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Last active February 6, 2020 04:42
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Custom theme for cnblogs
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function restoreOpacity(element) { = '1'
title = document.getElementById('blogTitle')
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animateCSS(title, 'bounceIn', function() { = '1'
animateCSS(nav, 'flipInY', function() { = '1'
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$('#footer, #sideBar, #nav_next_page').delay(500).fadeIn('slow', function(){
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if ($('.float-toc-container').css('display') == 'none') {
$('.float-action-button span').text('关闭')
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$('.float-action-button span').text('目录')
<!-- custom comment style -->
function initCommentData() {
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if($(this).find('.feedbackListSubtitle .louzhu').length>0) $(this).addClass('feedbackLouzhu');
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/* source: <> */
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/* source: <> */
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/* 悬浮目录按钮样式 */
/* source: <> */
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