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Last active December 30, 2015 17:16
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Save xjcl/51e0b5d1fb42c74dd923 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Program to find occurrences of one audio clip inside another audio clip.
# Program to find occurrences of one audio clip inside another audio clip.
# you need to youtube-dl the video with id mPdcedZ9GxE for the example
# WARNING! example requires 3GB of free RAM
from moviepy.editor import *
from numpy import *
from scipy.signal import *
# poppy bros: 8200 10000 68
def occurences(haystack, needle, threshold, peak_dist, needle_seconds):
'''Finds all occurences of needle in haystack (both are audio encoded as 1xn-array)
Magical constants: threshold and peak_dist. Different every time, adjust by hand!
needle_seconds: length of the needle audio, in seconds
>>Returns: array of occurences (in seconds)'''
corr = abs(fftconvolve(haystack, needle, mode='same'))
peaks = where(corr > threshold)[0]
summary_peaks = []
last_peak = -inf
for peak in peaks:
if peak - last_peak > peak_dist:
last_peak = peak
return (array(summary_peaks) / len(corr) * needle_seconds, corr[summary_peaks])
if __name__ == '__main__':
'''Example: Find all >shine collect<s in a Super Mario Sunshine Longplay'''
s = "[Longplay] Super Mario Sunshine - Part 1-mPdcedZ9GxE.mp4"
clip = VideoFileClip(s).subclip((0,0), (12,0))
t = "shine_collect.mp4"
clip.subclip((3,18),(3,22)).write_videofile(t) # we only need to generate it once
template = VideoFileClip(t)
print('step 1/3 (loading haystack and needle) done')
ts =[::-1] # convolution is REVERSED correlation
# i do not know if this is ok, but i have a 2xn-array and need a 1xn-array...
ts = ts[:,0] + ts[:,1]
cs =
cs = cs[:,0] + cs[:,1]
print('step 2/3 (converting audio to_soundarray) done')
print(occurences(cs, ts, 3500, 400000, 720))
print('step 3/3 (finding all needles in haystack) done')
# expected
# 3:18 198
# 11:11 671
# 15:41 941
# 20:45 1245
# result (first 30 mins, using 12 GB of mem LOL) (12 min works in 3 ;))
# array([ 198.94752835, 671.8446712 , 941.03247165, 1245.3403855 ])
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