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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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  • Save xjcl/1cf1601e2bd5d421af8b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save xjcl/1cf1601e2bd5d421af8b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Takes a short text quote and turns it into an inspirational image (text2quote). This gist includes a reddit bot (quotebot). License is GPL v3. Example:
# this is a modified version of tst's generate bot for
# text2quote (i.e. text on a fancy background) generation.
# it is stripped in that the imgur/reddit references are
# removed and it is called in the same way as my own text2quote
# module (so it is interchangable).
import os
import textwrap
import time
from random import choice, randint
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
def get_random_file_from_directory(directory):
""" Returns the path of a random file from a directory """
# workaround for the interactive shell
files = os.listdir(directory)
files = [filename for filename in files
if filename != ".DS_Store"
and filename != "thumbs.db"] # XXX better way?
return os.path.join(directory, choice(files))
def get_font(path, size):
""" Returns a font for PIL """
return ImageFont.truetype(path, size=size)
def get_font_path():
""" Returns a random font path """
return get_random_file_from_directory("./fonts")
def get_background():
""" Returns a random background resized """
path = get_random_file_from_directory("./backgrounds")
image =
return resize_background(image)
def scale(variable, scalar):
""" Takes a variable and an scalar and multiples them
rounds them and returns an integer """
return int(round(variable * scalar))
def scale_direction(variable, scalar):
""" Takes a tuple of (x, y) variable and returns the scaled version
of both """
return tuple([scale(direction, scalar) for direction in variable])
def resize_background(image, max_size=1024):
""" Takes a background and resizes it to max_size
returns a new image """
oldx, _ = image.size
scalar = round(max_size / float(oldx), 2)
x, y = scale_direction(image.size, scalar)
return image.resize((x, y))
def generate_text_location(size, draw, text, font):
""" Takes a size tuple (x, y) and
returns a random placement for the beginning
of a text as a tuple """
scalar = randint(1, 4) / 9.0
x, y = scale_direction(size, scalar)
return (x, y)
def get_letter_pixel_ratio(font):
""" Returns the letter pixel ratio for a font """
example_text = "Ab c .-,: 039"
textwidth, _ = font.getsize(example_text)
letter_pixel_ratio = textwidth / float(len(example_text))
return letter_pixel_ratio
def calculate_text_wrap(backgroundsize, textcoords, font):
letter_pixel_ratio = get_letter_pixel_ratio(font)
backgroundwidth, _ = backgroundsize
x, y = textcoords
text_wrap = int(round(((backgroundwidth * (1 - (randint(1, 3) / 6.0)) - x)
/ letter_pixel_ratio)))
return text_wrap
def print_main_text(image, text, font):
rgba = (255, 255, 255, 245)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
x, y = generate_text_location(image.size, draw, text, font)
newy = y
lineheight = 1.25
lines = textwrap.wrap(text,
width=calculate_text_wrap(image.size, (x, y), font))
_, height = font.getsize("ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPRSTUVWXYZ$%&/()0123456789")
xs = []
for line in lines:
draw.text((x, newy), line, font=font, fill=rgba)
width, _ = font.getsize(line)
xs.append(x + width)
newy += (height * lineheight)
return (max(xs), (newy - height))
def print_author_text(image, author, font, text_coords):
rgba = (240, 240, 240, 240)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
line = "- %s" % author
offsetx, offsety = font.getsize(line)
x, y = text_coords
# calculate new coordinates
newx = x - offsetx
newy = y + 1.75 * offsety
draw.text((newx, newy), line, font=font, fill=rgba)
return (newx + offsetx, newy + offsety)
def generate_picture(text, author):
if len(text) > 69:
return None
image = get_background()
fontpath = get_font_path()
# text_factor is only less than 1.5 for very long texts.
# monstrous texts will not overflow the pic, but inf. loop the program.
# TODO test if dependent on source image size (<<100, >>1024?)
# TODO write own program with box model (place box, squeeze text into)
text_factor = min(1.5, max(0.5, (1 / (len(text) / 60.0)) * 1.75))
if debug: print(text_factor)
# print main text
main_font = get_font(fontpath, scale(randint(20, 34), text_factor))
text_coords = print_main_text(image, text, main_font)
# print author text
author_font = get_font(fontpath, scale(randint(17, 25), text_factor))
maxx, maxy = print_author_text(image, author, author_font, text_coords)
# check if text is out-of-bounds
backgroundwidth, backgroundheight = image.size
if maxy > backgroundheight * 0.95 or maxx > backgroundwidth * 0.95: # XXX
outname = str(abs(hash(text)))+".png"
return generate_picture(text, author) # "XXX" indeed. ._.
outname = str(abs(hash(text)))+".png"
return outname
def get_quote(text, author="AnderZEL"):
return generate_picture(text, author)
debug = 0
if debug:
print(get_quote("lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec a diam lectus. sed sit amet ipsum mauris."))
print(get_quote("lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec a diam"))
print(get_quote("lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."))
print(get_quote("lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"))
print(get_quote("i hate you guys so much that sounds so damn bad taken out of context to xD"))
Take input from certain redditors for the text2quote
(and generate_cleansed) module/s and post the results
to imgur and reddit.
Use with a settings.json file.
# Partially based on Groompbot by /u/AndrewNeo.
# Not really copied but come on how should I
# can't start with an empty page or whatever.
# TODO write imgur deletion links (not just paths) to file
# TODO improve logging.
# By calling logger methods with exc_info=True parameter, traceback is
# dumped to the logger.
# logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import sys
import logging
import json
import time # for time.sleep() and maybe measuring
from random import randint, choice
import logging
import praw
import pyimgur
import text2quote
import generate_cleansed as gc # credit: by tst (/u/tst___)
# ---------------------------------
# misc.
# ---------------------------------
def loadSettings():
"""Load settings from file."""
settingsFile = open("settings.json", "r")
except IOError:
logging.exception("Error opening settings.json.")
settings = json.load(settingsFile)
except ValueError:
logging.exception("Error parsing settings.json.")
# Check integrity
for variable in ["reddit_username", "reddit_password", "reddit_ua",
"poet", "imgur_client", "imgur_secret"]:
if (len(settings[variable]) == 0):
logging.critical(variable+" not set.")
return settings
# ---------------------------------
# text/comment/pm-processing and -output
# ---------------------------------
def format_message(link):
"""Format the results into a comment formatted for reddit.""""Formatting message.")
lmsg = link
#lmsg += ("\n\n~~--------------------------------------------------~~"+
#lmsg += ("\n\n^I ^am ^a ^bot.")# | [About](...) | [Source]"+
lmsg += ("\n\n^(I am a bot." +
" Will respond to /u/anderzel comments." +
#" Will delete if downvoted." +
" Pics:" +
" By: /u/xjcl, /u/tst__ [unknowingly] helped." +
" Suggested: /u/TheRealLemon.)")
return lmsg
# ---------------------------------
# reddit-specific
# ---------------------------------
def getReddit(settings):
"""Get a reference to Reddit."""
r = praw.Reddit(user_agent=settings["reddit_ua"])
r.login(settings["reddit_username"], settings["reddit_password"])
logging.exception("Error logging into Reddit.")
return r
def delete_unpopular_coms(reddit, username, threshold=-1):"Deleting comments with a score less than "+str(threshold)+".")
for comment in reddit.get_redditor(username).get_comments():
if comment.score < threshold:"Deleting '""'.")
def listen(reddit, im, last_com, poet="anderzel"):
"""Check newest comments for quotable material."""
logging.debug("Searching through this userhis: "+poet)
imgur_links = []
new_start = True
lerr = logging.error # space is valuable
for comment in reddit.get_redditor(poet).get_comments(): # latest 25
success = False
if new_start:
new_last_com =
new_start = False
"""TEXT2QUOTE (local)"""
if == last_com:
break # already looked at the rest
elif randint(1, 4) in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
# if newlines are in the comment, it is probably too long
# (also text2quote doesn't really support newlines)
if "\n" not in comment.body:"Generating image from: "+comment.body)
aut = "AnderZEL" # a bit different from his reddit name
filename1 = text2quote.get_quote(comment.body, author=aut)
filename2 = gc.get_quote(comment.body, author=aut)
except Exception as e:
lerr("Unexpected error while generating image:"+str(e))
# pick random if both exist, pick the other if one is None
filename = choice((filename1 or filename2,
filename2 or filename1))
if filename:
path = "./" + filename"Image generation succeeded!")
success = True
if success:
success = False # it's more of a 'temporary success'"Uploading to imgur.")
uploaded_image = im.upload_image(path, title=comment.body)"Uploaded to "+str(
success = True
except Exception as e:
lerr("Unexpected error while uploading image:"+str(e))
if success:"Responding to '"+str(poet)+"' ("").")
reply_msg = format_message(str(
comment.reply(reply_msg)"Comment succeeded!")
except praw.errors.RateLimitExceeded:
logging.error("Comment failed (RateLimitExceeded)." +
" You need more karma in that subreddit.")
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: # XXX test this code
#except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
if e.code not in [429, 500, 502, 503, 504]:
logging.error("Reddit is down (error "+e.code+").")
except Exception as e:
# Used here so ids saved in last_com will still
# be written to file.
lerr("Unexpected error while replying to comment:"+str(e))"Receiving comment-id of last comment.")
return new_last_com, imgur_links
# ---------------------------------
# main
# ---------------------------------
def runBot():
"""Start a run of the bot.""""Starting bot.")
settings = loadSettings()"Logging into Reddit.")
reddit = getReddit(settings)"Connecting to Imgur.")
client_id = settings["imgur_client"]
im = pyimgur.Imgur(client_id)
"""Search comments and post"""
"""last_com prevents responding to the
same comment twice"""
last_com = ""
of = open('last_com', 'r')
last_com = next(of).strip()
except IOError:"last_com doesn't exits.")
except StopIteration:"last_com can't be read (no newlines).")
lerror = logging.error
while True:"Looking for new comments.")
poet = settings["poet"]
last_com, imgur_links = listen(reddit, im, last_com, poet)
#del_unpop = delete_unpopular_coms
#del_unpop(reddit, settings["reddit_username"], threshold=-1)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: # XXX test this code
if e.code not in [429, 500, 502, 503, 504]:
logging.error("Reddit is down (error "+e.code+").")
except Exception as e:
lerror("Error while listening to latest reddit comments:"+str(e))"Writing last comment id to file.")
if last_com:
sf = open('last_com', 'w')
except Exception as e:
lerror("Unexpected error while writing to last_com:"+str(e))
if imgur_links:
sf = open('uploads', 'a')
for link in imgur_links:
except Exception as e:
lerror("Unexpected error while writing to imgur_links:"+str(e))
seconds = 200"Done! (sleep for "+str(seconds)+")")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# print to console
# TODO %(asctime)s
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
# print to log file
A module for turning text into inspirational
quotes. (see function get_quote)
# (heavily) modified from
import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont #py2
import os
from random import choice, randint
def adjust_size(size):
"""Make space between newlines"""
return (size[0], int(size[1]*1.5))
def draw_with_shadow(draw, text, font, padding):
"""Fake text shadow by drawing with x+1, y+1."""
x, y = padding
shadowcolor = (208, 208, 208)
fillcolor = (255, 255, 255)
draw.text((x+1, y+1), text, font=font, fill=shadowcolor) # shadow
draw.text((x, y), text, font=font, fill=fillcolor) # text
def draw_on_image(img, text, fontpath, fontsize, padding=(0,0)):
"""Draw a line of text (no newlines) on an image in-place"""
font = ImageFont.truetype(fontpath, fontsize)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
draw_with_shadow(draw, text, font, padding)
def draw_on_lines(img, text, fontpath, fontsize):
Draw lines of text (separated by newlines)
centered on an image in-place.
# NOTE. size will refer to font size, img.size to image size
lines = text.split("\n")
font = ImageFont.truetype(fontpath, fontsize)
# calculate an ideal constant height fit for all lines
# the example text contains letters with HIGH and low text
# if i used size[1] instead, it would vary by up to ~20%
FONT_HEIGHT = adjust_size(font.getsize("ABCDEFygqp"))[1]
start_height = img.size[1]/2.0 - (len(lines)*FONT_HEIGHT)/2.0
#start_height -= 10 # adjust for human perception
top = int(start_height)
for line in lines:
if not line: # if empty line / spacing line
size = adjust_size(font.getsize(line))
left = img.size[0]/2.0 - size[0]/2.0
left = int(left)
draw_on_image(img, line, fontpath, fontsize, padding=(left, top))
def cut_at(text, n):
"""Cut text at nearest space _before_ the nth place."""
if n >= len(text):
# for the last line, to be included fully
return len(text)
i = n
while i > 0:
if text[i] == " ":
return i
i -= 1
return n # uncuttable, wrap text instead
def add_newlines(text, newlines):
Add the desired numbers of newlines evenly,
i.e. try to make all lines about the same length.
Return a string with newlines, not the list of substrings.
(WARNING: This is programmed sloppily.
Notice how we measured the text width in the font first,
but rely on the (raw) text length now)
ideal_length = len(text) / float(newlines+1)
cut_to = int(ideal_length) + 5
parts = []
while newlines > 0 or text:
cut_limit = cut_at(text, cut_to)
if not cut_limit:
text = text[cut_limit:]
newlines -= 1
return "\n".join(parts)
def get_random_system_font_linux():
"""Gets a random system font on Linux (only tested with Ubuntu 14.04)."""
#fonts that miss the letters of english text (os: ubuntu 14.04)
bullshit_fonts = ["kacst", "kacst-one", "sinhala", "droid",
"openoffice", # only contains symbola font
"fonts-japanese-gothic.ttf", # wtf
"ttf-indic-fonts-core", "ttf-khmeros-core", "ttf-punjabi-fonts"]
# TODO alternatively whitelist font directories, not blacklist
# TODO 'intelligently' look if they exist (see comment above)
# search for a random font two directories deep
ranfolder = bullshit_fonts[0]
fontpath_stem = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/"
while ranfolder in bullshit_fonts:
ranfolder = choice(os.listdir(fontpath_stem))
ranfolder = ranfolder + "/"
fontfolder = fontpath_stem + ranfolder
ranname = choice(os.listdir(fontfolder))
#fontpath = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerif.ttf"
fontpath = fontpath_stem + ranfolder + ranname
return fontpath
def get_quote(raw_text, author="AnderZEL"):
Take in a text_quote and write it on top of arandom image in
./images or ./backgrounds, save it, and return the file path.
use_local_fonts = True
use_system_fonts = True
if use_system_fonts:
fontpath = get_random_system_font_linux()
if use_local_fonts:
alt_fontpath = "./fonts" + "/" + choice(os.listdir("./fonts"))
if fontpath:
fontpath = choice((fontpath, alt_fontpath, alt_fontpath))
fontpath = alt_fontpath
image_dirs = ("./backgrounds", "./images")
image_dir = choice(image_dirs)
img_path = image_dir + "/" + choice(os.listdir(image_dir))
img =
img_dimension = min(img.size)
fontsize = int( img_dimension / float(randint(13, 17) ) )
font = ImageFont.truetype(fontpath, fontsize)
size = adjust_size(font.getsize(raw_text))
if debug: print(size)
if size[0] > img_dimension * 3.8:
return None # not fitting on 4 lines -> too much text
if size[0] > img_dimension:
# TODO test for small / wide(!) images
newlines = size[0] // (img_dimension)
raw_text = add_newlines(raw_text, newlines)
if not raw_text:
return None
text = raw_text + "\n\n" + author
draw_on_lines(img, text, fontpath, fontsize)
outname = str(abs(hash(raw_text)))+".png"
return outname
if debug:
print(get_quote("lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec a diam lectus. sed sit amet ipsum mauris."))
print(get_quote("lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec a diam"))
print(get_quote("lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."))
print(get_quote("lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"))
print(get_quote("i hate you guys so much that sounds so damn bad taken out of context to xD"))
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