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Created December 4, 2013 17:11
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Save xixixao/7791421 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. Run like: > (new Simulation (ExponentialSampler 2), (ConstantSampler 2)).run 100
# (new Simulation (ExponentialSampler 2), (ConstantSampler 2)).run 100
class Simulation
constructor: (@interArrival, @serviceTime) ->
@events = []
@t = 0
@population = 0
@capacity = 20
arrival: =>
if @population < @capacity
if @population is 1
scheduleArrival: ->
t = @interArrival.sample()
@scheduleEvent t, @arrival
completion: =>
if @population > 0
if @population is @capacity - 1
scheduleCompletion: ->
t = @serviceTime.sample()
@scheduleEvent t, @completion
scheduleEvent: (t, cb)->
@events.push [@t + t, cb]
run: (duration) ->
@events = @events.sort ([t1], [t2]) -> t2 - t1
[t, cb] = @events.shift()
@t += t
log @population, @events.length
@run duration - 1 if duration
ConstantSampler = (c) ->
sample: ->
UniformSampler = (a, b) ->
sample: ->
(b - a) * Math.random() + a
ExponentialSampler = (λ) ->
sample: ->
- (Math.log Math.random()) / λ
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