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Created February 13, 2023 04:41
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Better ScrollView for tui-rs
use tui::{
text::{Spans, Text},
widgets::{Block, StatefulWidget, Widget},
use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;
use unicode_width::UnicodeWidthStr;
mod test {
use tui::{buffer::Buffer, layout::Rect, widgets::Block};
use super::*;
fn test_foo() {
let width = 80;
let area = Rect::new(0, 0, width, 4);
let mut buffer = Buffer::empty(area);
let view = ScrollView::new(Block::default());
let mut state = ScrollViewState::default();
view.render(area, &mut buffer, &mut state);
let result = Buffer::with_lines(vec!["1234", "56 "]);
type LineIndex = usize;
type WrappedLineIndex = usize;
type GraphemeIndex = usize;
struct WrappedLine {
line_index: LineIndex,
start_offset: GraphemeIndex,
length: GraphemeIndex,
pub struct ScrollViewState {
pub text: Text<'static>,
// Indexes refer to owned `text`, and is always kept in sync with it
wrapped_lines: Vec<WrappedLine>,
scroll: WrappedLineIndex,
// The area the scroll view was last rendered into
area: Rect,
impl ScrollViewState {
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.text.height() == 0
pub fn content_height(&self) -> usize {
pub fn scroll_to_end(&mut self) {
self.scroll_by(self.content_height() as isize);
pub fn scroll_by(&mut self, delta: isize) {
self.scroll = self.bound_scroll(self.scroll.saturating_add_signed(delta));
pub fn add_line(&mut self, line: String) {
let line_index = self.text.lines.len();
let spans = line.into();
self.wrap_line(&spans, line_index);
fn bound_scroll(&self, scroll: usize) -> usize {
fn wrap_line(&mut self, line: &Spans<'static>, line_index: LineIndex) {
Self::wrap_line_(self.area.width, &mut self.wrapped_lines, line, line_index)
pub fn rewrap_lines(&mut self) {
for (line_index, line) in self.text.lines.iter().enumerate() {
Self::wrap_line_(self.area.width, &mut self.wrapped_lines, line, line_index);
self.scroll = self.bound_scroll(self.scroll);
fn wrap_line_(
area_width: u16,
wrapped_lines: &mut Vec<WrappedLine>,
line: &Spans<'static>,
line_index: LineIndex,
) {
let mut iter = line.0.iter().flat_map(|span| span.content.graphemes(true));
let mut wrap = WordWrapper::new(&mut iter, area_width);
while let Some((start_offset, length)) = wrap.next_line() {
wrapped_lines.push(WrappedLine {
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct ScrollView<'a> {
block: Block<'a>,
impl<'a> ScrollView<'a> {
pub fn new(block: Block<'a>) -> ScrollView<'a> {
Self { block }
fn maybe_relayout(&self, state: &mut ScrollViewState, area: Rect) {
let text_area = self.block.inner(area);
let did_resize = !state.area.eq(&text_area);
state.area = text_area;
if !did_resize {
impl<'a> StatefulWidget for ScrollView<'a> {
type State = ScrollViewState;
fn render(self, area: Rect, screen_buffer: &mut Buffer, state: &mut Self::State) {
self.maybe_relayout(state, area);
let text_area = self.block.inner(area);
self.block.render(area, screen_buffer);
let scroll = state.scroll;
let wrapped_lines_in_view = state
.skip(scroll as usize)
.take(text_area.height as usize);
let first_line_index = wrapped_lines_in_view
.map_or(0, |first_line| first_line.line_index);
let mut lines_in_view = state.text.lines.iter().skip(first_line_index);
let mut graphemes = None;
for (y, wrapped_line) in wrapped_lines_in_view.enumerate() {
let mut offset = 0;
if graphemes.is_none() || wrapped_line.start_offset == 0 {
graphemes = Some(
.flat_map(|span| span.styled_graphemes(Style::default()))
while let Some((grapheme_index, grapheme)) = graphemes.as_mut().unwrap().next() {
if grapheme_index >= wrapped_line.start_offset {
text_area.x + offset as u16,
text_area.y + y as u16,
grapheme.symbol.width() as usize,,
offset += grapheme.symbol.width();
if grapheme_index >= wrapped_line.start_offset + wrapped_line.length - 1 {
/// A state machine that wraps lines on word boundaries.
pub struct WordWrapper<'a, 'b> {
line_symbols: &'b mut dyn Iterator<Item = &'a str>,
max_line_width: u16,
current_line: Vec<&'a str>,
next_line: Vec<&'a str>,
returned: bool,
current_line_start: usize,
next_line_start: usize,
impl<'a, 'b> WordWrapper<'a, 'b> {
pub fn new(
line_symbols: &'b mut dyn Iterator<Item = &'a str>,
max_line_width: u16,
) -> WordWrapper<'a, 'b> {
WordWrapper {
current_line: vec![],
next_line: vec![],
returned: false,
current_line_start: 0,
next_line_start: 0,
fn next_line(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
if self.max_line_width == 0 {
return None;
std::mem::swap(&mut self.current_line, &mut self.next_line);
self.current_line_start = self.next_line_start;
let mut current_line_width: u16 = self
.map(|symbol| symbol.width() as u16)
let mut symbols_to_last_word_end: usize = 0;
let mut prev_whitespace = false;
for symbol in &mut self.line_symbols {
// Ignore characters wider that the total max width.
if symbol.width() as u16 > self.max_line_width {
const NBSP: &str = "\u{00a0}";
let symbol_whitespace = symbol.chars().all(&char::is_whitespace) && symbol != NBSP;
// Mark the previous symbol as word end.
if symbol_whitespace && !prev_whitespace {
symbols_to_last_word_end = self.current_line.len();
current_line_width += symbol.width() as u16;
if current_line_width > self.max_line_width {
// If there was no word break in the text, wrap at the end of the line.
let (truncate_at,) = if symbols_to_last_word_end != 0 {
} else {
(self.current_line.len() - 1,)
// Push the remainder to the next line but strip leading whitespace:
let remainder = &self.current_line[truncate_at..];
if let Some(remainder_nonwhite) = remainder
.position(|symbol| !symbol.chars().all(&char::is_whitespace))
self.next_line_start += remainder_nonwhite;
// current_line_width = truncated_width;
self.next_line_start += truncate_at;
prev_whitespace = symbol_whitespace;
// Even if the iterator is exhausted, pass the previous remainder.
if self.current_line.is_empty() && self.returned {
} else {
self.returned = true;
Some((self.current_line_start, self.current_line.len()))
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