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Last active June 8, 2021 12:50
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  • Save xjcl/8ce64008710128f3a076 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save xjcl/8ce64008710128f3a076 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple pong game written in python and pyglet.
Play a simple game of pong in a window.
Player 0 controls: (W, S) Player 1 controls: (O, L). Quit: (Q)
The ball bounces differently if you move while hitting it.
This also includes a slight factor of randomness.
Requires: pyglet, 10x10 image in directory: "white_square.png"
# native libs
import math
import random
# non-native libs
import pyglet
class Ball(object):
def __init__(self):
self.debug = 0
# x and y are the _center_ of the ball, not topleft corner
self.TO_SIDE = 5
self.x = 50.0 + self.TO_SIDE
self.y = float( random.randint(0, 450) )
self.x_old = self.x # coordinates in the last frame
self.y_old = self.y
self.vec_x = 2**0.5 / 2 # sqrt(2)/2
self.vec_y = random.choice([-1, 1]) * 2**0.5 / 2
#(assert self.vec_x * self.vex_y == 1.0) at all times
class Player(object):
def __init__(self, NUMBER, screen_WIDTH=800):
"""NUMBER must be 0 (left player) or 1 (right player)."""
self.x = 50.0 + (screen_WIDTH - 100) * NUMBER
self.y = 50.0
self.last_movements = [0]*4 # short movement history
# used for bounce calculation
self.up_key, self.down_key = None, None
if NUMBER == 0:
self.up_key = pyglet.window.key.W
self.down_key = pyglet.window.key.S
elif NUMBER == 1:
self.up_key = pyglet.window.key.O
self.down_key = pyglet.window.key.L
class Model(object):
"""Model of the entire game. Has two players and one ball."""
def __init__(self, DIMENSIONS=(800, 450)):
"""DIMENSIONS is a tuple (WIDTH, HEIGHT) of the field."""
self.players = [Player(0, WIDTH), Player(1, WIDTH)]
self.ball = Ball()
self.pressed_keys = set() # set has no duplicates
self.quit_key = pyglet.window.key.Q
self.speed = 6 # in pixels per frame
self.ball_speed = self.speed * 2.5
self.paused = False
self.i = 0 # "frame count" for debug
def reset_ball(self, who_scored):
"""Place the ball anew on the loser's side."""
if debug: print(str(who_scored)+" scored. reset.")
self.ball.y = float( random.randint(0, self.HEIGHT) )
self.ball.vec_y = random.choice([-1, 1]) * 2**0.5 / 2
if who_scored == 0:
self.ball.x = self.WIDTH - 50.0 - self.ball.TO_SIDE
self.ball.vec_x = - 2**0.5 / 2
elif who_scored == 1:
self.ball.x = 50.0 + self.ball.TO_SIDE
self.ball.vec_x = + 2**0.5 / 2
elif who_scored == "debug":
self.ball.x = 70 # in paddle atm -> usage: hold f
self.ball.y = self.ball.debug
self.ball.vec_x = -1
self.ball.vec_y = 0
self.ball.debug += 0.2
if self.ball.debug > 100:
self.ball.debug = 0
def check_if_oob_top_bottom(self):
"""Called by update_ball to recalc. a ball above/below the screen."""
# bounces. if -- bounce on top of screen. elif -- bounce on bottom.
b = self.ball
if b.y - b.TO_SIDE < 0:
illegal_movement = 0 - (b.y - b.TO_SIDE)
b.y = 0 + b.TO_SIDE + illegal_movement
b.vec_y *= -1
elif b.y + b.TO_SIDE > self.HEIGHT:
illegal_movement = self.HEIGHT - (b.y + b.TO_SIDE)
b.y = self.HEIGHT - b.TO_SIDE + illegal_movement
b.vec_y *= -1
def check_if_oob_sides(self):
"""Called by update_ball to reset a ball left/right of the screen."""
b = self.ball
if b.x + b.TO_SIDE < 0: # leave on left
elif b.x - b.TO_SIDE > self.WIDTH: # leave on right
def check_if_paddled(self):
"""Called by update_ball to recalc. a ball hit with a player paddle."""
# TODO remove duplicate code?
# TODO also retrace the original line to see if it touches paddle
b = self.ball
p0, p1 = self.players[0], self.players[1]
angle = math.acos(b.vec_y) # vector mult: (0, 1) * (b.vec_x, b.vec_y)
factor = random.randint(5, 15) # low: strong player influence
# `cross` is true for player n if the ball was in front of their
# paddle the frame before and is behind them in this frame
cross0 = (b.x < p0.x + 2*b.TO_SIDE) and (b.x_old >= p0.x + 2*b.TO_SIDE)
cross1 = (b.x > p1.x - 2*b.TO_SIDE) and (b.x_old <= p1.x - 2*b.TO_SIDE)
if cross0 and -25 < b.y - p0.y < 25:
if debug: print("hit at "+str(self.i))
illegal_movement = p0.x + 2*b.TO_SIDE - b.x
b.x = p0.x + 2*b.TO_SIDE + illegal_movement
angle -= sum(p0.last_movements) / factor / self.ball_speed
b.vec_y = math.cos(angle)
b.vec_x = (1**2 - b.vec_y**2) ** 0.5
elif cross1 and -25 < b.y - p1.y < 25:
if debug: print("hit at "+str(self.i))
illegal_movement = p1.x - 2*b.TO_SIDE - b.x
b.x = p1.x - 2*b.TO_SIDE + illegal_movement
angle -= sum(p1.last_movements) / factor / self.ball_speed
b.vec_y = math.cos(angle)
b.vec_x = - (1**2 - b.vec_y**2) ** 0.5
def update_ball(self):
Update ball position with post-collision detection.
I.e. Let the ball move out of bounds and calculate
where it should have been within bounds.
When bouncing off a paddle, take player velocity into
consideration as well. Add a small factor of random too.
self.i += 1 # "debug"
b = self.ball
b.x_old, b.y_old = b.x, b.y
b.x += b.vec_x * self.ball_speed
b.y += b.vec_y * self.ball_speed
self.check_if_oob_top_bottom() # oob: out of bounds
def update(self):
"""Work through all pressed keys, update and call update_ball."""
pks = self.pressed_keys
if self.quit_key in pks:
if pyglet.window.key.R in pks and debug:
if pyglet.window.key.F in pks and debug:
for p in self.players:
if p.up_key in pks and p.down_key not in pks:
p.y -= self.speed
elif p.up_key not in pks and p.down_key in pks:
p.y += self.speed
# notice how we popped from _place_ zero,
# but append _a number_ zero here. it's not the same.
class Controller(object):
def __init__(self, model):
self.m = model
def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers):
# `a |= b`: mathematical or. add to set a if in set a or b.
# equivalent to `a = a | b`.
# XXX p0 holds down both keys => p1 controls break # PYGLET!? D:
self.m.pressed_keys |= set([symbol])
def on_key_release(self, symbol, modifiers):
if symbol in self.m.pressed_keys:
def update(self):
class View(object):
def __init__(self, window, model):
self.w = window
self.m = model
# ------------------ IMAGES --------------------#
# "white_square.png" is a 10x10 white image
lplayer = pyglet.resource.image("white_square.png")
# TODO stack the same graphic together three times?
self.player_spr = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(lplayer)
def redraw(self):
# ------------------ PLAYERS --------------------#
TO_SIDE = self.m.ball.TO_SIDE
for p in self.m.players:
self.player_spr.x = p.x//1 - TO_SIDE
# oh god! pyglet's (0, 0) is bottom right! madness.
self.player_spr.y = self.w.height - (p.y//1 + TO_SIDE)
self.player_spr.draw() # these 3 lines: pretend-paddle
self.player_spr.y -= 2*TO_SIDE; self.player_spr.draw()
self.player_spr.y += 4*TO_SIDE; self.player_spr.draw()
# ------------------ BALL --------------------#
self.player_spr.x = self.m.ball.x//1 - TO_SIDE
self.player_spr.y = self.w.height - (self.m.ball.y//1 + TO_SIDE)
# TODO draw scores (either as label or 3-by-5 pixel graphic)
class Window(pyglet.window.Window):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
DIM = (800, 450) # DIMENSIONS
super(Window, self).__init__(width=DIM[0], height=DIM[1],
*args, **kwargs)
# ------------------ MVC --------------------#
the_window = self
self.model = Model(DIM)
self.view = View(the_window, self.model)
self.controller = Controller(self.model)
# ------------------ CLOCK --------------------#
fps = 30.0
pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 1.0/fps)
def on_key_release(self, symbol, modifiers):
self.controller.on_key_release(symbol, modifiers)
def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers):
self.controller.on_key_press(symbol, modifiers)
def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
# XXX make more efficient (save last position, draw black square
# over that and the new square, don't redraw _entire_ frame.)
def main():
if debug: print("init window...")
window = Window()
if debug: print("done! init app...")
debug = 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
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Maybe you could try including a "constants" or "settings" module which includes all the constants.
You could also divide up the event handler classes into different modules, it might be easier to manage.

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that code doesn't work :-(

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xjcl commented Jun 8, 2021

@Leolelo2203 Did you do these 3 steps?:

  1. Install pyglet via python-pip
  2. Provide a 10x10 png file called white_square.png in the same folder as the script
  3. Comment out the line pyglet.clock.set_fps_limit(fps) (seems to be a removed feature)

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