |             ^                   |
                   |    .                            |
                   |                            .    |
                   |                                 |

        A      B      C      D      E      F      G      H      I      J  
01 |    3      5      7      7      7      4      3      6      5      5  
02 |    6      5      7      7      7      1      4      5      1      4  
03 |    7      3      2     11      5             6      2      5      4  
04 |    2      5     10      3      3      8      2      3      3      8  
05 |    2      3      5      7      7      8      7      8      7      7  
06 |    4      4      4      6      3      5      5      3      7      5  
07 |    6      2      3      5      3      1      8      5      3      2  
08 |    4      5      7  [   6 ]    3      4      5      8      3      6  
09 |    5      4      7      3      6      6      5      3      6      6  
10 |    9      7      2      5      6     10      6      7      6      4  

work: 0.084438ms  display: 0.598263ms

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