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xlc/test.ts Secret

Created July 19, 2023 11:30
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import { fetchConfig } from "@acala-network/chopsticks";
import { setupNetworks, testingPairs } from "@acala-network/chopsticks-testing";
import { compactAddLength } from '@polkadot/util'
const main = async () => {
const { polkadot, collectives } = await setupNetworks({
polkadot: {
...(await fetchConfig("polkadot")),
db: "./db.sqlite",
block: 16465797,
port: 8000,
"wasm-override": "./polkadot_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm",
"runtime-log-level": 5,
collectives: {
...(await fetchConfig("polkadot-collectives")),
db: "./db.sqlite",
block: 1704428,
port: 8001,
const { alice } = testingPairs('sr25519')
const fellowsAccount = "12fkTMnd48kJV9nZF2zLpSbM6DnKQ8JhW2jhhQgArY4i1Ag";
scheduler: {
agenda: [
[polkadot.chain.head.number + 2],
priority: 128,
call: {
Inline: polkadot.api.tx.identity
maybePeriodic: null,
origin: { system: "Root" },
await{ count: 3 });
const identity = polkadot.api.createType('PalletIdentityIdentityInfo', {
display: { Raw: 'Alice' }, email: { Raw: '' }
await polkadot.api.tx.identity.setIdentity(identity).signAndSend(alice);
scheduler: {
agenda: [
[collectives.chain.head.number + 2],
priority: 128,
call: {
Inline: collectives.api.tx.polkadotXcm
{ v3: { parents: 1, interior: "here" } },
v3: [
UnpaidExecution: {
weightLimit: "Unlimited",
checkOrigin: null,
Transact: {
originKind: "SovereignAccount",
requireWeightAtMost: {
refTime: 1000000000n,
proofSize: 1048576,
call: compactAddLength(polkadot.api.tx.identity.provideJudgement(4, alice.address, 'KnownGood', identity.hash).method.toU8a())
maybePeriodic: null,
origin: { FellowshipOrigins: "Fellows" },
await{ count: 3 });
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