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Last active October 14, 2015 00:08
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Scrolling Effects のやつ
@import "util.scss";
$sticky-area: 100%;
@mixin use-stickers($height){
$sticky-area: $height;
body {
margin: 0;
height: $height;
overflow-x: hidden;
%sticker {
float: left;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
@include vendor((transform-origin, 0 0));
@mixin sticker(
$start-x: 0, $start-y: 0,
$vel-x: 0, $vel-y: -1,
$range-from: 0, $range-to: 1,
// shorthands
$start: null, $velocity: null, $range: null
@if $start != null { $start-x: nth($start, 1); $start-y: nth($start, 2);}
@if $velocity != null { $vel-x: nth($velocity, 1); $vel-y: nth($velocity, 2);}
@if $range != null { $range-from: nth($range, 1); $range-to: nth($range, 2);}
@extend %sticker;
> * {
@extend %sticker;
@if $vel-x == 0 and $vel-y == -1 {
// static
left: $start-x;
top: $start-y;
} @else {
$scale: sqrt($vel-x * $vel-x + ($vel-y + 1) * ($vel-y + 1));
$sinr: -$vel-x / $scale;
$cosr: ($vel-y + 1) / $scale;
$rotate: arctan($sinr / $cosr);
$range: $sticky-area * ($range-to - $range-from);
$width: abs($range * $sinr);
$height: abs($range * $cosr);
$trans-x: 0;
$trans-y: -$width * $sinr;
@if $sinr >= 0 and $cosr > 0 {
$trans-x: $height * $sinr;
$trans-y: 0;
} @else if $sinr > 0 and $cosr <= 0 {
$rotate: $rotate + $PI;
$trans-x: -$width * $cosr + $height * $sinr;
$trans-y: -$height * $cosr;
} @else if $sinr <= 0 and $cosr < 0 {
$rotate: $rotate - $PI;
$trans-x: -$width * $cosr;
$trans-y: -$width * $sinr - $height * $cosr;
// set styles
width: $width / $scale;
height: $height / $scale;
@include vendor(
(transform, translateY($sticky-area * $range-from)
translate3d($trans-x, $trans-y, 0) rotate($rotate) scale($scale))
> * {
@include vendor-prop(position, sticky);
@include vendor(
(transform, scale(1 / $scale) rotate(-$rotate)
translate3d(-$trans-x, -$trans-y, 0) translate($start-x, $start-y))
// vendor-prefix list
$vendor-prefixes: '-webkit-' '-moz-' '-ms-' '' !default;
// add vendor prefixes
@mixin vendor($list) {
@if length(nth($list, 1)) != 2 { $list: append((), $list); }
@each $l in $list {
$prop: nth($l, 1);
$value: nth($l, 2);
@each $p in $vendor-prefixes {
#{$p + $prop}: $value;
@mixin vendor-prop($prop, $value) {
@each $p in $vendor-prefixes {
#{$prop}: #{$p + $value};
// math
// !!! do not use this !!! use ruby custom functions instead !!!
// ref:
$PI: 3.14159265;
@function sqrt($x) {
@if $x == 0 { @return 0; }
$s: 1;
$t: 0;
@while $t != $s { $t: $s; $s: ($s + $x / $s) / 2; }
@return $s;
@function arctan($x) {
@if $x == 0 { @return 0rad; }
@if $x == 1/0 { @return 0.5rad * $PI; }
@if $x == -1/0 { @return -0.5rad * $PI; }
$r: $x > 1 or $x < -1;
@if $r { $x: 1 / $x; }
$a: 0;
$i: 10;
@while $i >= 1 {
$a: $i * $i * $x * $x / (2 * $i + 1 + $a);
$i: $i - 1;
@if $r {
@return $x * ($PI / 2 / abs($x) - 1 / (1 + $a)) * 1rad;
} @else {
@return $x / (1 + $a) * 1rad;
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