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Created January 9, 2013 13:27
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Thread creation benchmark in Haskell
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.Time
main = getArgs >>= start
start [s1,s2] = do
stopCh <- newChan
startTime <- getClockTime
createThreads 0 [] (read s1 :: Int) (read s2 :: Int) startTime stopCh
createThreads rounds chans total step lastTime stopCh
| rounds == total = exitWith ExitSuccess
| length chans == step = waitThreads rounds (reverse chans) total step lastTime stopCh
| otherwise = do ch <- newChan
forkIO (thread ch stopCh)
createThreads rounds (ch:chans) total step lastTime stopCh
waitThreads rounds [] total step lastTime stopCh = do
currentTime <- getClockTime
putStrLn $ show $ diffToMillisec $ diffClockTimes currentTime lastTime
createThreads (rounds + 1) [] total step currentTime stopCh
waitThreads rounds (ch:chans) total step lastTime stopCh =
readChan ch >>= \_ -> waitThreads rounds chans total step lastTime stopCh
thread ch stopCh = writeChan ch 1 >> readChan stopCh >>= \_ -> putStrLn "WTF?!"
diffToMillisec diff = toInteger (seconds * 1000) + (p `div` 1000000000)
where h = tdHour diff
m = tdMin diff
s = tdSec diff
p = tdPicosec diff
seconds = (h * 60 + m) * 60 + s
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