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Created January 6, 2017 02:36
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wechat applet simulator features inspector
A simple inspector function to detect applet runtime features, such as new functions, new globals etc.
It will report detecting result in the console panel.
const features = {
object: {
assign: true,
is: true,
setPrototypeOf: true,
keys: true,
'values*': true,
'entries*': true,
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: true,
getOwnPropertyNames: true,
freeze: true,
seal: true,
preventExtensions: true,
isFrozen: true,
isSealed: true,
isExtensible: true,
'classof*': true
array: {
from: true,
of: true,
isArray: true,
copyWithin: false,
fill: false,
find: false,
findIndex: false,
values: false,
keys: false,
entries: false,
join: false,
slice: false,
indexOf: false,
lastIndexOf: false,
every: false,
some: false,
forEach: false,
map: false,
filter: false,
reduce: false,
reduceRight: false,
sort: false,
'includes*': false
string: {
fromCodePoint: true,
raw: true,
includes: false,
startsWith: false,
endsWith: false,
repeat: false,
codePointAt: false,
trim: false,
'trimLeft*': false,
'trimRight*': false,
'trimStart*': false,
'trimEnd*': false,
'padStart*': false,
'padEnd*': false
math: {
acosh: true,
asinh: true,
atanh: true,
cbrt: true,
clz32: true,
cosh: true,
expm1: true,
fround: true,
hypot: true,
imul: true,
log1p: true,
log10: true,
log2: true,
sign: true,
sinh: true,
tanh: true,
trunc: true
date: {
toJSON: false
promise: {
all: true,
resolve: true,
reject: true,
race: true,
__polyfill__: true,
then: false,
'catch': false,
'finally': false
function inspectType(type, typeName, instance){' ')`==========${typeName}==========`)
const target = features[typeName]
let support = ''
for(let k in target){
if(target[k] === true){ // static
support = !!type[k.replace('*', '')] ? 'Yes' : 'No'`${typeName}.${k}: ${support}`)
if(instance != null){
support = !!instance[k.replace('*', '')] ? 'Yes' : 'No'`${typeName}#${k}: ${support}`)
function isSupport(typeName, supported, msg){`=======${typeName} ${supported ? 'Yes' : 'No'}=======`)
function wxInsepctor(){'ES6 syntax and features inspector')
inspectType(Object, 'object', {})
inspectType(Array, 'array', [])
inspectType(String, 'string', '')
inspectType(Math, 'math')
inspectType(Date, 'date', new Date())' ')
isSupport('Promise', typeof Promise === 'function')
if(typeof Promise === 'function'){
inspectType(Promise, 'promise', Promise.resolve())
isSupport('fetch', typeof fetch === 'function')' ')
isSupport('ArrayBuffer', typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined')
isSupport('DataView', typeof DataView !== 'undefined')
isSupport('Int8Array', typeof Int8Array !== 'undefined')
isSupport('Uint8Array', typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined')
isSupport('Int16Array', typeof Int16Array !== 'undefined')
isSupport('Uint16Array', typeof Uint16Array !== 'undefined')
isSupport('Int32Array', typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined')
isSupport('Uint32Array', typeof Uint32Array !== 'undefined')
isSupport('Float32Array', typeof Float32Array !== 'undefined')
isSupport('Float64Array', typeof Float64Array !== 'undefined')
isSupport('Reflect*', typeof Reflect === 'object')
isSupport('Symbol*', typeof Symbol === 'function')
isSupport('Map*', typeof Map === 'function')
isSupport('WeakMap*', typeof WeakMap === 'function')
isSupport('Set*', typeof Set === 'function')
isSupport('WeakSet*', typeof WeakSet === 'function')
// BUG: nwjs,
// isSupport('setImmediate', typeof setImmediate === 'function')
// isSupport('clearImmediate', typeof clearImmediate === 'function')
export default wxInsepctor.bind({})
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