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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
Entity framework nested collection filtering
public async Task<IEnumerable<Conversation>> GetUserConversations(string userId)
var temp = await conversationRepo.GetDbSet()
.Where(x => x.DeletedBy != userId)
.Where(x => x.SellerId == userId || x.BuyerId == userId)
.Select(x => new
conversation = x,
buyer = x.Buyer,
seller = x.Seller,
ad = x.Ad,
images = x.Ad.Images,
messages = x.Messages
.OrderByDescending(m => m.SentAt)
.OrderBy(m => m.SentAt),
newMessagesCount = x.Messages.Where(m => !m.Read && m.SenderId != userId).Count()
IEnumerable<Conversation> conversations = temp
.Select(x =>
var conversation = x.conversation;
conversation.NewMessagesCount = x.newMessagesCount;
return conversation;
.OrderByDescending(x => x.Messages.LastOrDefault().SentAt)
return conversations;
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