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installing kubeflow 1.2


Installing kubeflow on localmachine is not a simple task. Documentation on the official website might be outdated. At the time of writing, the solutions suggested include miniKF and microk8s. The later sets up GPU passthrough effortlessly.

The following gist highlights how to install kubeflow on a single linux (ubuntu) workstation using microk8s

Install microk8s

$ sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.19/stable

Enable microk8s features

$ microk8s enable dns dashboard storage gpu

Update kube-apiserver flags

Addend the following to /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/kube-apiserver:


istio configuration is outside of kubeflow.


Allow the use of trustworthy JWTs. See kubeflow's readme Not doing so will lead to istio pods hanging with the follow error see git issue

Additional Background

Newer version of kubeflow (>= 1.0) has abandoned Ambassador, K8S API gateway, for istio's ingress gateway source


Ingress -->        Envoy        --> Ambassador --> Other services
              (JWT valdation)

Istio ingress gateway

Ingress  --> istio-ingressgateway --> Other services

Restart microk8s

$ microk8s stop
$ microk8s start

Create kubeconfig

sudo microk8s.kubectl config view --raw > $HOME/.kube/config
export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config

Manually install kubeflow

At the point of writing, microk8s enable kubeflow is not working for me.

Download kfctl

$ wget

Prepare your environment

  1. add path to kfctl binary to your $PATH
  2. export the following env variables
export BASE_DIR=/opt/
export KF_NAME=<your_kubeflow_deployment_name>
# Set the path to the base directory where you want to store one or more
# Kubeflow deployments. For example, /opt/.
# Then set the Kubeflow application directory for this deployment.
export KF_DIR=${BASE_DIR}/${KF_NAME}

# Set the configuration file to use when deploying Kubeflow.
# The following configuration installs Istio by default. Comment out
# the Istio components in the config file to skip Istio installation.
# See
export CONFIG_URI=""

change to if you want to have admin access (kudos to @kosehy)

Create empty directory

$ mkdir $HOME/kf_installation_temp && cd $HOME/kf_installation_temp
$ kfctl apply -V -f $CONFIG_URI

Access kubeflow dashboard

$ kubectl port-forward svc/istio-ingressgateway 8081:80 -n istio-system

Pulling large images

If you're pulling large images into microk8s, you might want to extend the pull-progress duration. Add the following to /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/kubelet


Restarting microk8s might not be enough, you'll have to reboot the entire machine.

Kubeflow pipelines

Kubelet runtime

Pods from runs created by argo's workflow controller (underlying engine powering kfp) cannot be created unless the container runtime switched from remote (microk8s default) to docker (see github thread)

Edit the flags in /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/kubelet:

# --container-runtime=remote
# --container-runtime-endpoint=${SNAP_COMMON}/run/containerd.sock

Creating runs for kubeflow pipelines

After writing your pipeline, there are two ways to create a run based on your pipeline depending on whether if the pipeline is going to be reused. ie. for production or for experimentation

  • Production: (1) Submit pipeline and (2) create a (recurring or one off) run based on this pipeline.
  • Directly submitting a run via the kfp python SDK from a notebook (mostly for experimentation)

Direct runs creation from notebook via kfp SDK without submitting a pipeline first.

For creating runs directly from notebooks to kubeflow pipelines, one needs to authenticate as an authorized user to submit jobs.

Bind notebook workloads with the ml-pipeline service role

The following binds notebook-server workloads launched in the wesley namespace and using the default-editor service account (this would be the namespace where the jupyter notebooks are deployed) with the ServiceRole ml-pipeline-service, this belongs to kubeflow.

kind: ServiceRoleBinding
  name: bind-ml-pipeline-nb-wesley-namespace
  namespace: kubeflow
    kind: ServiceRole
    name: ml-pipeline-services
  - properties:
      source.principal: cluster.local/ns/wesley/sa/default-editor

To create this ServiceRole Binding, run kubectl apply -f <filename.yaml>

Attach email address to header of HTTP requests from this workload

See github thread, this is still a workaround until the contributors address this properly.

kind: EnvoyFilter
  name: add-header
  namespace: wesley
  - applyTo: VIRTUAL_HOST
      context: SIDECAR_OUTBOUND
          name: ml-pipeline.kubeflow.svc.cluster.local:8888
            name: default
      operation: MERGE
        - append: true
            key: kubeflow-userid
      notebook-name: wesley
  • kubeflow-userid should be the email address of the owner for the notebook server's namespace.

     $ kubectl get ns wesley -o yaml
  • notebook-name, check the labels for the notebook pod:

     $ kubectl get pods --show-labels
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