- Root
- Install Valetudo
- Backup files with SCP and to make a list of all of them
scp -i key.id_rsa root@* backup/
- Download/create your .wav files, save as
etc. https://github.com/Findus23/voice_pack_dreame/blob/main/sound_list.csv use this for reference which file is which sound to avoid listening to original files to find out - Normalize WAV and convert to OGG.
I used WSL Ubuntu 20.04 on Win11 (install
mkdir ogg
cp backup/* ogg/
filenames=("7" "8" "10" "11" "12" "13" "18" "30" "41" "45" "110" "149" "151")
for filename in ${filenames[@]}; do ffmpeg -i "${filename}.wav" -filter:a loudnorm=I=-14:LRA=1:dual_mono=true:tp=-1 "${filename}_n.wav" && oggenc "${filename}_n.wav" --output "${filename}.ogg" --bitrate 100 --resample 16000; done
mv *.ogg ogg/
cd ogg
tar czf ../voicepapa.tar.gz *.ogg
md5sum ../voicepapa.tar.gz
- Serve files. I use (PowerShell/CMD, not WSL!!) https://dashboard.ngrok.com/get-started/setup) and python 3
python -m http.server 8000 --bind
ngrok http 8000
- Open ngrok url in web browser, right click
"copy link" - Go to Valetudo eg. language VA, hash from md5sum command