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Created July 7, 2021 13:46
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* This script parses the JSONschema from data-object concept with a property 'JSONschema'
* JSON schema is read from file and stored in the JSONschema property
* It replaces the data-object title, documentation by the schema title and description
* It adds the schema properties to the data object
* It finally format the object to display it with its attributes
* Source:
var schema = {};
$(selection).filter("data-object").each(function (o) {
var filePath = window.promptOpenFile({
title: "Open JSON Schema for <<" + + ">>",
filterExtensions: ["*.json"]
var schemaTxt = "";
if (filePath) {
var FileReader = Java.type("");
var theSchemaFile = new FileReader(filePath);
data =;
console.log("Loading " + filePath + '...');
while (data != -1) {
var c = String.fromCharCode(data);
schemaTxt += c;
data =;
o.prop('JSONschema', JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(schemaTxt)));
console.log("Processing schema...")
try {
schema = JSON.parse(o.prop('JSONschema'));
} catch (e) {
console.log('No such properties "JSONschema" or invalid schema.');
if (!!schema) {
const title = schema.title;
const description = String(schema.description);
let attributes = "";
let len = 0; = title;
o.labelVisible = true;
o.documentation = description + '\n\n';
o.prop('objectDescription', description)
var len2 = description.length
if ('properties' in schema) {
o.documentation += '| attribute | description | type | object |\n';
o.documentation += '|---|---|---|---|\n';
for (let p in {
len = Math.max(len, String(p).length);
for (let p in {
let props =[p];
let desc = props.description;
delete props.description;
delete props.$id;
o.documentation += '| ' + String(p) + ' | ' + desc + ' | ' + props.type + ' | ';
if (Object.keys(props).length) {
desc += ' ' + JSON.stringify(props);
o.documentation += JSON.stringify(props);
o.prop(p, desc);
let att = '+' + p + ":" + ' '.repeat(1 + len - String(p).length) + props.type;
if (props.type === 'array') {
let typ = props.items.type;
att += ' of ' + typ;
len2 = Math.max(len2, att.length)
attributes += att + '\n';
o.documentation += ' |\n';
} else if ('enum' in schema){
schema.enum.forEach(function(p) {
len = Math.max(len, String(p).length);
schema.enum.forEach(function(p) {
o.prop(p, '');
let att = '-' + p;
len2 = Math.max(len2, att.length)
attributes += att + '\n';
o.prop('attributes', attributes);
len2 += 2;
o.labelExpression = " ".repeat((len2 - / 2) + "${name}\n" +
".".repeat(len2) +
"\n" +
" ".repeat((len2 - description.length) / 2) + "${property:objectDescription}\n" +
"_".repeat(len2) +
"\n\n" +
o.fontName = "Courier New";
o.fontSize = 9;
o.textAlignment = TEXT_ALIGNMENT.LEFT;
o.bounds = {width: (len2 - 2) * 8.5, height: (o.labelValue.split('\n').length + 2) * 14}
} else {
console.log("No schema to process.")
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