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Last active September 30, 2016 14:41
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Write bytes to a FileStream in async mode and close stream when finished
package lba.utils
import flash.filesystem.File;
import flash.filesystem.FileMode;
import flash.filesystem.FileStream;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import org.osflash.signals.Signal;
import reborn.IDisposable;
* We use stream.openAsync(..) to avoid blocking the UI thread.
* After using openAsync(), stream.writeBytes() is not syncronous anymore
* and we must listen for OutputProgressEvent.OUTPUT_PROGRESS to know when
* all bytes have been written.
* Usage sample:
new FileStreamAsyncWritter(file)
.addOnce(function():void { trace("yeah"); });
* Output sample:
[trace] output progress 1943736 2271416
[trace] output progress 1878200 2271416
[trace] output progress 1812664 2271416
[trace] output progress 1747128 2271416
[trace] output progress 1681592 2271416
[trace] output progress 1616056 2271416
[trace] output progress 1550520 2271416
[trace] output progress 1484984 2271416
[trace] output progress 1419448 2271416
[trace] output progress 1353912 2271416
[trace] output progress 1288376 2271416
[trace] output progress 1222840 2271416
[trace] output progress 1157304 2271416
[trace] output progress 1091768 2271416
[trace] output progress 1026232 2271416
[trace] output progress 960696 2271416
[trace] output progress 895160 2271416
[trace] output progress 829624 2271416
[trace] output progress 764088 2271416
[trace] output progress 698552 2271416
[trace] output progress 633016 2271416
[trace] output progress 567480 2271416
[trace] output progress 501944 2271416
[trace] output progress 436408 2271416
[trace] output progress 370872 2271416
[trace] output progress 305336 2271416
[trace] output progress 239800 2271416
[trace] output progress 174264 2271416
[trace] output progress 108728 2271416
[trace] output progress 43192 2271416
[trace] output progress 0 2271416
[trace] yeah
public class FileStreamAsyncWritter implements IDisposable
private var _onError:Signal;
public function get onError():Signal { return _onError; }
private var _completed:Signal;
public function get completed():Signal { return _completed; }
private var _stream:FileStream;
public function FileStreamAsyncWritter(file:File)
_onError = new Signal(String);
_completed = new Signal();
_stream = new FileStream();
_stream.addEventListener(OutputProgressEvent.OUTPUT_PROGRESS, outputProgressHandler);
_stream.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, errorHandler);
_stream.openAsync(file, FileMode.WRITE);
public function writeBytesAsync(bytes:ByteArray):FileStreamAsyncWritter
_stream.writeBytes(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
return this;
private function outputProgressHandler(event:OutputProgressEvent):void
trace("output progress", event.bytesPending, event.bytesTotal);
if(event.bytesPending == 0)
private function errorHandler(event:IOErrorEvent):void
trace("error", event.text);
public function dispose():void
_stream.removeEventListener(OutputProgressEvent.OUTPUT_PROGRESS, outputProgressHandler);
_stream.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, errorHandler);
_stream = null;
_onError = null;
_completed = null;
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