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Last active August 27, 2021 22:32
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hacking on options parser mixin
#!/usr/bin/env python3
I've been want for something that lets me reuse flags across multiple subcommand, between projects, etc.
The native argparse makes this a little tricky, especially if you want custom pydantic data classes.
I have also wanted a click-like ease of experience but without all the decorators and deep stack traces clouding my logs.
I spent a bit of time hacking on the idea and came up with some interesting patterns. There's still a lot to iron out,
a lot of the ergonomics could be improved with more introspection, but I thought I would at least throw this over the wall
and see if there's any interest in it.
The overall concept is leveraging metaprogramming to create type annotations which double as both type hints and the
option parsing metadata. This is by no means the best way of doing it but I think there's promise here in the general idea.
Scroll down to Application Logic to get a gist of what I'm going for first and then flow back to the top.
import argparse
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional, Union, Any, List
from loguru import logger
import pydantic
class ArgAction:
dest: str
type: type
nargs = None
const = False
required = False
val: Any = None
help: str = None
long: str = None
short: str = None
metavar: str = None
default: str = None
choices: List[Any] = None
class GlobalParser(object):
def __init__(self):
self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
self.actions = []
self.subparsers = self.parser.add_subparsers(help='sub-command help')
def add(self, act: ArgAction):
def compile(self, obj):
sp = self.subparsers.add_parser(obj.__name__)
for act in self.actions:
if act.dest not in obj.__fields__:
vv = dict(vars(act))
option_strings = [x for x in [vv.pop('short'), vv.pop('long')] if x is not None]
sp.add_argument(*option_strings, **vv)
gparser = GlobalParser() # there's better ways to do this, I'm sure
class OptionMeta(type):
__option__: ArgAction
def __getitem__(self, co: ArgAction):
self.__option__ = co
return type('ArgumentOption', (ArgumentOption,), {'__option__': co})
# todo: specific Argument Types for various types
class ArgumentOption(str, metaclass=OptionMeta):
def __get_validators__(cls):
yield cls.validate_type
def validate_type(cls, val):
option = getattr(cls, '__option__', Any)'Validate: {}: {} |\n {}: {}'.format(type(option), option, type(val), val))
return ArgumentOption(val)
def __modify_schema__(cls, field_schema):
# __modify_schema__ should mutate the dict it receives in place,
# the returned value will be ignored
class IntOption(int, metaclass=OptionMeta):
def __get_validators__(cls):
yield cls.validate_type
def validate_type(cls, val):
option = getattr(cls, '__option__', Any)'Validate: {}: {} |\n {}: {}'.format(type(option), option, type(val), val))
return IntOption(val)
def __modify_schema__(cls, field_schema):
class OptoParser(pydantic.BaseModel):
def compile(cls):
for plug in cls.__subclasses__():
def compile_cls(cls):
def parse_args(cls):'{}: {}'.format(cls.__name__, cls.__fields__))
# todo: use fields to infer default dest
args = gparser.parser.parse_args()
return cls(**vars(args))
### ======== everything above this would be in the library ========
### ========. below is application logic ========
"""This is my "dream API" for a cli interface. A bunch of general-pupose data fields which can be independently
mixed and matched, and automatically used to generate the CLI.
# Options you might want for a cli that can read a file
class InputMixin(pydantic.BaseModel):
input_uri: Optional[ArgumentOption[ArgAction('input_uri', str, short='-i', long='--input_uri')]] = ''
bar: Optional[ArgumentOption[ArgAction('bar', str, short='-b', long='--bar')]] = ''
depth: Optional[IntOption[ArgAction('depth', str, short='-R', long='--depth')]] = 2
# Options you might want for a cli that can write a file
class OutputMixin(pydantic.BaseModel):
output_uri: Optional[ArgumentOption[ArgAction('output_uri', str, short='-o', long='--output_uri')]] = ''
force: Optional[ArgumentOption[ArgAction('force', str, short='-format', long='--force')]] = 'False'
class getin(InputMixin, OptoParser):
# this is the first real subcommand
class getout(OutputMixin, OptoParser):
# this is the second real subcommand
# this comment can be extracted using inspect to populate help
class subcmd1(InputMixin, OutputMixin, OptoParser):
This subcommand has features from both Input and Output mixins.
## Still trying to figure out the optimal way to define the default value behavior. Part of the issue is
## pydantic's machinery wants to determine if a value is optional or not by looking for the Optional type
## I could probably just pull the default value from __fields__ and stuff that into the argparse default.
opto: Optional[ArgumentOption[ArgAction('opto', str, short='-O', long='--opto')]] = 'unset'
nana: Optional[ArgumentOption[ArgAction('nana', str, short='-n', long='--nana')]] = None
if __name__ == "__main__":'________start________')
# still have to figure out best way to dispatch to appropriate subcommand.
cmd1 = getin.parse_args()
cmd2 = getout.parse_args()
cmd3 = subcmd1.parse_args()
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xkortex commented Oct 30, 2020

Thanks for the quick response and the tips!

And yes I am aware bare except is bad form, this is nowhere near production quality, I just wanted to crank out a PoC between some container builds.

I too favor functional/typed style over the more dynamic stuff and since the purpose of config parsers is to basically set up the declarative initial state, I'm sure one could readily make the entire argument parsing process super functional.

I did not know about FieldInfo - that's exactly the sort of data structure I was looking for.

I discovered while tooling around after posting this that I could probably handle the arg-parsier-parsing as a set of functions which operate on the Pydantic structures rather than injecting metadata into the variable annotations themselves, so I'll be revisiting this problem using that approach with the FieldInfo interface.

How feasible do you think it would be to drop argparse entirely and write a sys.argv parser from scratch? Particularly, if we accept the limitation of no positional arguments, or only positional arguments after -- (I know you've stated that posargs clash with the cleanliness of mapping a JSON directly to a CLI and I have observed indeed posargs complicate interfaces quite a lot). I feel like the ideal solution would be to compose a function which takes the full argv string, plus env and config files, and emits an immutable data structure. At this point it honestly feels super crufty, but this feels like one of those "How hard could it be?" extremely tricky and nuanced problem spaces.

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@xkortex have you worked on this since the gist was posted?

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