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Created May 4, 2011 17:39
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>> tm =, {:token => "this is a public gist", :account => "garbhoch"})
=> #<TicketMaster:0x7ff5cf87fc68 @provider=TicketMaster::Provider::Lighthouse, @symbol=:lighthouse, @authentication=<#TicketMaster::Authenticator account="garbhoch" token="this is a public gist">>
>> Lighthouse::Project.find(:all)
=> nil
>> Lighthouse.update_site(Lighthouse::Project)
=> ""
>> Lighthouse::Project.find(:all)
=> [#<Lighthouse::Project:0x7ff5cf6bbb70 @prefix_options={}, @attributes={"name"=>"Test", "permalink"=>"test", "closed_states_list"=>"resolved,hold,invalid", "created_at"=>Tue Apr 05 21:17:35 UTC 2011, "description_html"=>"<div><p>Monkies!</p></div>", "public"=>false, "default_ticket_text"=>nil, "updated_at"=>Fri Apr 29 07:40:33 UTC 2011, "closed_states"=>"resolved/6A0 # You can customize colors\nhold/EB0 # with 3 or 6 character hex codes\ninvalid/A30 # 'A30' expands to 'AA3300'", "default_milestone_id"=>nil, "license"=>nil, "open_states_list"=>"new,open", "send_changesets_to_events"=>true, "archived"=>false, "open_tickets_count"=>0, "id"=>73981, "default_assigned_user_id"=>nil, "description"=>"Monkies!", "hidden"=>false, "open_states"=>"new/f17 # You can add comments here\nopen/aaa # if you want to."}>]
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