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Created November 27, 2015 17:50
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  • Save xntrik/e9fac59d30a810ede5a1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save xntrik/e9fac59d30a810ede5a1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Getting @beefproject to 100% full integration test from fresh chruby 2.2.3p173 on OSX
~/beef/beef2015nov ± gem list
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
bigdecimal (1.2.6)
io-console (0.4.3)
json (1.8.1)
psych (2.0.8)
rake (10.4.2)
rdoc (4.2.0)
~/beef/beef2015nov ± gem install bundler
Fetching: bundler-1.10.6.gem (100%)
Successfully installed bundler-1.10.6
Parsing documentation for bundler-1.10.6
Installing ri documentation for bundler-1.10.6
Done installing documentation for bundler after 5 seconds
1 gem installed
~/beef/beef2015nov ± export BEEF_TEST=1; bundle check
Bundler can't satisfy your Gemfile's dependencies.
Install missing gems with `bundle install`.
~/beef/beef2015nov ± export BEEF_TEST=1; bundle install
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching version metadata from
Fetching dependency metadata from
Resolving dependencies....
Using rake 10.4.2
Installing addressable 2.3.6
Installing ansi 1.4.3
Installing pkg-config 1.1.6
Installing glib2 3.0.7 with native extensions
Installing atk 3.0.7 with native extensions
Using bundler 1.10.6
Installing thor 0.19.1
Installing bundler-audit 0.4.0
Installing cairo 1.14.3 with native extensions
Installing mime-types 2.99
Installing mini_portile 0.6.2
Installing nokogiri with native extensions
Installing rack 1.5.2
Installing rack-test 0.6.3
Installing xpath 2.0.0
Installing capybara 2.5.0
Installing ffi 1.9.10 with native extensions
Installing childprocess 0.5.8
Installing chunky_png 1.3.5
Installing curb 0.8.8 with native extensions
Installing daemons 1.1.9
Installing data_objects 0.10.14
Installing diff-lcs 1.2.5
Installing dm-core 1.2.1
Installing dm-do-adapter 1.2.0
Installing dm-migrations 1.2.0
Installing fastercsv 1.5.5
Using json 1.8.1
Installing json_pure 1.8.3
Installing multi_json 1.9.3
Installing dm-serializer 1.2.2
Installing do_sqlite3 0.10.14 with native extensions
Installing dm-sqlite-adapter 1.2.0
Installing unf_ext with native extensions
Installing unf 0.1.4
Installing domain_name 0.5.25
Installing eventmachine 1.0.7 with native extensions
Installing em-websocket 0.3.8
Installing erubis 2.7.0
Installing execjs 2.0.2
Installing gdk_pixbuf2 3.0.7 with native extensions
Installing geoip 1.4.0
Installing pango 3.0.7 with native extensions
Installing gtk2 3.0.7 with native extensions
Installing hoe 3.14.2
Installing http-cookie 1.0.2
Installing zip 2.0.2
Installing jar_wrapper 0.1.8
Installing librex 0.0.68
Installing mojo_magick 0.5.6
Installing msgpack 0.5.8 with native extensions
Installing msfrpc-client 1.0.1
Installing netrc 0.11.0
Installing parseconfig 1.0.4
Installing power_assert 0.2.6
Installing rqrcode 0.7.0
Installing qr4r 0.4.0
Installing rack-protection 1.5.3
Installing rainbow 2.0.0
Installing rest-client 1.8.0
Installing rexec 1.6.3
Installing rr 1.1.2
Installing rspec-support 3.4.1
Installing rspec-core 3.4.1
Installing rspec-expectations 3.4.0
Installing rspec-mocks 3.4.0
Installing rspec 3.4.0
Installing rubydns 0.7.0
Installing rubyzip 1.1.3
Installing selenium 0.2.11
Installing websocket 1.2.2
Installing selenium-webdriver 2.48.1
Installing tilt 1.4.1
Installing sinatra 1.4.2
Installing term-ansicolor 1.1.5
Installing test-unit 3.1.5
Installing test-unit-notify 1.0.4
Installing test-unit-rr 1.0.3
Installing test-unit-runner-fox 0.0.1
Installing test-unit-runner-gtk2 0.0.2
Installing test-unit-runner-tk 0.0.1
Installing test-unit-full 0.0.3
Installing thin 1.6.2 with native extensions
Installing uglifier 2.2.1
Bundle complete! 31 Gemfile dependencies, 85 gems now installed.
Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
Post-install message from mojo_magick:
Thanks for installing MojoMagick - keepin it simple!
*** To make this gem work, you need a few binaries!
Make sure you've got ImageMagick available.
If you plan to build images with text (using the "label" method) you'll need freetype and ghostscript as well.
Check out and respectively for installation info.
Post-install message from selenium:
Please now run:
$ selenium install
NB. This will download jars that this gem needs to run from the internet.
It will put them into ~/.selenium/assets.
~/beef/beef2015nov ± selenium install
downloading #################################################################
unzipping /Users/xian/.selenium/assets/
~/beef/beef2015nov ± ./beef -x -v
[ 9:15:13][>] Loaded extension: 'xssrays'
[ 9:15:13][>] Loaded extension: 'social_engineering'
[ 9:15:13][>] Loaded extension: 'requester'
[ 9:15:13][>] Loaded extension: 'proxy'
[ 9:15:13][>] Loaded extension: 'network'
[ 9:15:13][*] Bind socket [imapeudora1] listening on [].
[ 9:15:13][>] Loaded extension: 'ipec'
[ 9:15:13][>] Loaded extension: 'events'
[ 9:15:13][>] Loaded extension: 'dns'
[ 9:15:13][>] Loaded extension: 'demos'
[ 9:15:13][>] Loaded extension: 'console'
[ 9:15:13][>] Loaded extension: 'autoloader'
[ 9:15:13][>] Loaded extension: 'admin_ui'
[ 9:15:13][*] Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF)
[ 9:15:13] | Twit: @beefproject
[ 9:15:13] | Site:
[ 9:15:13] | Blog:
[ 9:15:13] |_ Wiki:
[ 9:15:13][*] Project Creator: Wade Alcorn (@WadeAlcorn)
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'ui_abuse_ie'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'tabnabbing'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'sitekiosk_breakout'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'simple_hijacker'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'replace_video_fake_plugin'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'pretty_theft'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'lcamtuf_download'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'hta_powershell'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'gmail_phishing'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'firefox_extension_reverse_shell'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'firefox_extension_dropper'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'firefox_extension_bindshell'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'fake_notification_ie'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'fake_notification_ff'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'fake_notification_c'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'fake_lastpass'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'fake_flash_update'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'fake_evernote_clipper'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'clippy'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'clickjacking'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'steal_autocomplete'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_stop_record_audio'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_start_record_audio'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_prompt_user'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_plugin_detection'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_persistence'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_persist_resume'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_list_files'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_list_contacts'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_keychain'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_globalization_status'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_geo_locate'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_file_upload'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_detect'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_check_connection'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_beep'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_alert_user'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'popunder_window'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'man_in_the_browser'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'iframe_above'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'confirm_close_tab'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'port_scanner'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'ping_sweep_java'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'ping_sweep'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'irc_nat_pinning'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'fingerprint_routers'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'internal_network_fingerprinting'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'identify_lan_subnets'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'get_proxy_servers_wpad'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'get_http_servers'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'doser'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'dns_rebinding'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'dns_enumeration'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_tor'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_soc_nets'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_burp'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'cross_origin_scanner'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'f5_bigip_cookie_stealing'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'f5_bigip_cookie_disclosure'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'wordpress_post_auth_rce'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'unblockui'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'read_gmail'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'raw_javascript'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'local_file_theft'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'invisible_iframe'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'iframe_sniffer'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'iframe_keylogger'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'send_inotes_with_attachment'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'send_inotes'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'read_inotes'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'inotes_flooder'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'extract_inotes_list'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'google_search'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'bozo_crack'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'blockui'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 's2c_dns_tunnel'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'inter_protocol_win_bindshell'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'inter_protocol_redis'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'inter_protocol_posix_bindshell'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'inter_protocol_irc'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'inter_protocol_imap'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'etag_client'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'cross_site_printing'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'cross_site_faxing'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'physical_location'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'iphone_tel'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'hook_default_browser'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'get_wireless_keys'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'get_system_info'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'get_registry_keys'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'get_physical_location'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'get_internal_ip_webrtc'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'get_internal_ip'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'get_battery_status'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'fingerprint_os'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_virtualization'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'Detect_software'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_protocol_handlers'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_hp'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_google_desktop'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_default_browser'
[ 9:15:13][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_cups'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_bitdefender2012'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_airdrone'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'clipboard_theft'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'zenoss_add_user_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'zenoss_command_execution'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'sqlitemanager_xss'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'serendipity_1_6_xss'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'cisco_collaboration_server_5_xss'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'alienvault_ossim_3_1_xss'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'wanem_command_execution'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'vtiger_crm_upload_exploit'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'Netgear_gs108t_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'spring_framework_malicious_jar'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'Shell_shocked'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'shell_shock_scanner'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'ruby_nntpd_cmd_exec'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'virgin_superhub_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'tplink_dns_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'telstra_zte_mf91_disable_ap_isolation'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'telstra_zte_mf91_change_ssid'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'telstra_zte_mf91_change_pw'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'shuttle_tech_915wm_dns_hijack'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'philips_dns_hijack'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'linksys_wrt54g_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'linksys_wrt54g2_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'linksys_e2500_shell'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'linksys_e2500_dns_hijack'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'linksys_e2500_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'linksys_befsr41_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'Huawei_smartax_mt880_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'dlink_dsl500t_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'dlink_dsl2740r_dns_hijack'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'dlink_2640b_dns_hijack'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'dlink_dir_615_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'ddwrt_v24_sp1_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'ddwrt_v24_sp1_cmd_exec'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'comtrend_ct5624_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'comtrend_ct5367_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'cisco_e2400_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'bt_home_hub_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'belkin_dns_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'asus_rt_series_get_info'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'asus_rt_n66u_cmd_exec'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'asmax_ar804gu_cmd_exec'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'actiontec_q1000_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'com_officeconnect_cmd_exec'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'rfi_scanner'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'qnx_qconn_command_execution'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'php_dos'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'pfsense_reverse_root_shell_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'opencart_reset_password'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'freenas_reverse_root_shell_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'dlink_sharecenter_cmd_exec'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'monowall_reverse_root_shell_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'windows_mail_client_dos'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'signed_applet_dropper'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'safari_launch_app'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'java_payload'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'ie_ms13_069_caret'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'ie_ms12_004_midi'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'activex_command_execution'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'kemp_command_execution'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'jenkins_groovy_code_exec'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'jboss_jmx_upload_exploit'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'hp_ucmdb_add_user_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'groovyshell_server_command_execution'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'glassfish_war_upload_xsrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'firephp_code_exec'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'extract_cmd_exec'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'coldfusion_dir_traversal_exploit'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'linksys_wvc_wireless_camera_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'Dlink_dcs_series_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'airlive_add_user_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'boastmachine_add_user_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'BeEF_bind_shell'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'Eudora_mail_beef_bind'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'Active_fax_beef_bind'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'axous_add_user_csrf'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'apache_felix_remote_shell'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'apache_cookies'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'test_return_long_string'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'test_return_image'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'test_return_ascii_chars'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'test_network_request'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'test_http_redirect'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'test_http_bind_raw'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'test_dns_tunnel_client'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'test_cors_request'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'test_beef_debug'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'send_gvoice_sms'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'screenshot'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'inject_beef'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'grab_google_contacts'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'get_all_cookies'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'execute_tabs'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'webcam_permission_check'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'webcam_html5'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'webcam'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'unhook'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'spyder_eye'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'remove_hook_element'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'Play_sound'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'site_redirect_iframe'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'site_redirect'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'rickroll'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'replace_video'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'remove_stuck_iframes'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'prompt_dialog'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'overflow_cookiejar'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'mobilesafari_address_spoofing'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'link_rewrite_tel'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'link_rewrite_sslstrip'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'link_rewrite_click_events'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'link_rewrite'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'get_stored_credentials'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'get_session_storage'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'get_page_links'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'get_page_html_iframe'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'get_page_html'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'get_local_storage'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'get_form_values'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'get_cookie'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'deface_web_page_component'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'deface_web_page'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'alert_dialog'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'ajax_fingerprint'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'get_visited_urls'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'get_visited_domains'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_wmp'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_vlc'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_unsafe_activex'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'Detect_unity'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'Detect_toolbars'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_simple_adblock'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_silverlight'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_realplayer'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_quicktime'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_popup_blocker'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_office'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_lastpass'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_foxit'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_firebug'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_extensions'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_evernote_clipper'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_activex'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'browser_fingerprinting'
[ 9:15:14][>] Soft Load module: 'avant_steal_history'
[ 9:15:14][*] Resetting the database for BeEF.
[ 9:15:14][*] BeEF is loading. Wait a few seconds...
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/hook.js'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/init'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/dh'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/api/hooks'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/api/modules'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/api/categories'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/api/logs'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/api/admin'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/api/server'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/api/autorun'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/xssrays'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/api/seng'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/ps'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/requester'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/proxy'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/api/proxy'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/api/network'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/api/ipec'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/event'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/api/dns'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/demos'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/demos/basic.html'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/demos/butcher/index.html'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/demos/clickjacking/clickjack_attack.html'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/demos/clickjacking/clickjack_victim.html'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/demos/plain.html'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/demos/report.html'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/demos/secret_page.html'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/ui/authentication'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/ui/logs'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/ui/modules'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/ui/panel'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/ui/proxy'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/ui/requester'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/ui/xssrays'
[ 9:15:14][>] Server: mounted handler '/ui/media'
[ 9:15:17][>] Server: mounted handler '/ui/web_ui_all.js'
[ 9:15:17][>] Server: mounted handler '/ui/web_ui_auth.js'
[ 9:15:17][*] 12 extensions enabled.
[ 9:15:17][*] 249 modules enabled.
[ 9:15:17][*] 2 network interfaces were detected.
[ 9:15:17][+] running on network interface:
[ 9:15:17] | Hook URL:
[ 9:15:17] |_ UI URL:
[ 9:15:17][+] running on network interface:
[ 9:15:17] | Hook URL:
[ 9:15:17] |_ UI URL:
[ 9:15:17][*] RESTful API key: 2616a979702a1c5a6d5cf7618bfdbca610ae5f70
[ 9:15:17][*] HTTP Proxy:
[ 9:15:17][*] DNS Server: (udp)
[ 9:15:17] | Upstream Server: (udp)
[ 9:15:17] |_ Upstream Server: (tcp)
[ 9:15:17][*] BeEF server started (press control+c to stop)
~/beef/beef2015nov ± bundle exec rake quick -v -t
** Invoke quick (first_time)
** Execute quick
** Invoke unit (first_time)
** Invoke install (first_time, not_needed)
** Execute unit
cd test/unit;ruby -W0 ts_unit.rb
Loaded suite BeEF Unit Test Suite
..............................[ 9:15:30][*] Bind socket [imapeudora1] listening on [].
.................[ 9:15:31][!] Hooked browser returned an invalid argument: can't convert Array into Integer
.[ 9:15:32][!] Hooked browser returned an invalid argument: invalid value for Integer(): "z"
Finished in 9.255643 seconds.
56 tests, 3494 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
100% passed
6.05 tests/s, 377.50 assertions/s
~/beef/beef2015nov ± bundle exec rake integration -v -t
** Invoke integration (first_time)
** Invoke install (first_time, not_needed)
** Execute integration
** Invoke beef_start (first_time)
** Invoke beef (first_time, not_needed)
** Execute beef_start
Starting BeEF (wait a few seconds).....................
export DISPLAY=:0; cd test/integration;ruby -W0 ts_integration.rb
Loaded suite BeEF Integration Test Suite
Finished in 221.404224 seconds.
32 tests, 90 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
100% passed
0.14 tests/s, 0.41 assertions/s
** Invoke beef_stop (first_time)
** Execute beef_stop
Shutting down BeEF...
ps -ef|grep beef|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill
~/beef/beef2015nov ±
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