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Created March 10, 2014 10:24
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;This week's challenge—not directly related to BFS—is to implement a queue using two stacks.
;Queues are a first-in-first-out data structure that we just saw used as a "next to visit" data store in breadth-first search.
;Stacks are a last-in-first-out data structure used in depth-first search, and can often be used to implement recursive algorithms iteratively (because the call stack is, itself, a stack).
;For this problem, you are to create a queue using two stacks. So your Queue will support the operations:
;enqueue(item), which inserts an item into the queue
;dequeue(), which removes and returns the oldest item in the queue
;Your two Stacks (which your programming language may have available already, otherwise you can create your own pretty easily) have the following operations:
;push(item), which inserts an item at the top of the stack
;pop(), which removes and returns the top item of the stack
(defprotocol Queue
"First in First out"
(enqueue [this el] "Adds an element to the queue")
(dequeue [this] "Removes first added element and returns it"))
(deftype QStack [s1 s2]
(enqueue [this el]
"Empties the second stack completely onto the first one and then pushes onto the first stack
A new QStack with an empty second stack is returned"
(let [v1 (loop [v1 s1 v2 s2]
(if (seq v2)
(recur (conj v1 (peek v2)) (pop v2))
(QStack. (conj v1 el) [])))
(dequeue [this]
"Empties the first stack completely onto the second stack and then pops the second stack
Returns a vector containing the popped value and a new QStack with an empty first stack"
(let [v2 (loop [v1 s1 v2 s2]
(if (seq v1)
(recur (pop v1) (conj v2 (peek v1)))
[(peek v2) (QStack. [] (pop v2))])))
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