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Last active November 21, 2023 18:26
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Provides a "return to search results" shortcode for Participants Database
* Plugin Name: PDB Return to Results Shortcode
* Description: adds a shortcode that displays a ling to return to the previous search result
* Author: xnau webdesign
* Version: 1.3
class PDb_Search_Return_Link {
* @var string name of the filter transient
private $filter_transient = 'pdb-returnlink-filter';
* @var holds the permalink to the list search page
private $listpage;
public function __construct()
add_shortcode( 'pdb_search_return_link', [$this,'show_link']);
add_action( 'pdb-list_query_object', [$this,'save_filter']);
* displays the return to search result link
* @param array|null $shortcode_atts
public function show_link( $shortcode_atts )
$this->listpage = get_permalink( Participants_Db::get_id_by_slug($shortcode_atts['listpage']) );
<div class="pdb-returnlink">
<p><a href="<?php echo $this->return_url() ?>">Return to Search Results</a></p>
return ob_get_clean();
* saves the last used search filter
* @param PDb_List_Query $list_query
public function save_filter( $list_query )
$last_filter = $list_query->current_filter();
if ( method_exists( $list_query, 'current_page' ) )
$listpage = $list_query->current_page();
$listpage = filter_input(INPUT_POST, Participants_Db::$list_page, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT ) ? : 1;
$last_filter[Participants_Db::$list_page] = $listpage;
$last_filter['instance_index'] = 1;
if ( method_exists( $list_query, 'instance_index' ) )
$last_filter['instance_index'] = $list_query->instance_index();
set_transient( $this->filter_transient, $last_filter );
* builds the return URL
private function return_url()
$baseurl = $this->listpage;
$join = strpos( $baseurl, '?' ) === false ? '?' : '&';
return $baseurl . $join . $this->url_params();
* builds the URL params
* @return string
private function url_params()
$filter = get_transient( $this->filter_transient );
if ( ! is_array( $filter ) )
return [];
$operator = Participants_Db::plugin_setting( 'strict_search', 0 ) == 1 ? '=' : 'LIKE';
$params = [];
foreach( $filter['search_fields'] as $i => $search_field )
$params[] = 'search_field=' . $search_field . '&value=' . urlencode( $filter['search_values'][$i] ) . '&operator=' . urlencode( $operator );
$params[] = 'listpage=' . $filter[ Participants_Db::$list_page ];
$params[] = 'instance=' . $filter['instance_index'];
return implode( '&', $params );
new PDb_Search_Return_Link();
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xnau commented Nov 21, 2023

Updated to include support for retaining the page number and multiple tragets on the list page using the "instance index" value.

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