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Created March 13, 2015 11:55
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Shem Prelude
+ (macro [x y]
(: (Fn Num Num Num))
(Js.binary "+" x y))
- (macro [what from]
(: (Fn Num Num Num))
(Js.binary "-" from what))
* (macro [x y]
(: (Fn Num Num Num))
(Js.binary "*" x y))
/ (macro [by what]
(: (Fn Num Num Num))
(Js.binary "/" what by))
mod (macro [by of]
(: (Fn Num Num Num))
(Js.binary "%" of by))
sqrt (macro [n]
(: (Fn Num Num))
( "Math.sqrt" {n}))
^ (macro [to what]
(: (Fn Num Num Num))
( "Math.pow" {what to}))
sin (macro [x]
(: (Fn Num Num))
(# x is in radians.)
( "Math.sin" {x}))
cos (macro [x]
(: (Fn Num Num))
(# x is in radians.)
( "Math.cos" {x}))
round (macro [x]
(: (Fn Num Num))
(# x is in radians.)
( "Math.round" {x}))
rem (fn [by of]
(mod by (+ by (mod by of))))
~ (macro [x]
(: (Fn Num Num))
(Js.unary "-" x))
and (macro [first then]
(: (Fn Bool Bool Bool))
(Js.binary "&&" first then))
or (macro [first then]
(: (Fn Bool Bool Bool))
(Js.binary "||" first then))
not (macro [x]
(: (Fn Bool Bool))
(Js.unary "!" x))
if (macro [what then else]
(: (Fn Bool a a a))
(Js.ternary what then else))
Eq (class [a]
= (fn [x y] (: (Fn a a Bool))))
!= (fn [x y]
(not (= x y)))
bool= (macro [x y]
(: (Fn Bool Bool Bool))
(Js.binary "===" x y))
bool-eq (instance (Eq Bool)
= (fn [x y] (bool= x y)))
num= (macro [x y]
(: (Fn Num Num Bool))
(Js.binary "===" x y))
num-eq (instance (Eq Num)
= (fn [x y] (num= x y)))
Ord (class [a]
{(Eq a)}
<= (fn [than what] (: (Fn a a Bool))))
< (fn [than what]
(: (Fn a a Bool) (Ord a))
(and (<= than what) (not (= than what))))
> (fn [than what]
(: (Fn a a Bool) (Ord a))
(not (<= than what)))
>= (fn [than what]
(: (Fn a a Bool) (Ord a))
(or (= than what) (> than what)))
num<= (macro [than what]
(: (Fn Num Num Bool))
(Js.binary "<=" what than))
num-ord (instance (Ord Num)
<= (fn [than what]
(num<= than what)))
even? (fn [x]
(: (Fn Num Bool))
(= 0 (rem 2 x)))
odd? (fn [x]
(: (Fn Num Bool))
(not (even? x)))
id (fn [x] (: (Fn a a)) x)
const (fn [x y] (: (Fn a b a)) x)
. (fn [second first x]
(: (Fn (Fn b c) (Fn a b) a c))
(second (first x)))
fst (fn [tuple]
(: (Fn [a b] a))
[x y] tuple)
snd (fn [tuple]
(: (Fn [a b] b))
[x y] tuple)
curry (fn [fun x y]
(: (Fn (Fn [a b] c) a b c))
(fun [x y]))
uncurry (fn [fun tuple]
(: (Fn (Fn a b c) [a b] c))
(fun x y)
[x y] tuple)
& (macro [what to]
(: (Fn a (List a) (List a)))
( (Js.access to "unshift") {what}))
map (fn [what over]
(match over
{} {}
{x ..xs} (& (what x) (map what xs))))
join (fn [what with]
(match what
{} with
{x ..xs} (& x (join xs with))))
filter (fn [cond list]
(match list
{} list
{x ..xs} (if (cond x)
(& x (filter cond xs))
(filter cond xs))))
fold (fn [with initial list]
(match list
{} initial
{x ..xs} (fold with (with initial x) xs)))
concat (fn [lists]
(fold join {} lists))
concat-map (fn [what over]
(concat (map what over)))
head (fn [list]
{x ..xs} list)
tail (fn [list]
{x ..xs} list)
length (macro [list]
(: (Fn (List a) Num))
(Js.access list "size"))
at (fn [index in]
(match index
0 (head in)
n (at (- 1 n) (tail in))))
take (fn [n from]
(if (<= 0 n)
(match from
{} from
{x ..xs} (& x (take (- 1 n) xs)))))
drop (fn [n from]
(if (<= 0 n)
(match from
{} from
{x ..xs} (drop (- 1 n) xs))))
range (fn [from exclude-to]
(if (<= from exclude-to)
(& from (range (+ 1 from) exclude-to))))
sum (fold + 0)
all (fold and True)
any (fold or False)
all-map (fn [fun list]
(all ((map fun) list)))
any-map (fn [fun list]
(any ((map fun) list)))
null? (fn [list]
(= 0 (length list)))
add (macro [what to]
(: (Fn a (Set a) (Set a)))
( (Js.access to "add") {what}))
remove (macro [what from]
(: (Fn a (Set a) (Set a)))
( (Js.access from "remove") {what}))
elem? (macro [what in]
(: (Fn a (Set a) Bool))
( (Js.access in "has") {what}))
not-elem? (fn [what in]
(not (elem? what in)))
size (macro [list]
(: (Fn (Set a) Num))
(Js.access list "size"))
empty? (fn [list]
(= 0 (size list)))
put (macro [key value into]
(: (Fn k v (Map k v) (Map k v)))
( (Js.access into "set") {key value}))
get (macro [key from]
(: (Fn k (Map k v) v))
( (Js.access from "get") {key}))
key? (macro [key in]
(: (Fn k (Map k v) Bool))
( (Js.access in "has") {key}))
count (macro [map]
(: (Fn (Map k v) Num))
(Js.access map "size"))
key-set (macro [map]
(: (Fn (Map k v) (Set k)))
( (Js.access
( (Js.access map "keySeq") {}) "toSet") {}))
value-list (macro [map]
(: (Fn (Map k v) (List v)))
( (Js.access map "toStack") {}))
entry-list (macro [map]
(: (Fn (Map k v) (List [k v])))
( (Js.access
( (Js.access map "entrySeq") {}) "toStack") {}))
chars (macro [string]
(: (Fn String (List Char)))
( "Immutable.Stack"
{( (Js.access string "split") {"''"})}))
append (macro [before after]
(: (Fn String String String))
(Js.binary "+" before after))
implode (fn [strings]
(fold append "" strings))
implode-map (fn [what over]
(implode (map what over)))
make-pi (macro [x]
(: (Fn a Num))
(Js.access "Math" "PI"))
math-pi (make-pi 0)
radians (fn [degrees]
(* math-pi (/ 180 degrees)))
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