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Last active January 3, 2016 13:49
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$ erlc zt.erl
$ erlc -pa . z.erl
z.erl:none: internal error in lint_module;
crash reason: {badarg,[{erl_scan,set_attr,

It is not a bug.

"AST" in parse_transform/2 is a list of abstract forms but the output of erl_syntax_lib:mapfold/3 is a syntax tree (namely, that "T1"), that's why it throws some errors because parse_transform/2 should return a list of abstract forms. You can give a list of syntax trees to erl_syntax:revert_forms/1 to get a list of abstract forms.

-- Sina Samavati

Finally I understand this and use erl_syntax:revert instead.

-compile({parse_transform, zt}).
f(_) -> z.
parse_transform(AST, _Options) ->
[parse(T) || T <- AST].
parse({function, _, _, _, _} = T) ->
case erl_syntax_lib:mapfold(fun foobar/2, something, T) of
{T1, _} -> T1;
_ -> T
parse(T) -> T.
foobar(T, S) -> {erl_syntax:revert(T), S}.
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