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Last active August 25, 2022 08:51
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Golang Audio Autocorrelation
package main
import (
// AutoCorrelationRaster calculates full spatial auto-correlation on a raster using fft.
// More info:
// Reference implementation:
func AutoCorrelationRaster[T constraints.Float](buffer []T) ([]complex128, []T, error) {
if len(buffer) == 0 {
return nil, nil, errors.New("buffer cannot be empty")
bufferLength := len(buffer)
// Step 1. Convert the real-based daa in the buffer into complex numbers.
complexData := make([]complex128, bufferLength)
for i := 0; i < len(buffer); i++ {
complexData[i] = complex(float64(buffer[i]), 0.0)
// Step 2. Perform a forward fast Fourier transform on the complex data.
complexData = fft.FFT(complexData)
// Step 3. Multiply the FFT by its [complex conjugate](
var scale = complex(1.0/(float64)(bufferLength*2), 0.0)
for i := 0; i < bufferLength; i++ {
complexData[i] = complexData[i] * cmplx.Conj(complexData[i]) * scale
// Step 4. Get the inverse FFT to get the autocorrelation.
complexData = fft.IFFT(complexData)
// Step 5. Convert the data back to real numbers.
reals := make([]T, bufferLength)
for i := 0; i < bufferLength; i++ {
reals[i] = (T)(real(complexData[i]))
return complexData, reals, nil
func generateSine() []float32 {
var amplitude float64 = 1
sampleCount := 900
var tau = math.Pi * 2
var frequency float64 = 440 //Hz
var angle = tau / float64(sampleCount)
samples := make([]float32, sampleCount)
for i := 0; i < sampleCount; i++ {
samples[i] = float32(amplitude * math.Sin(angle*frequency*float64(i)))
return samples
func generateNoiseSine() []float32 {
var amplitude float64 = 1
sampleCount := 900
var tau = math.Pi * 2
var frequency float64 = 440 //Hz
var angle = tau / float64(sampleCount)
samples := make([]float32, sampleCount)
for i := 0; i < sampleCount; i++ {
samples[i] = float32(amplitude*math.Sin(angle*frequency*float64(i))) - (rand.Float32() * 0.1)
return samples
func main() {
// Swiching between these should produce similar looking autocorrolation graphs.
// If the Autocorrelation graph for the noisey sine is a match to the original sine,
// with the rise on the autocorrolated graph maching the dip in the normaly graph,
// then it proves it's working correctly.
//sine := generateSine()
sine := generateNoiseSine()
originalChartItems := make([]opts.LineData, 0)
var sampleCount []int
for i, sample := range sine {
originalChartItems = append(originalChartItems, opts.LineData{
Value: sample,
sampleCount = append(sampleCount, i)
correlationChartItems := make([]opts.LineData, 0)
_, ac, err := dsp.AutoCorrelationRaster(sine)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("autocorrelation samples:", len(ac))
correlatedSampleCount := make([]int, len(ac))
for i, sample := range ac {
correlationChartItems = append(correlationChartItems, opts.LineData{
Value: sample,
correlatedSampleCount[i] = i
createSignalChart := func(title string) *charts.Line {
// create a new line instance
line := charts.NewLine()
// set some global options like Title/Legend/ToolTip or anything else
charts.WithInitializationOpts(opts.Initialization{Theme: types.ThemeWesteros}),
Title: title,
Name: "Time",
Type: "category",
Name: "Signal",
Type: "value",
Show: true,
Left: "center",
Bottom: "0%",
return line
originalChart := createSignalChart("Original sine wave").SetXAxis(sampleCount).
AddSeries("Original", originalChartItems)
correlationChart := createSignalChart("Autocorrolated sine wave").SetXAxis(correlatedSampleCount).
AddSeries("Autocorrelation", correlationChartItems)
page := components.NewPage()
f, err := os.Create("autocorrelation.html")
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
if err := page.Render(f); err != nil {
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