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Forked from AssIstne/
Created July 31, 2019 08:19
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utils to convert pcm byte array to wav byte array
public class PcmToWavUtil {
* @param pcmData pcm原始数据
* @param numChannels 声道设置, mono = 1, stereo = 2
* @param sampleRate 采样频率
* @param bitPerSample 单次数据长度, 例如8bits
* @return wav数据
public static byte[] pcmToWav(byte[] pcmData, int numChannels, int sampleRate, int bitPerSample) {
byte[] wavData = new byte[pcmData.length + 44];
byte[] header = wavHeader(pcmData.length, numChannels, sampleRate, bitPerSample);
System.arraycopy(header, 0, wavData, 0, header.length);
System.arraycopy(pcmData, 0, wavData, header.length, pcmData.length);
return wavData;
* @param pcmLen pcm数据长度
* @param numChannels 声道设置, mono = 1, stereo = 2
* @param sampleRate 采样频率
* @param bitPerSample 单次数据长度, 例如8bits
* @return wav头部信息
public static byte[] wavHeader(int pcmLen, int numChannels, int sampleRate, int bitPerSample) {
byte[] header = new byte[44];
// ChunkID, RIFF, 占4bytes
header[0] = 'R';
header[1] = 'I';
header[2] = 'F';
header[3] = 'F';
// ChunkSize, pcmLen + 36, 占4bytes
long chunkSize = pcmLen + 36;
header[4] = (byte) (chunkSize & 0xff);
header[5] = (byte) ((chunkSize >> 8) & 0xff);
header[6] = (byte) ((chunkSize >> 16) & 0xff);
header[7] = (byte) ((chunkSize >> 24) & 0xff);
// Format, WAVE, 占4bytes
header[8] = 'W';
header[9] = 'A';
header[10] = 'V';
header[11] = 'E';
// Subchunk1ID, 'fmt ', 占4bytes
header[12] = 'f';
header[13] = 'm';
header[14] = 't';
header[15] = ' ';
// Subchunk1Size, 16, 占4bytes
header[16] = 16;
header[17] = 0;
header[18] = 0;
header[19] = 0;
// AudioFormat, pcm = 1, 占2bytes
header[20] = 1;
header[21] = 0;
// NumChannels, mono = 1, stereo = 2, 占2bytes
header[22] = (byte) numChannels;
header[23] = 0;
// SampleRate, 占4bytes
header[24] = (byte) (sampleRate & 0xff);
header[25] = (byte) ((sampleRate >> 8) & 0xff);
header[26] = (byte) ((sampleRate >> 16) & 0xff);
header[27] = (byte) ((sampleRate >> 24) & 0xff);
// ByteRate = SampleRate * NumChannels * BitsPerSample / 8, 占4bytes
long byteRate = sampleRate * numChannels * bitPerSample / 8;
header[28] = (byte) (byteRate & 0xff);
header[29] = (byte) ((byteRate >> 8) & 0xff);
header[30] = (byte) ((byteRate >> 16) & 0xff);
header[31] = (byte) ((byteRate >> 24) & 0xff);
// BlockAlign = NumChannels * BitsPerSample / 8, 占2bytes
header[32] = (byte) (numChannels * bitPerSample / 8);
header[33] = 0;
// BitsPerSample, 占2bytes
header[34] = (byte) bitPerSample;
header[35] = 0;
// Subhunk2ID, data, 占4bytes
header[36] = 'd';
header[37] = 'a';
header[38] = 't';
header[39] = 'a';
// Subchunk2Size, 占4bytes
header[40] = (byte) (pcmLen & 0xff);
header[41] = (byte) ((pcmLen >> 8) & 0xff);
header[42] = (byte) ((pcmLen >> 16) & 0xff);
header[43] = (byte) ((pcmLen >> 24) & 0xff);
return header;
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